Chapter 153 High-Level Plan

Looking at their expressions, the old man in the administration department was still calm.

“Don’t you think this is normal. After all, this kid signed the Konoha Village heritage.

You also know what level of inheritance this thing is. It stands to reason that it is a blessing in misfortune to not become a cripple after getting this thing. As a result, Xu Hai not only did not become a cripple, but also soared to the sky, almost becoming The strongest one among the freshmen of this year.

If we can find the secrets and promote them, it will be of great benefit to the overall strength of our country. ”

After saying this, he paused slightly, Xu Hai is indeed a case, it can be said that it is unprecedented.

“After all, although our strength is already one of the best in the world, dimensional cracks continue to appear. With other countries eyeing on, the stronger the better.”

Several old people nodded in agreement. Although they belong to different departments, their love for the country is the same. After the old people in the Administration Department said so, they all felt that. It may not be a bad thing to let Xu Hai go to the administration department for development.

“But is your administration department confident? In fact, I have secretly investigated, Sun Jiancheng’s kid has deducted a lot of funds specifically to study the heritage of Xu Hai’s Konoha Village, but so far there is no result.”

The old man in the administration department shook his head.

“These things need to be kept secret for the time being, but in the second round, we actually arranged some interesting opponents for Xu Hai. I hope he will not let us down.”

The old man from the Ministry of Education laughed immediately after hearing this sentence.

“No, how come your kid has become so wretched? I always think that Sun Jiancheng’s kid was stinking and shameless when he put pressure on Xu Hai at the gate of the original forest copy. As a result, I didn’t expect you to be directly in this kind of competition. Go through the back door.

But those people outside still vowed to say that our Ministry of Education cheated on Xu Hai. As a result, they didn’t expect that it was your administration department who did the bad thing. ”

The old people of the Ministry of Education have a change of style.

“You said, you have all done this kind of thing, if the rewards are too small then, will you be able to get by here?”

The old man in the administration department said irritably, “This is too much. When did the rewards given by the administration department disappoint these students? Isn’t it enough that the administration department rewards these newcomers every year?”

“To tell you the truth, the skill of shrinking to an inch is now in my hands. When I get to the finals, I will personally put it in a suitable place. At that time, it will be Xu Hai or the crane from Imperial University. If you get it, then you will have your destiny.”

“Why do I think you have something in your words, Crane… If I remember correctly, is he still related to you? Don’t go through the back door. If we find out, just tell you about it. When the time comes, you will be punished. A lucky gem of this level.”

The old man in the administration department turned over Byakugan.

“If Laozi had that kind of treasure, wouldn’t the bottleneck of being stuck at the semi-holy level be stuck?”

After speaking, the old man from the administration department slowly disappeared into the room.

The other two old people glanced at each other, smiled slightly, and slowly disappeared here.

At the same time, the last game of the second round finally began.

In the arena, almost all the students have found their favorite landing place.

And a certain team that has just entered the arena is now plotting a plan.

“We came from the same group as Xu Hai. Now we don’t know where Xu Hai team is, but you must be careful.”

In this team, the person who seems to be the captain is telling the rest.

“We know, we didn’t intend to fight Xu Hai and the others, anyway, I wanted to leave as soon as I met him.”

“Yes, I think so too. If Xu Hai insists on taking our things, then we will give them to him. At least losing these skills can avoid being eliminated. It should be more worthwhile.”

“Are you sure you can let Xu Hai spare you this way?”

“I’ve heard people who know Xu Hai say that Xu Hai seems to have done similar things in the competition before, but it’s relatively rare.”

“That’s great. After we see Xu Hai, we just throw us down and then run away.”

To be honest, the current Xu Hai team is much more difficult to deal with than before. Even students from top universities don’t dare to provoke Xu Hai, let alone students from ordinary universities.

And in a certain factory.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen people gathering here.

They didn’t fight, they were discussing the battle strategy abnormally.

To be honest, in this kind of game, this kind of thing is still rare. After all, in the game, except for his teammates, everyone else is his own enemy.

Especially in the elimination system like the first two rounds of competitions, for every missing team, one’s own team’s ranking will actually increase by one, and the chance of qualifying will increase by one point.

Therefore, for every school team, it will be of great benefit to them to eliminate teams from other schools.

But at this moment, this anomalous scene appeared, and there was no camera in the place where they were.

“Everyone, now that we are united together, there is no way for ordinary teams to take ours. Even if we encounter teams from top universities, we may not lose to them if we really fight.”

“Not only that, this place can also be used as our base, so that we can squat with other people before we shrink the circle. In this way, in addition to solving the safety problem, we can also obtain a lot of skills, which is a double effect. ”

“There is also Xu Hai, as long as he appears, we will take him directly.”

If Sun Qiang were here, he would definitely be very surprised.

Because it was not someone else who joined these people to carry out this plan. It was Wang Xiuwei who was called by Zhou Wenzheng and didn’t know which university he had followed before.

For this teamwork, he was ready before entering the game. For this matter, he paid a lot of money.

It can be said that the whole family has been hollowed out.

For this reason, he even promised that after his own game results came out, he would take the initiative to retire, allowing the rest to get more rewards.

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