Chapter 163

This place is not empty, but mess and dried blood all over the floor.

Even though the students were not fatally injured, the various serious injuries in the battle still covered the ground with red marks.

Xu Hai didn’t have much reaction to this mess.

He turned his head and said to Hao Rong, “Go to the bridge hole and see if there are any good things.”

Hao Rong nodded, and then went to the bridge cave with Ji Hanyue.

A few minutes later, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue walked back with excitement on their faces.

“Xu Hai! There really is a skill in this bridge hole.”

“And the name of this skill seems to be quite powerful.”

The two of them are really excited. When the group of people fought on the bridge, in fact, in addition to the skills that were thrown into the river, there were also many people who put some of the more high-quality Put the skills in the bridge hole, thinking about getting them after the infighting is over.

As a result, I didn’t expect that this infighting would directly destroy them, and these skills became unowned, but it was cheaper than Xu Hai, who was fishing in troubled waters just now.

In the audience, looking at Xu Hai, who had once again obtained a bunch of fine skills, the audience fell silent again.

“Good guy, if it weren’t because we watched Xu Hai fishing there all the time, I would really suspect that their infighting was caused by Xu Hai.”

“Did you see? Xu Hai didn’t show any excitement after seeing his teammates take back several skills. This is obviously Versailles to Ultimate.”

“Not only Xu Hai is good or not, you see, his teammates I also feel spoiled by him. After acquiring the skills, they don’t even merge. I just carry them in my hands like ordinary things, a little cherished. nor.”

“How many advanced skills people have just integrated, and how can they be interested in these skills?”

“It’s Xu Hai who is the best. He originally invented the road blocking the bridge, but now he has personally ended all the bridge blocking people and got the final supplies. I have to say that this guy is the real person in the atmosphere.”

The host looked at the audience discussing, feeling a little bit in his heart.

Xu Hai’s luck is really good…

At the place where the bridge was blocked, Xu Hai, Hao Rong, and Ji Hanyue had roughly allocated those exercises.

He did not merge on the bridge side, after all, the smell of blood here is too heavy, and the fusion will also distract several people, which is not conducive to the integration of skills.

Thinking of this, he took Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue to find a relatively clean place.

Although this clean place is not so conducive to concealment, a few people are not worried.

Anyway, there is Xu Hai here. If anyone wants to come over and attack them, they will definitely taste the power of the upgraded version of Xu Hai.

While Xu Hai got most of the top skills by fishing in troubled waters, the other team was constantly under attack.

“Captain, not only one team, but another team is also ambushing us.”

In the woods, Wang Xiuwei’s team members looked anxious.

Next to him, Wang Xiuwei also had a very serious look on his face, and his previous calmness had long been forgotten by him.

He originally occupied a chemical plant. They also found a lot of skills and equipment in that place. They even grabbed a lot of teams and took away their supplies, although they didn’t find them lying down like Xu Hai. Various top-level skills, but not too bad.

If this continues, there shouldn’t be too much problem in the finals.

But the purpose of Wang Xiuwei’s coming to the game was not the competition itself. He came only to kill Xu Hai, so he gave up the base he had originally occupied and left the place with his team of more than a dozen people.

Originally, Wang Xiuwei felt that he and these teammates were there, and coupled with the advantage of so many people, he could soon find Xu Hai and kill him.

But what he didn’t expect was that just after he left the base with his own people, he was immediately ambushed by several teams.

In fact, the factory they occupied was noticed by other people a long time ago, and the teams that Wang Xiuwei eliminated were actually incomplete. There were many teams where only one or two people were eliminated by them, and the rest were eliminated. Seeing that there was no chance to enter the finals, he simply broke the pot, and united with other nearby teams to prepare for a revenge before the elimination.

Because of this, Wang Xiuwei and the others were ambushed from all sides not long after they left their base.

At this moment, these ambushes caused Wang Xiuwei’s team to produce several eliminated people, and even Wang Xiuwei himself was trapped in this wood.

His strength is indeed very strong, but he can’t stand the crowd and sneak attacks.

“It’s really bad luck, why are so many people ambushing around here?”

Wang Xiuwei watched the woods warily, and after hesitating for a while, he said to one of his little brothers: “Wait a moment, you take a few people out as bait, and then all the rest will come back to the base with me.

The base has things that we have arranged in advance. As long as they can go back, those people can’t do anything to us. After we go back, we can start from another place to cover your evacuation. ”

“These people dare to attack me, wait for death.”

Wang Xiuwei squinted his eyes, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

If this is the real battlefield, he must let those who ambush him die without a place to bury him.

When everyone heard Wang Xiuwei saying this, they all nodded.

Even if someone had dissatisfaction in their hearts, they all held back.

After all, Wang Xiuwei is the strongest among them. If he still wants to disobey him at this time, then he is likely to be severely injured and eliminated by the irritable.

Seeing that these people had agreed to his plan, Wang Xiuwei did not hesitate, and quickly took out a high-light bullet and threw it nearby.

This high-light bullet is much more powerful than ordinary high-light bullets. Just thrown it out, the entire forest has been fully illuminated.

Obviously, this is a high-tech copy produced in the high-light bullet.

At the same time, his subordinates also attacked from several directions, interfering with the sight of other squads.

“Let’s go back to the original base soon!”

People like Wang Xiuwei did not take this opportunity to counterattack, but ran towards the base.

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