Chapter 121: Ji Hanyue is awesome

“I know, predict our crisis.”

“No, Ji Hanyue’s biggest role is to predict where the enemy is through divination.”

“Ah, there is such a function!”

Good guy, this is equivalent to getting an eight-fold lens or even a fifteen-fold lens in the game ahead of time.

“Furthermore, if we encounter a very dangerous person, I can predict it in advance, and then let us seek advantage and avoid the evil to find a suitable hiding place. In fact, in the illusion and the original forest dungeon, I also survived this way. of.”

“Ah, didn’t you survive without finishing the task?”

Xu Hai was a little curious, but Sun Qiang interrupted Xu Hai’s question forcibly.

“Okay, Xu Hai, don’t talk about it. Before we talk about these things later, the country has just announced the specific rules and elimination system for this competition. Please understand first.”

Hearing this, Xu Hai immediately got serious:

“This competition is different from the previous experience you participated in in the dungeon. The dungeon is strictly a different world and formed naturally. No matter what you do, no one can monitor it.

Including your previous killing of those students of the combat department who wanted to plot against you. In fact, everyone was just guessing based on the style of the combat department, and there was no actual evidence.

But this time it was different. Strictly speaking, monitoring was set up throughout the game. So when you enter the game, don’t be surprised when you see the camera, let alone hit the camera. This is against the rules.

And I want to tell you that this time the game was conducted in the form of live broadcast. ”

“Oh my god, there is also live broadcast, that would be too interesting.”

“That said, teacher, I will be seen no matter what I do in the game.”

Sun Qiang nodded

“Not only to be seen, but also to be seen by the people of the whole country, and we will also be equipped with special hosts and narrators.

Of course, you don’t need to put too much pressure on it. Even if you can’t get the top rankings in the competition, as long as you can surpass the previous school’s rankings, it’s already very good. ”

“This competition is still a three-person team, and it will be divided into three levels to compete.”

“There are three levels? Doesn’t it mean that you can fight directly on the map and get the first place?”

Sun Qiangbai glanced at Xu Hai and said: “The one I mentioned is the final level of the finals, because this time there are many teams in the three competitions. Both good universities and bad universities have sent their own teams to participate. There are a total of More than 5,000 teams participated in this competition.

Therefore, the first level of competition is similar to the audition. Only one thousand of these five thousand teams can advance. ”

After hearing these words, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue were a little surprised.

“My God, is this elimination rate as high as 80%?”

Sun Qiang nodded

“In the second game, nine hundred teams were eliminated from among these thousand teams, leaving only one hundred teams.”

“In the last competition, the remaining 100 teams represented the country’s top 100 universities in a melee, and the one who survived in the end was the champion of the National Freshman Budo Contest.”

While Xu Hai and some of them were on their way to the military, in a certain villa, Hao Rong’s mother was drinking tea leisurely.


There was a knock on the door, and Hao Rong’s mother squinted her eyes and said faintly, “Go in.”

Soon, the figure of the housekeeper walked into the room.

“Madam, there is information about that person, we have already figured it out.”

The butler put the information next to Hao Rong’s mother, and the latter’s originally indifferent look was replaced with intense curiosity.

“Talk about it.”

The butler nodded and said, “Madam, the person who walked closest to the lady is called Xu Hai.”

“I know, is there anything special about Xu Hai? It’s actually possible to make Hao Rong like this. It seems that Hao Rong has disobeyed my request for the first time after so many years.”

Her face was a little disdainful. In fact, she had noticed this name a long time ago, but in the entire imperial capital’s big family and the national family rankings, she did not remember which family child was named Xu Hai.

“Madam, it looks like this. This Xu Hai really has no wealth background. His parents are ordinary students, and he didn’t even conduct any martial arts training before entering the university.”

“Are you sure? This kind of person would logically say that Hao Rong wouldn’t like him.”

The butler nodded and said, “Madam did not say anything wrong. This is indeed very common for Xu Hai before entering university. The only bright spot is that he got a provincial champion during the college entrance examination, but what Xu Hai experienced after going to school It’s very different.”

“The inheritance he signed is the Konoha inheritance. It stands to reason that this inheritance is recognized as a waste inheritance. However, in the new combat power index test, he easily won the first place with a combat power index of more than 700 points. ”

Hearing this, Hao Rong’s mother raised her head in surprise.

“The inheritance of Konoha Village has won the first place in the combat power index, which seems a bit wrong.”

“Yes, ma’am, it’s really not quite right, and Xu Hai, who owns the Konoha Village heritage, has not been mediocre. Instead, every time he enters the dungeon, it has caused an uproar.

Before in the illusion copy, he seemed to have entered the valley map on the fourth floor, and even after leaving the copy, Xu Haodong had personally presented the invitation. But he still did not join the military. ”

“Are you sure? Are you sure you heard it right?”

This is Xu Haodong!

Hao Rong’s mother not only sighed, although their family has been in business for many years, they also have a certain right to speak in the imperial capital, but compared with the Xu family where Xu Haodong is located, including the Sun family where his chief Sun Jiancheng is located, it’s really true. It is several levels worse.

In itself, Xu Haodong is one of the strongest masters among the younger generation, and he holds the military power, and he can be regarded as a general figure in the future.

A character like this is actually going to invite Xu Hai himself. What is Xu Hai coming from?

“Madam, it’s true, it’s true, and Xu Haodong is not invited once. Judging from the number of times we can count, Xu Haodong has been three times before and after.”

“But without exception, Xu Hai rejected Xu Haodong every time.”

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