Chapter 101

“Who knows, anyway, I feel quite looking forward to it. If a super genius freshman fights a top old madman among the students of the Imperial Capital Budo University, if it really fights, unless the school comes forward, there will be few people among the students. Prevent.”

It can be said that in the past few days, the entire Imperial Capital Martial Arts University has been discussing Xu Hai’s affairs.

At this moment, even other schools began to pay attention to Xu Hai.

At this moment, Xu Hai naturally didn’t know that he had caused such a big uproar.

After he left the encirclement of a group of classmates and school leaders, he went back to the dormitory and went to sleep under the covers without even going to the closed room.

In these days, he is really tired, it seems that he has not done much, but whether it is communicating with wild orangutans and forest lizards, or studying new moves, it is very mentally exhausting.

If there is no support from Sharingan of Lianggouyu, it is estimated that he will stop cooking in the copy, and he will not be able to make it back.

After sleeping for more than ten hours, Xu Hai woke up.

After waking up, he looked a little surprised at his condition, very surprised.

“Good fellow, why do I feel that my physical injury has been completely recovered? I don’t know if it is the benefit of Sharingan or the medicine given by Hao Rong.”

He had already seen that the inheritance of Sharingan he acquired seemed to be different from the inheritance of Sharingan in ordinary comics.

In the manga, people who do not have the blood of Youyu Chiba’s family get Sharingan, but in fact, most of the results will be the same as Kakashi.

Maybe there will be some progress in strength, but there will be a fatal problem, lack of blue.

After all, the Sharingan of the Uchiha family is not suitable for everyone.

But Xu Hai is different. He can clearly feel that his body fits very well with the Sharingan of the Uchiha family. When sharingan is exercised, he can not only increase his mental strength, but also improve his physical fitness.

He felt his physical condition with some joy, and hurriedly opened the attribute panel on his wristband.

After opening it, he was stupid.

My mental power has reached one hundred and fifty points!

It can be said that in the transcendent level, this mental power is no longer weak, and just before he just started to be happy, Sun Qiang’s voice reached his ears.

“Xu Hai, have you gotten up yet.”

Xu Hai heard Sun Qiang’s voice and hurriedly got out of bed and said to Sun Qiang: “Teacher, I will wash it up and it will be fine soon.”

After a few minutes, Xu Hai appeared in front of Sun Qiang.

“Xu Hai, come with me, I have something to tell you.”

Xu Hai nodded. He was actually a little curious about what Sun Qiang came to do with him.

But soon he was relieved, after all, for anyone, he is a student who is absolutely worthy of curiosity.

Regardless of whether it was the matter of the golden map on the fifth layer of the illusion or the highest evaluation of the hidden level, which surpassed the highest evaluation this time, it made countless people curious.

Even, many masters want to dissect his secrets. If it weren’t guarded by someone, Xu Hai probably had a cold.

In addition, he killed so many combat students in the original forest copy, whether it was intentional or unintentional, this matter will not pass so easily.

Of course, the current Sun Qiang did not show his anxiety and pressure, but Xu Hai knew that Sun Qiang’s pressure would definitely not be small.

Soon, the two people came to a secret room with a very special appearance.

In the secret room, there are only two chairs and a table. Strictly speaking, this is more like the interrogation room Xu Hai has seen in the bureau in his previous life.

After Sun Qiang came in, he sat down directly on a chair.


Sun Qiang pointed to another chair, and Xu Hai sat on the opposite side of Sun Qiang very interestingly after seeing this.

“Xu Hai, there is one thing I want to tell you very seriously.”

“Teacher, please speak up.”

“I talked with the principal while you were sleeping.

Did you know that as soon as Hongshan went back, he went to the principal to sue you, but the principal didn’t respond to him much. After seeing that the school was planning to deal with it, he ran directly to the Ministry of Education. ”


Xu Hai is a little speechless, why is this guy so lingering, he is the victim, okay?

“Xu Hai, next I want to ask you a few questions, you must give me serious and clear answers.”

“Teacher, this…”

Xu Hai looked around.

When Sun Qiang saw this scene, he smiled and said: “Relax, there is no surveillance here, let alone anyone else can snoop. This is my exclusive retreat room. Today, only we know the conversation here.”

Hearing this, Xu Hai’s heart also let go a lot.

He still trusts Sun Qiang.

“Teacher, you can ask.”

“I ask you, in this copy of the Primal Forest Alien Beast, have you taken any action against our combat class classmates.”

Xu Hai was silent for a while, and after a while he said, “Teacher, I think your question is actually a bit biased.

What I chose in the Primal Forest dungeon was the camp to help the alien beasts. If I wanted to complete the task, I would need to fight against the classmates of these combat systems who chose the human camp.

You said if you shot them, then I can only say that you shot them, but if you ask in detail, then they shot me first. ”

Sun Qiang nodded and did not care too much about this issue.

“I have one more question for you. Before you enrolled, the school actually investigated your information carefully.

You are from an ordinary family, and you have learned well in cultural classes, so you got the provincial champion, but when it comes to your talent background, you can say that you have nothing, and the inheritance of Konoha Village is recognized by everyone as a rubbish inheritance. This inheritance After decades of research, it stands to reason that nothing can go wrong. ”

“So, can you tell me why the heritage of Konoha Village is so wasteful, but you are so strong.”

Why is the inheritance of Konoha Village so wasteful, but Xu Hai is so strong, this is the question Sun Qiang most wants to ask, and it is also the biggest doubt in the minds of those who know Xu Hai in the school.

To be honest, before Xu Hai, there were no fewer than a few hundred people who chose Konoha Village inheritance on the entire planet, but so far, let alone the powerhouse of the marshal level, there is not even one at the general level.

Among these people, those who are lucky can still stop at the extraordinary level, and those who are not lucky can even become warriors.

This is the real reason why Xu Hai insisted on choosing the Konoha Village inheritance at the beginning, and the Guozilian man strongly opposed and even made an exception to give him a chance to choose again.

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