.Red tongue with little coating , thin pulse , blood in sputum , this is the symptom of deficiency fire .

.After thinking about it, Ling Haotian couldn’t help but smile and said :

.” I’ll prescribe Lily Gujin Soup for you. You can drink it for a few days to see the effect . If your condition doesn’t improve , your old man will come to see me again . ”

.” Okay , then I’ll trouble you , doctor . ”

.The grandmother nodded with a smile on her face .

.After watching the old grandma leave .

.Ling Haotian smiled and shouted to the patient outside :

.” Okay , the next patient comes in !”

.Squeak !

.The door of the outpatient room was pushed open .

.A fat and bloated young man came to Ling Haotian with a registration slip , opened his eyes that could no longer be seen clearly , smiled and said to Ling Hao :

.” Hello , doctor, in fact, I’m not sick , I just want to see if this Chinese medicine can help me lose weight ?”


.Looking at the other person’s figure of nearly two hundred pounds .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but sigh in his heart , and said lightly :

.” Actually, Chinese medicine still has some remedies for weight loss , but this also varies from person to person . Let me give you a pulse first !”

.” Okay , then thank you doctor !”

.The chubby young man couldn’t help but nodded and sat down with a smile on his face .

.And just when Ling Haotian was busy sitting in the clinic to see a patient .

.the other side .

.The case of Tu Yaoyao suing the Toxin Cool Sweet Tea Company has also started .

.The original Toxin Cool Sweet Tea Company was still arguing with the rationale , and thought of fighting it back .

.It turned out that after Tu Yaoyao came up with the third-party inspection results and the tax evasion records of the Toxin Cool Sweet Tea Company .

.The entire Toxin Cold Sweet Tea Company couldn’t help but panic !

.in front of facts and evidence .

.No matter how the people from the Toxin Cool Sweet Tea Company refuted it, they seemed so powerless .

.In the end, the court directly sentenced the entire Toxin Herbal Sweet Tea Company to be seized , and all its properties were confiscated . The legal person of the company will also face the judgment of the court .

.As for Tu Yaoyao, the plaintiff , Touxin Cool Sweet Tea Company must compensate her for 1.3 million in nutritional expenses .

.This result is undoubtedly heartwarming .

.Tu Yaoyao was also very satisfied with the court’s decision .

.But it came back .

.Although Touxin Cool Sweet Tea Company has been punished due to it .

.But who is responsible for her body ?

.After all, her heart has become more fragile now because of drinking the sweet tea from the Toxin Herbal Sweet Tea Company , and now it has reached the point where surgery is required .

.Even the Tou Xin cold sweet tea company has been punished as it should .

.Her body is no longer the way it was before .


.Maybe I should go to see Dr. Ling again ?

.Tu Yaoyao couldn’t help sighing in her heart , clutching her aching heart and thinking for a while , and finally decided to go to Ling Haotian to continue seeing a doctor .

.Of course .

.Before looking for Ling Haotian to see a doctor .

.Tu Yaoyao decided to make a pennant for Ling Haotian first .

.After all, if Ling Haotian hadn’t reminded her .

.If she continued to drink that sweet tea , she would have been lying on the operating table by now .

.Tu Yaoyao lowered his head and thought for a while .

.In the end, she decided to go to Ling Haotian to continue to see a doctor for herself . After all, she really didn’t dare to undergo surgery !

.afternoon .

.Ling Haotian saw more than ten patients in a whole .

.Finally, before leaving work , he saw nearly 30 patients a day .

.The number of patients visited for this .

.Basically more than the general attending doctor .

.When Yang Guangwen got this data before he got off work , he couldn’t help being stunned !

.” Fuck , Ling Haotian saw thirty patients in one day today ?”

.” Really ?”

.Yang Guangwen looked at the statement in his hand with surprise , and he couldn’t help but grow his mouth and didn’t dare to believe it .

.” Really , this data is calculated by the infirmary , and there can be no mistake . ”

.Head nurse Li Meijuan stood by and said with certainty .

.Hearing this , Yang Guangwen couldn’t help but sigh , and said with emotion :

.” Dr. Ling Haotian’s progress during this period is really dizzying ! I don’t know if he has been hiding before , or has he been stimulated recently ?”

.” Yeah , Dr. Ling has really changed a lot recently . ”

.Head nurse Li Meijuan couldn’t help but nodded in agreement .

.But that’s all there is to it .

.After all, whether Ling Haotian is good or bad , it has nothing to do with her head nurse !

.She is not the director or director of the Chinese medicine department .

.So whether the doctor in the hospital becomes better or worse .

.It doesn’t affect her salary of 6,500 a month .

.Of course , commissions and bonuses are calculated separately

.Yang Guangwen looked at the settlement slip in his hand with a smile on his face , and couldn’t help but sighed and said :

.” Okay , okay , it seems that our Chinese medicine department is finally expected to train a great doctor . ”

.Li Meijuan : “”

.Thoughts on Yang Guangwen .

.Li Meijuan was naturally incomprehensible .

.After all, she is only a nurse , not a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine .

.At the same time .

.the other side .

.Ling Haotian had just returned from work and returned to the gate of the community when he was stopped by Wang Xiaocong’s driver and bodyguard Chen Kongming .

.” Hello , Doctor Ling , are you off work now ?”

.Wearing a black 160 suit , Chen Kongming stopped Ling Haotian with a smile on his face :

.” Since you’re off work , Dr. Ling , please go and treat the boss with me !”

.” I’m going , are you really on time ?”

.Ling Haotian looked down at the watch he was wearing , and found that it was just seven o’clock in the afternoon , a helpless expression appeared on his face .

.Chen Kongming said with a blank face : ” If I remember correctly , Dr. Ling said the day before yesterday to pick you up at seven o’clock this afternoon , right ?”

.” uh ”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help stunned for a moment , then waved his hand and said :

.” Okay , get in the car , but I can say it first , I haven’t eaten dinner yet , your boss has to take care of the meal . ”

.” Just say what Dr. Ling wants to eat , and I can call the people in the kitchen to prepare it . ”

.While sitting in the driver’s seat , Chen Kongming took out his mobile phone and responded to Ling Haotian .

.Ling Haotian thought for a while and said, ” Forget it , it doesn’t need to be so troublesome , just let someone prepare some dinner for me . ”

.” Okay , no problem , then sit down ! ”

.Chen Kongming couldn’t help nodding his head , then started the silver sports car under him , kicked down the accelerator and drove Ling Haotian out .

.Boom ! Boom ! Boom !

.The low roar of the engine sounded instantly .

.Ling Haotian felt that the silver sports car sitting under him rushed out like a rocket , and quickly drove towards the most luxurious villa area in the city .

.This is probably the car of the rich !

.PS: The new book is on the shelves , beg to hold , beg for subscription , beg for full order , beg for evaluation ticket ~! ! ! .

Chapter 86 _ Future father-in-law has an emergency ? ( please subscribe , ask for reward )

.Squeak !

.Not long after .

.Chen Kongming parked the sports car firmly in the underground parking garage of the big villa .

.Immediately , Ling Haotian got out of the car with the other party , walked out of the basement into the big villa, and saw Wang Xiaocong again .

.Today’s Wang Xiaocong looks much better than the day before yesterday .

.There was no longer the sullen look on his face , replaced by Man’s full smile .

.There are no more men and women in the villa.

.Obviously , for the sake of the happiness of his lower body , Wang Xiaocong obviously took Ling Haotian’s words to heart .

.So he didn’t let those rich second-generations in the city for the past two days .

.Move in with their so-called girlfriends .

.After all, sometimes compared to women .

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