Chapter 17: Meeting a man with a national character face again

Xu Hai turned around and looked at the uncle in front of him, without daring to neglect.

Regardless of whether it is from his own past experience or from the point of view that he is the only one guarding such an important place in the retreat room, this uncle is absolutely extraordinary.

“Did your kid train here for three days?”

Xu Hai nodded.

“It looks like you have acquired the inheritance, and the inheritance is not bad, right? Which copy do you fit the inheritance of which place?”

Xu Hai scratched his head and said: “Ninja Village dungeon, I have acquired Konoha Village’s heritage.”

“What are you talking about that Konoha Village, which is considered rubbish?”

This made the uncle very surprised. He originally thought that even if Xu Hai signed a hidden inheritance of Orochimaru, at least it should be a first-class inheritance such as Gaara.

Unexpectedly, what Xu Hai signed was actually Konoha Village, which is recognized as a garbage village.

He didn’t show anything, but he felt a pity in his heart.

However, even if it is the inheritance of Konoha Village, after such hard training, it is estimated that there will be a little effect. In addition, this kid comes from the scientific research department, even if his own strength ceiling is very low, it may not be impossible. Great success.

“Boy, are you going to enter the illusion in two days?”

Xu Hai nodded.

“Looking at your kid’s training so hard all day, the old man reminds you one thing.

In the illusion, you must find the illusion gems. Although this thing is not mentioned everywhere, it should not be difficult to find. As long as you can get the illusion gems, then you will be able to get in the illusion. ”

Xu Hai was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect the man in front of him to tell him this kind of news.

You know, even the teacher didn’t tell him.

He nodded seriously, and then said, “Thank you, uncle.”

The uncle waved to him and continued to play his game.

Xu Hai didn’t say anything. He turned around and walked towards the restaurant. He hadn’t eaten for several days, and he was still doing such a high-intensity mental training. It was inevitable to be hungry.

He walked towards the dormitory after eating three meals in the dining room. Now he is exhausted physically and mentally. If he doesn’t take a good rest, it’s probably a question mark whether he can last until the next day. .

After sleeping until noon the next day, Xu Hai rubbed his eyes and woke up.

He opened his bracelet again, looked at his attributes, and felt satisfied.

After sleeping for a while, my mental strength actually increased by two points, reaching 22 points, while I originally had only 9 points of strength. After this period of training, it miraculously broke through to 10 points. Three o’clock.

This kind of data is absolutely outstanding among freshmen.

“It seems that if you want to make good use of Sharingan, you have to torture yourself constantly. The training methods in the manual are too gentle, and you have to modify it according to the actual situation.”

“I just don’t know whether the opening of Mangekyō Sharingan needs strong emotional stimulation or the departure of relatives and friends.

Although the manual of the Uchiha family says that it only needs to be exhausted several times and then recovered to start slowly, but after all I haven’t seen a real example, I still feel a little worried. ”

Of course, despite saying that, Xu Hai is still very satisfied with his exercise during this period.

After these few days of training, he felt that if he met the previous Toyuya inheritor, he would definitely win easily.

The only pity is that his Sharingan still doesn’t seem to evolve to two Tomoe. Otherwise, his chances and certainty of returning safely to the fifth level in the illusion will be much greater.

“Xu Hai, why did you sleep until now? You will be ready to go to the playground and enter the illusion in a little while, so please pack up.”

Dong Yunhao’s voice reached Xu Hai’s ears. He was really speechless. This guy started to sleep since he returned to the dormitory last night, and he did not wake up until noon. NS.

Xu Hai smiled awkwardly, then hurriedly got up to clean up, and soon walked towards the entrance of the dungeon with Dong Yunhao.

At the entrance of the dungeon, the relevant staff have been waiting here for a long time.

What surprised Xu Hai was that the man with the Chinese character face was also here.

After seeing Xu Hai coming over, the man with the Chinese character face snorted coldly, then turned around, with an attitude of not seeing and not getting upset. Xu Hai didn’t deliberately go up to say hello when he saw it, but just stayed away. nod.

“Is this the student who turned you down after running for a long time after you were busy?”

The colleague next to the man with the Chinese character face looked at Xu Hai and asked with a grin.

The man with the national character face looked at the colleague beside him, moved his lips slightly, and said, “Yes, it is him.”

Hearing this, my colleague stopped Xu Hai, and said with a smile: “Do you know how much opportunity you missed?”

Xu Hai scratched his head and didn’t say a word, while the Guozilian man glanced at his colleague, and then said to Xu Hai: “Don’t pay attention to him, he is just like that.”

Xu Hai nodded.

“I believe you must have your own reasons for choosing the Department of Scientific Research, but I still want to remind you that although the illusion is not dangerous this time, you should never go to the fifth floor.”

“Furthermore, if you see the illusion gem, you must get it first, which is equivalent to an extra layer of protection.”

After speaking, he walked onto the stage, and at this time Xu Hai discovered that the person in charge of organizing the entry into the dungeon this time was actually a man with a Chinese character face.

Standing on the stage, he looked at the students below and said: “Students, you will enter the dungeon in a while, and you must remember that in the dungeon, don’t enter the fifth-level illusion.

Once inside, even we have no way to guarantee your safety.

You can move around on the remaining four maps at will, even if it provokes a large-scale attack from a strange animal, it does not matter, the big deal is a concussion for a period of time. ”

After saying this, all the students present burst into laughter.

Since there is no life-threatening danger, Sa Huan’s play is not a problem.

At this moment, not far away, Xu Hai suddenly heard a familiar voice.

“Isn’t this Xu Hai, our No. 1 expert in Konoha Village?”

Xu Hai turned his head and looked around, only to see a group of people wearing combat uniforms walking towards them.

Among these people, Zhou Hua is walking in the forefront.

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