.After Zou Chunli went to the brain department to visit her daughter .

.The attending physician of the brain department should have told her about the progress of her daughter’s latest treatment , so Zou Chunli specially wanted to thank Ling Haotian .

.After all, as the child’s mother , she has the right to know the progress of Zou Baoer’s condition .

.And Zou Chunli is also very clear .

.If Ling Haotian hadn’t taken the shot this time , what would happen to her daughter’s condition !

.In the words of the chief physician of the brain department , if Ling Haotian hadn’t found a way to treat brain tumors with traditional Chinese medicine , then her daughter would still need surgery to remove the tumor .

.As for whether this surgery will have any effect on the child after the tumor is removed .

.Doctors in the Department of Neurosurgery dare not guarantee !


.I heard Zou Chunli say this .

.Ling Haotian immediately realized what was going on , and said with a smile :

.” Hehe , I think it’s okay to treat guests !”

.” It is our doctor’s duty to treat patients . You don’t need to spend money on this . Besides, your daughter’s doctor will cost a lot of money !”

.” No no no … I … I still want to treat you to another meal , Doctor Ling, can you see ?”

.Zou Chunli quickly waved her hand and looked at Ling Haotian with hopeful eyes .

.Seeing this , Ling Haotian thought for a while , and finally nodded and said :

.” That’s fine , then let’s just have something to eat . I think the supper stall opposite the hospital is pretty good . Where else can we eat ?”

.” Okay , I will listen to you, Dr. Ling . ”

.Knowing that the other party wanted to save money for herself , Zou Chunli responded with a gentle smile on her face .

.Afterwards , Zou Chunli followed Ling Haotian out of the hospital , and went to the night snack stall opposite to find a place to sit down .

.Ling Haotian smiled and called the boss , and ordered a lot of food .

.Anyway, this night snack stall is not expensive .

.Even though Ling Haotian ordered a lot , in fact, the cost would not exceed 400 or 500 yuan .

.Not long after .

.Ling Haotian ordered a lot of food and brought it up .

.” Eat it, Miss Zou , don’t just watch me eat it, eat it yourself !”

.Ling Haotian picked up a kebab and ate it , greeting Zou Chunli with a smile on his face .

.Zou Chunli smiled and nodded , then picked up a piece of kebab and ate it thinly .

.Different from the last lunch treat .

.The last time I invited a guest to dinner .

.Zou Chunli just wanted to win Ling Haotian’s single business .

.And this time for dinner .

.Zou Chunli was grateful and wanted to thank Ling Haotian .

.At this moment , after Ling Haotian ate a few barbecues , he suddenly felt a little monotonous , so he smiled and asked Zou Chunli :

.” Can you drink? Would you like a drink ?”

.” Drink ?”

.Zou Chunli couldn’t help being stunned for a moment , looked at Ling Haotian with a smile and asked :

.” Didn’t your doctors say that drinking alcohol is not good for your health ? Do you still want to drink here ?”

.” Hehe , you’re wrong . We said that you can’t drink alcohol. That’s for patients . Patients can’t drink alcohol while taking medicine , because some medicines will have irreversible chemical reactions with alcohol . ”

.” But for a healthy average person , drinking a little occasionally is not only harmless to the body , but it can also increase blood circulation in the body . ”

.” What about the score for things like drinking ? It doesn’t mean that drinking 100% is bad behavior !”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but chuckle and waved his hand to explain .

.Hearing this , Zou Chunli couldn’t help covering her mouth and chuckled softly :

.” Doctor Ling, you really know how to explain , but I will drink a little bit of this drink , or I’ll accompany you to drink some ?”

.” Since you can drink, you must drink some !”

.Ling Haotian smiled and called the boss to add a case of cold beer , and then smiled at Zou Chunli :

.” Why don’t you drink alcohol at supper ?”

.” What’s more, it’s summer . Drinking some cold beer with barbecue is one of life’s great joys !!”


.Zou Chunli did not understand Ling Haotian’s theory .

.But that didn’t stop her from putting down her body and drinking with Ling Haotian .

.After all, no matter what , the man in front of her saved her daughter .

.” Mr. Ling , I toast to you . I really didn’t expect you to be a doctor with superb medical skills , Mr. Ling , and I didn’t expect you to participate in my daughter’s consultation . Thank you !”

.After speaking , Zou Chunli raised the wine glass in her hand and offered a toast to Ling Haotian , then raised her head and drank it .

.goooo … goooo ….

.Eat with a full glass of beer .

.In an instant , Zou Chunli’s face turned red .

.Apparently she doesn’t actually drink much .

.Ling Haotian smiled and didn’t speak . He raised his head and drank it .


.PS: The new book is released , kneeling and begging to hold , asking for flowers , asking for collection , asking for evaluation tickets ~! ! !

.Three days of summer promotions , charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons !

.( Event time : August 13 to August 15 ) _

Chapter 61 _ The first time I went to the clinic ( for collection , for flowers )

.late at night .

.Ling Haotian felt that he had almost finished drinking , so he got up and prepared to go back to rest .

.However, this time he found out .

.The opposite Zou Chunli was completely drunk , and the whole person was a little unconscious.

.” Come on , you drink so much with such a low amount of alcohol !”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but curled his lips helplessly , stepped forward and picked up the drunk Zou Chunli and asked :

.” Where do you live ? I’ll take you home ?”

.” I don’t want to go back when I go back ! I’m going to take care of my daughter and I’m sick ”

.Zou Chunli muttered in confusion before she could say a few words , and her whole body vomited instantly .

.Seeing this , Ling Haotian shook his head helplessly , and had to take her back to his residence .

.It just so happened that he has now got the book and key of the new house .

.So Ling Haotian even saved the money for a taxi , and returned to the newly bought community with Zou Chunli on his back .

.Click !

.Take out the key and open the door .

.Ling Haotian put Zou Chunli in the hall on the first floor , turned on the central air conditioner , turned around and took a shower .


.Zou Chunli felt as if she saw a body with eight-pack abs shaking in front of her eyes , she thought she was dreaming !

.After Ling Haotian took a bath, he put the cordyceps and musk he brought back in the refrigerator .

.Fortunately, the Chinese herbs rewarded by the system are all air-dried , so there is no need to worry that these Chinese herbs will lose their medicinal properties after being stored for a long time .


.You seem to be a little drunk ?

.Maybe I can make some hangover pills myself that day .

.It happened that the ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” recorded a method of making hangover pills , and Ling Haotian felt that he could make some for emergencies .

.Humans are born after all .

.Who doesn’t have a feast or two to entertain ?

.Because of the good mood today , Ling Haotian drank a little too much .

.So at night, he didn’t pay attention to his Douyin , just lay down on the bed after taking a bath, and fell asleep in a daze .

.83?the next day .

.It was almost eight o’clock in the morning .

.Ling Haotian suddenly woke up from the bed , and hurriedly put on his clothes and ran to the bathroom to wash .

.Just now , Ling Haotian suddenly remembered that today is Friday .

.Friday ! !

.Today was his first day out of the clinic .

.If it’s late , do n’t say it’s his face .

.I’m afraid that even Director Yang’s face is not good enough .

.After all, Ling Haotian was able to win the opportunity to go out to the clinic on Friday , but Yang Guangwen highly recommended it later .

.Soon , Ling Haotian took a shower , put on his clothes and was ready to go out .

.Squeak !

.However .

.Just when Ling Haotian walked to the door and opened the door .

.It was only then that he remembered that there seemed to be a beautiful young woman lying in the living room and not getting up !

.Ling Haotian turned his head and glanced at Zou Chunli, who was lying on the sofa and hadn’t woken up yet. He frowned slightly . After thinking about it , he took out paper and pen and left a note , and then hurriedly went out. .

.Fortunately, the house he bought was not very far from the hospital .

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