Chapter 161

“Xu Hai, why is your way of using your skills getting more and more outrageous? How can you catch a fish in the river? I remember that no one had ever noticed such a thing before.”

“Could it be that this is the easter egg of the New National Freshman Budo Contest? It shouldn’t be. There were people lurking in the river before. If they really have these skills, they can’t not be discovered.”

Both of them couldn’t react for a while. After all, they didn’t know that Xu Hai got lucky gems, and Ji Hanyue looked at Xu Hai in a daze, feeling that Xu Hai was more suitable for divination than himself.

“Hao Rong, how about we both try to see if we can catch any skills.”

After talking about this, Hao Rong quickly picked up a few bamboo poles nearby to make a simple fishing rod, and then went fishing with Ji Hanyue by the river.

However, it didn’t take long for them to catch a skill on their fishing rod. Although the level is not high, it can be regarded as an entry-level skill.

“Xu Hai! Really, really, there are skills in the river. This is amazing, how did you know this.”

She exclaimed, and was about to talk to Xu Hai about this, but found that Xu Hai had fished another skill with a gleaming golden light.

“Oh, this skill is repeated. It’s not interesting. It’s a little better than Rasengan. It’s a waste of time. I won’t catch it if I knew it a long time ago.”

After hearing Xu Hai say this, Hao Rong’s original excitement turned into frustration.

“Why am I not as good as Xu Hai in strength, and so much worse than Xu Hai in luck.”

Hao Rong looked at the very basic skill in his hand and almost didn’t lose his breath.

On the other hand, those spectators who saw Xu Hai had so many skills are still full of dissatisfaction. The jealousy and impatient emotions on his face will overflow into the game scene.

“This Xu Hai is too irritable. If he is in front of me, I must have a fight with him.”

“This kid is almost pissing me out of a heart attack, how can he be so proud.”

“Xu Hai did a great job. This time I estimate that my value can be increased by several tens of times through Xu Hai.”

“You shut up, who knows that Xu Hai has such potential? Your kid is really a god, how can you put all your money on Xu Hai?”

“But the people who blocked the bridge there before are really miserable. The so many skills they finally got are all cheap. Xu Hai. To be honest, I was a bit unclear about this infighting.”

“Yes, I think the reason for their internal strife is too weird. Isn’t it the uneven distribution of a skill? It hasn’t happened before, so I won’t just fight like this.”

“And did the two teammates become stupid after following Xu Hai for a long time? They actually believed that the river bottom would have exercises. This kind of thing they are martial arts novels.”

“If you really have the skills and equipment in the river, then you guys are blocking the bridge, just put on the diving suit and go to the bottom of the river to hunt for treasures. Then this national new-born martial arts competition will become a national new-born martial arts swimming competition. .”

Various voices are being discussed intensively. Obviously, Xu Hai’s hand operation caught everyone by surprise.

And in a certain base, a group of people are searching around. Whether it is a powerful skill or an inferior skill, they will put it away together, and they will also carry out a robbery when they encounter other squads.

Under them, the number of eliminated teams has reached a dozen.

“Captain, we just grabbed the skills of a small team, this time we have a lot of gains.”

This group of people is not in the same cooperative relationship as the other teams, but under the guidance of their captain, all of them have consciously become a team.

The captain, naturally, wanted to kill Wang Xiuwei, who had previously wanted to kill Xu Hai.

Before coming over, Wang Xiuwei had done a lot of work, and used his unique skills to brainwash everyone a little.

Therefore, these talents have a high degree of obedience to Wang Xiuwei at this moment.

And all of this is to be able to find a chance to kill Xu Hai in the arena.

“Have you found where Xu Hai is?”

The team member shook his head.

“We asked a lot of teams just now, none of them met Xu Hai.”

“I haven’t met Xu Hai. Could it be that Xu Hai didn’t look for supplies everywhere on the map?”

A trace of disappointment flashed across Wang Xiuwei’s face. He paid such a high price, but not to make these people his own little brother.

He came to this game for only one purpose, and that was to kill Xu Hai.

If Xu Hai could not be killed in the competition, it would be of no use even if he won the National Freshman Budo Contest.

After all, he had already signed the soul contract. Even if Zhou Wenzheng knew that there was no way to deal with him, but secretly, as long as that contract was executed, Wang Xiuwei would definitely die without a place to bury him.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiuwei’s face also changed.

There were only a few games in total. In the finals, the master was like a cloud. Even if it was him, he didn’t have much confidence that he could successfully kill Xu Hai.

And when it comes to the finals, it is estimated that even one-third of the people under his team will not be able to participate in it.

After hesitating, he gave an order to everyone.

“Let everyone clean up their skills and prepare. We withdrew.”

When the other people heard him say this, they nodded.

Although this place is a good hidden place, they have been in this place for a long time, and nearby resources have been searched all over, and those students searching nearby are almost completely eliminated for them.

Now this place has no advantages other than concealment.

Soon, those little brothers began to clean up the skills in their hands, but Wang Xiuwei frowned as he watched their reaction.

“Those who have integrated skills should not be integrated anymore. I will not compete with you for these skills. As long as I can find the news of Xu Hai, I will not only reward you skills in the arena, but also after going out. Will reward you with other good things.”

Some people with relatively weak strength immediately stopped their actions after hearing this sentence, while the strong ones did not continue to integrate the skills in their hands because they had agreed to Wang Xiuwei’s relationship.

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