Chapter 166

“Damn, trash.”

And not far away, Wang Xiuwei’s face became very ugly. He didn’t expect that his team member would be killed by a single shot shortly after he had gone.

“Just go and see if there is an ambush at the end and send myself out of the field. How come there are such wasteful teammates?”

At the same time, Wang Xiuwei also flashed a hint of surprise in his heart.

This Xu Hai’s combat power index is much higher than he thought.

And, thinking of the skill he had just displayed, Wang Xiuwei’s fear was a little bit more.

The student I just sent out was a master who was close to the mid-level of transcendence. Although he was a bit worse than myself, it was definitely considered a mid-upstream level among the students participating in the competition.

Even if you add these two teammates, whether you have the ability to kill him in an instant is a problem.

But now, Xu Hai not only expressed him, but even forced the teacher to block him. This is a fatal blow. This is enough to prove that Xu Hai’s strength has improved many levels during this period.

“Interesting, Xu Hai, let me see for myself how talented you really are.”

“Although it is possible that the ship will capsize this time, it doesn’t matter. Killing you is a must.”

His expression has also become a little ugly.

Since his contract was signed by Zhou Wenzheng, life and death are actually not important to him in the game.

Anyway, going out is dead, coming in can’t kill Xu Hai too.

In this case, Wang Xiuwei was almost broke, and he was fearless at all.

Even if someone tells him that Xu Hai has general-level strength, he will desperately find a chance to die with Xu Hai, or see if he can take the opportunity to kill this guy with a poison.

And now, Xu Hai, whom he has been searching for for a long time, is right in front of his eyes, how could he give up?

Even though his strength is much stronger than he thought, Wang Xiuwei still believes that with so many people surrounded, he still has a probability to kill Xu Hai.

“Quick! Everyone will kill that Xu Hai with me! By that time, what you promised to you will be doubled for you!”

Although he didn’t know exactly where Xu Hai was, he also had a general judgment by looking at the direction that the skill was hitting just now.

If no surprises can be said, Xu Hai should be in the position where the skill came.

At this moment, he was not delaying either, so he turned his head and planned to take his team to surround Xu Hai.

But before he and the team members would go with him, a huge light appeared near Wang Xiuwei. At the same time, Wang Xiuwei’s figure quickly retreated, but he was inevitably injured by the beam of light. .

“You severely injured my teammate and forced my teammate to withdraw from the competition. Do you know what he paid for this National Freshman Budo Contest?”

An angry young man stood here panting and looking at Wang Xiuwei. Obviously, the blow just now was his full blow, and his physical strength was somewhat overdrawn after using this trick.

And Wang Xiuwei looked at the young man with a gloomy expression: “You dare to attack me.”

Yes, he was successfully attacked.

He was already in his sophomore year, and his strength was close to that of the late extraordinary period, but he was successfully attacked by an early extraordinary student.

This person performed Turtle Qigong from the Seven Dragon Ball dungeons. This thing was originally very fast. In addition, Wang Xiuwei’s attention was basically focused on finding Xu Hai, and it didn’t happen for a while. He noticed that someone was secretly attacking him.

Although the injury was not very serious, it made him feel completely insulted.

He is also a top student, and he rarely gets calculated like this in battle, but this time, he suffered for the first time, from a person whose realm is lower than him.

“Do you want to die?”

He rushed in front of the person, and then hit the person with a punch. What surprised him was that although his fist fell on the person who attacked him without any problem, But the man did not vomit blood, but directly turned into a cloud of smoke.

Suddenly, Wang Xiuwei’s face changed.

“This is multiple Shadow Clone Techniques. The troublesome guy has actually learned such troublesome skills.”

After he had just said this sentence, several directions not far away suddenly thought of the same light.

This beam of light is obviously also a light wave brought by the tortoise faction qigong. He frowned, drew away immediately, and said to his teammates: “Everyone quickly step back from all directions. This person does not know where it is. Once he is hit You are in trouble.”

Before he finished speaking, one after another explosion sounded near them. Originally, their team was also interrupted in different areas, but Wang Xiuwei looked at several injured teammates nearby, and his expression became even more serious. It’s ugly.

In an instant, the aura on his body continued to rise, even reaching the critical point of the transcendent late stage.

“Sneak attack all day long. I was attacked on the base side just now. Laozi didn’t care about you. Now I’m here again. You really irritated me.”

Not only Wang Xiuwei, but even the other people in the team have almost lost their minds under such a sneak attack. After seeing Wang Xiuwei’s attitude, they even climbed their aura to the apex, towards those who sneak attacked. The position initiated a new round of assault.

In a short while, this simple sneak attack turned into a multiplayer melee, and even other teams not far away were attracted by the movement of their battles. They watched the battle from a distance, in their hearts. All a little curious.

“What’s the matter? Why is there such a loud fighting sound in this place?”

“Isn’t there a melee just now? Why is it here again.”

“Let’s go over and see if the mantis catches the cicada to compensate the oriole.”

Soon, the teams within a kilometer nearby quietly came to the place where they were fighting, and many teams directly joined the battle after some observation.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xiuwei found that this thing had become wrong.

Although the strength of the people who attacked them is not bad, they are like mid-level transcendents. Their team is expected to end in a few minutes after their all-out kills, but in the constant battle, even if Wang Xiuwei has eliminated four or five people , But he discovered that his enemies even have a tendency to fight more and more.

“What’s going on? Why are there so many people.”

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