Chapter 155

They are here to compete, they are here to fight, so many cameras are shooting them, Xu Hai let them lie down here, what kind of style is this?

And Xu Hai looked at Hao Rong and Jin Hanyue indifferently, and said with a smile: “Oh, let’s take a break. This place is a place I specially chose. It has better scenery than the previous place, and the wind should be softer, which is more suitable for us. Let’s chat and rest here.”

At the same time, those people outside the venue saw the Xu Hai team being so leisurely, and they couldn’t help but feel a little doubt in their hearts.

“What’s the matter with Xu Hai? Is this his brand new tactic?”

“But why do I think Xu Hai is fishing.”

“It shouldn’t be, you won’t touch this place when you fish.”

“Does he want to wait until the finals are filled with others before grabbing those skills, but it’s useless to grab those skills after the finals.”

Various questions kept appearing, and in the lounge, Sun Qiang looked at Xu Hai as suspicious, and couldn’t help but want to run directly into the arena and beat him up.

Nearly an hour later, Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai, who seemed to be about to fall asleep, and finally couldn’t help it.

“Xu Hai, get me up, tell me what you are going to do? It’s better than a match.”

And beside him, Ji Hanyue was also a little anxious.

“Xu Hai, I just used my skills for divination. I feel that a danger is approaching. If we don’t look for suitable skills anymore, it is very likely that the powerful skills will be picked up by other teams. We are in trouble.”

“Oh, what are you two anxious about? I’m not in a hurry to take a rest.”

Xu Hai lazily said: “What’s the point of finding those skills by ourselves? How can we get them when we finish finding them, how can we eliminate them?”

“But you don’t even lie in wait, can you find someone else’s skills to hide in such a corner?”

Ji Hanyue is really a little dazed. It’s fine to say that Xu Hai was everywhere in the last game to ambush others, but this time Xu Hai seems to be going to put the salted fish in the end, and has no idea of ​​grabbing skills at all.

Xu Hai glanced at him. Still did not get up.

“Don’t worry, trust me, the skills will come by themselves, even if we don’t pass, they will come and find us.”

The audience outside the venue was a little bit amused when they saw Xu Hai’s quotations from such a salted fish.

“Did he find some younger brother to give him skills? Otherwise, how could he be so sure that someone would send him skills.”

“I feel that he just doesn’t bother to move. I want to brag about it here. No matter how lucky he is, he can’t have the skills to send it to him for no reason. You see where he goes.”

“I feel Xu Hai is floating, is it like this when he took first place in the first round?”

“After all, he is the one who eliminated Jangho University. He will definitely feel that his strength has reached the peak of a freshman, and it is normal to have such a mentality.”

“But don’t forget what the status of the people at Jianghe University are. He can weed out people who are simply taking advantage of the audience, okay?”

And seeing this scene, even the host frowned.

“I don’t know if Xu Hai has any plans or he is really too proud. If it is really salted fish caused by arrogance, then I think this time, the Imperial Capital Budo University may be terminated.”

However, as soon as his voice fell, a plane suddenly flew over his head, and then, an airdropped box floated out of the sky.

“Fuck, isn’t it?”

There was a cry of surprise, and then the audience fell silent.

None of them thought that this skill really came to the door by himself as Xu Hai said.

On the island map, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue were stupid looking at the box man.

“Xu Hai, is this the skill you said will be delivered by yourself?”

Xu Hai looked at them calmly and nodded.

“Yes, I said that if the skills will be delivered, he will definitely deliver them. Why do you want to lie to you?”

And outside the arena, almost everyone burst out.

“Cheating is definitely cheating, how could it be possible to drop the airdrop directly into the face?”

“This situation is less than the probability of winning a 100 million winning lottery ticket.”

“Yes, if it’s a coincidence, it’s fine, but you can see that Xu Hai’s attitude does not have the slightest possibility of coincidence.

Even if you have advanced skills or inheritance, you can’t do all of this, it’s definitely cheating! This Xu Hai is really too courageous to do this kind of thing blatantly. I suggest you report it to the Ministry of Education and disqualify him directly. ”

“It’s not just Xu Hai’s qualifications, but the one who helped him cheat also needs to be checked carefully. It’s too much. You can cheat in the National Freshman Budo Contest. What else does Xu Hai dare not dare to?

This time you dare to cheat in the new martial arts contest, next time you dare to do bad things in more important places! ”

At this time, the entire arena was full of excitement, and the host’s mouth twitched slightly when he saw this scene.

After all, he had said before that Xu Hai was the pride of a commoner child, but at this moment his cheating has almost been implemented, and this really hit the host in the face severely.

In the lounge, Sun Qiang was about to go out to explain, but an old man suddenly appeared behind him.

“Young man, take a break.”

Sun Qiang turned his head and frowned, and then his whole body suddenly burst out.

“Sir, although you don’t know who you are, please don’t stop me from going to the referee to explain that my student did not cheat.”

“It’s not bad. It’s estimated that it’s a kick from the Marshal level. No, one of your feet has already stepped in, but it hasn’t fully landed yet. It’s not bad, kid.”

Sun Qiang was surprised.

Even if he had the strongest aura, he still couldn’t move at all. In this case, he would not show up in the face of the marshal-level seniors in the school.

“Senior, I don’t know who you are, why are you blocking my actions?”

“Hey, the old man is not a person, just because he is afraid that you will go out and do impulsive things, so he comes to persuade you.”

“Senior, I just want to go to the notary office to see if Xu Hai really cheated.”

The old man said meaningfully: “Don’t you already know that he used lucky gems? Why do you think he cheated?

Don’t worry, we have arrangements for these things. The lucky gem itself is force majeure, and no one will think he cheated. ”

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