Chapter 108-Xu Hai’s Fame

If you really want to test the combat power index again, more than 1,000 points is a certainty, and even reaching 1,500 points is not necessarily impossible.

Compared with Xu Hai’s retreat life during this period, the Imperial Capital Budo University has produced various storms of public opinion.

With the continuous spread of the original forest copy event, the name Xu Hai of the Department of Scientific Research is not only in the Imperial Capital Budo University, but also in all universities across the country and even the world.

In a certain university in the Imperial Capital, a man was eating while smiling with people nearby and said, “Oh, do you remember the Imperial Capital Budo University that was fighting with our school before? I heard that there was something here. A super genius, he received a very good evaluation in the dungeon.”

“Very good evaluation? It’s not uncommon, right? Isn’t our school able to get a first-level evaluation in each copy every year?”

“What are you talking about? I’m talking about the hidden highest evaluation that shocked the world, and it’s a level three mission.”

“I’m kidding, it’s impossible, I haven’t heard of it yet.”

“Anyway, I don’t believe that this kind of thing will happen in this kind of school.”

“I’m not joking, because I have a friend who shares a dormitory with him. This matter is absolutely true. I heard that even the Ministry of Education is very concerned about it.”

“How could it be possible for a person like this to be admitted to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University? It should come to our school as well.”

Seeing people around him seemed to have some doubts, the boy didn’t care too much, he just said indifferently: “You should receive the news in a few days. By then, our school teachers and school leaders will probably take this matter well. To stimulate you so-called pride of heaven.”


In the conference room of Langya Budo University, almost all the seniors looked a little weird.

“After completing the three-level mission, you can still get the highest evaluation of the hidden level that exceeds the highest evaluation. To be honest, everyone, I am curious why you did not bring this genius to our school when you first recruited students, and let him go to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University.”

“Principal, he was just a pure liberal arts champion at the time.”

“Fart, don’t you know that the liberal arts champion pays attention to it?”

After saying this sentence, the entire conference room became a bit quiet.

After a while, the principal said faintly: “I got the news. It is said that both Imperial Capital University and Xuanwu University are planning to go to dig the corner of Imperial Capital Martial Arts University.”

“No, I feel that this student may not agree, because I have actually heard that the military wants him to join, but they are very determined to stay at Teito Budo University. I feel that maybe some of the Teito Budo University A big man, for example, that Li Changsheng fell in love with him.”

“What’s wrong with you? Isn’t it a pity that Li Changsheng, an old thing who cannot reach a half-step saint in his life, teaches such a genius?”

“All of you here, I give you an order, no matter what the cost and what kind of means, we must bring this student named Xu Hai to our Langya Budo University, you know?”

“President, people who are going to dig at Imperial Capital University and Xuanwu University, do you think we have the ability to meet others?”

“You shut up! Why don’t you have any strength? I want to meet Liu Huaqiang, they are still in trouble.”

In the distant North America, a blond man seemed to have just finished his training, leaning on the couch in the training room and drinking red wine gracefully.

Not far away, a strong man who had already stepped into the marshal level walked in tremblingly. He looked at the blond man, hesitated and said to the man: “I heard that there was a student in China before. During the freshman’s experience, he got the highest hidden level evaluation that surpassed the highest level evaluation, and even that copy was closed because of him.”

“Oh, that seems not bad, is it a freshman copy?”

“Yes, it is a low-level copy of the freshman. The highest level of existence in the copy is only the general level, but that freshman is only enrolled for a month.”

“Oh, the quality of this student is indeed very good.”

“One more thing.”

“you say.”

“The inheritance signed by this student is not the top inheritance, but the Konoha Village inheritance that has always been recognized as a waste inheritance.”

“Interesting, I see.”

The strong man who had just stepped into the rank of marshal for a long time did not dare to speak any more after seeing the blond man showing a rest. He bowed and then exited the closed room.

After he came out, the clothes on his body had been soaked by the cold sweat that he exudes from being too nervous.

“The inheritance of Konoha Village has completed the highest evaluation in the freshman dungeon, and also directly broke the rules to get the highest evaluation in the hidden level. This student is a bit interesting and hopes to see him at the Global Budo Conference in the future.”

“You have to train well. If you die outside, it would be a shame…”

After the blond man finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, and as soon as he closed his eyes, the light from the entire closed room was completely plundered into his body, leaving no trace.

With the continuous fermentation of this matter, the Imperial Capital University of Wuhan has really gained attention that has not been seen in decades, and even these attentions have surpassed the peak period of the previous Imperial Capital University of Martial Arts.

“Good guy, if you are telling me about funding, you must agree to it, let alone doubling, as long as Xu Hai can make this kind of performance again, what can you do if you give you three times?”

“Do you still want to poach Xu Hai? Do you know that the military Xu Haodong and Sun Jiancheng didn’t poach Xu Hai personally. He, Liu Huaqiang, wanted to touch me, dreaming.”

“Oh, please be polite, Lao Zhang, if you have the opportunity in the future, Xu Hai can definitely go to your school to communicate with the students, but you guys don’t mess with those messy things, let the seniors and the seniors talk to Xu Hai Fight.”

“Well, well, contact me again when you have time, and then contact me again when you have time, and come to my house for dinner another day.”

One call after another kept entering the offices of the leaders of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University. At this moment, Li Yunlong laughed in the office. After so many years, he had never raised his eyebrows so much.

“Li Yunlong!”

Suddenly, a voice mixed with anger reached his ears, causing Li Yunlong to feel a headache.

To be honest, few people in the Imperial Martial Arts University dared to call his full name, but at this moment, he rubbed his head after hearing this familiar voice.

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