Chapter 168

And when Wang Xiuwei looked at the mess on the ground and planned to take a break, a spiral shuriken with a sharp Chakra directly hit Wang Xiuwei in an unbiased manner.

At the moment of crisis, Wang Xiuwei’s remaining vitality bullets could not be put away, and he rushed towards the spiral shuriken.

“Who is it! Who attacked Laozi again! Why didn’t you sneak up just now? Are you still a man?”

The complete body of this spiral shuriken can hurt a general-level master. Even if it is incomplete, it won’t be too much to deal with a warrior in the mid-term.

But after all, Wang Xiuwei is a student who has been practicing for more than a year. At the moment just now, he defended his reaction, but he barely drew with Xu Hai’s spiral shuriken.

So the damage he suffered just now was only brought to him by the aftermath of the explosion.

And just when he was glad that he had survived and was embarrassed that someone had attacked him, he suddenly discovered that there was another very obvious Chakra rushing towards him not far away.

“Fuck! How come there is another one.”

He is really stupid. The spiral shuriken was still incomplete just now, but this time it was the full version of the spiral shuriken.

Even if he had reached the threshold of the Transcendent Late Stage, Wang Xiuwei did not feel that he was capable of the next attack.

And in the arena not far away.

“Xu Hai, the skill you just played is not a full version of the spiral shuriken. I think the one you played just now is much bigger than the one you played now.”

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai with a questioning expression on his face.

Like Hao Rong, Ji Hanyue looked at Xu Hai questioningly.

Xu Hai saw the expressions of the two girls, and said helplessly, “I’m not afraid of hurting you? The spiral shuriken aftermath is very powerful. If you two girls are hurt, it will be so troublesome. Ah.”

Hearing this, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue were unhappy.

Both of them showed a little unconvinced expression, and Ji Hanyue said to Xu Hai provocatively: “Are you unable to make a second full version of the spiral shuriken, if you can’t use it. Come out and tell us that we won’t laugh at you, after all, that thing is really powerful.”

“What do you want? Is there any Chakra to be wasted to cast a spiral shuriken? This thing doesn’t even use one-twentieth of my Chakra.”

In this sentence, Xu Hai is really not deceiving.

Under normal circumstances, even if Naruto wants to use this skill, he can’t exceed three rounds, but for Xu Hai of Master Sharingan, he can accurately control Chakra, but he can really play a lot of spiral shurikens.

And seeing the two women questioning him so much, he felt a little helpless.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Hai said, “Well, I will send another complete shot, but you both stand a little farther away from me, so as not to be affected by the air current.”

Xu Hai is really worried that the airflow of the spiral shuriken will affect them.

After all, this thing is indeed very powerful, and Xu Hai hasn’t been able to manage 100% of the power of the spiral shuriken even when the Master’s is not so proficient.

Seeing Xu Hai speaking so solemnly, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue looked at each other and both stepped back.

And Xu Hai, seeing them back down, also displayed the full version of the spiral shuriken again.

This time he still threw it in the direction of Hao Rong’s finger.

And it doesn’t matter what he throws. Wang Xiuwei, who had only managed to hold the first spiral shuriken, was really helpless this time.

He looked at the full version of the spiral shuriken that was thrown at him, and wondered whether he would try his best to move forward.

Not far away, the teacher who was hiding in the dark was also constantly speculating in his heart whether he needed to make another move. Just when he was about to go out to block the spiral shuriken, the teacher in the lead suddenly stopped him.

“We won’t break the rules if we don’t take action. This student has a strength close to that of the extraordinary late stage. It is estimated that there are many ways to save his life, and you don’t need to take action.

When he harmed his teammates before, he should have thought that he would have this retribution. ”

Seeing that his leader had said so, the teacher who was ready to take action also stood there.

He also didn’t like Wang Xiuwei a bit, but felt that as a teacher, he would be dereliction of duty if he didn’t save the students.

And Wang Xiuwei looked at the spiral shuriken that was constantly close at hand, and he didn’t dare to bet that the teachers would come to rescue him, he hesitated for a moment, and his face became extremely ugly.

Soon, a special rune paper appeared in his hand.

And just when the spiral shuriken was about to crush his body, the piece of talisman paper was also crushed by him.

Soon, the spiral shuriken exploded on Wang Xiuwei’s body, but only a piece of wood was left in the end.

“Unexpectedly, this kid would actually use Body Replacement Technique.”

“It’s not Body Replacement Technique, it’s a substitute character that is more advanced than Body Replacement Technique. However, there are express regulations in the competition. Using this thing is equivalent to being eliminated, so now this student should not be eligible to enter. It’s in the finals.”

Wang Xiuwei was able to give up the game in this life threat, but the rest of the people did not give up the qualifications for the game.

Under the aftermath of the explosion of the spiral shuriken, the group of people in the melee below basically fainted directly with the less powerful ones. In the past, the ones with stronger eyesight were seriously injured even if they were carried down. There is almost no way. Complete the rest of the game.

It was just a moment of effort. In this melee battlefield, only Xu Hai team remained intact.

And the chain reaction that happened this time he played, also stunned everyone.

After a while, Hao Rong said to Xu Hai in a daze, “Xu Hai, how come your spiral shuriken can turn?”

Her voice really contained some doubts.

“Yeah, Xu Hai, how did you do it? And the person just now was outrageous. He would have nothing to stand on the ground. He had to fly into the sky and used some skill. Isn’t that I want to die with everyone.”

At this moment, Ji Hanyue’s eyes were full of worship.

She felt that her inheritance didn’t even play a role.

Compared with Xu Hai’s prediction, Ji Hanyue’s divination is almost like a child’s play.

But they were not the most surprised. The audience outside the court watched Hao Rong casually let Xu Hai hit Wang Xiuwei with a single finger, and almost never had the idea of ​​accusing Xu Hai of cheating.

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