Chapter 177 The Hidden Association

“Well, you go to the Hidden People’s Association to find a person named Zuo Lengchan, tell him, let him help you.”

And hearing Zhou Wenzheng say so, Wang Xiuwei was obviously a little surprised.

“Senior, the Hidden Man’s Association, are you talking about the association that is wanted by our government?”

“Shut up, don’t know about some things that you shouldn’t know, just do as I said, go to Zuo Lengchan, he will give you a piece of talisman paper with curse ability, then just use it on Xu With Hai, Xu Hai’s good luck will naturally be offset.”

“Take it down for me. If you haven’t killed Xu Hai in the finals, find a place to bury yourself.”

After speaking, Zhou Wenzheng hung up the phone directly.

This time he felt even more anxious. He wanted to break through the barriers of the realm as quickly as possible to reach the level of a half-step marshal.

In the retreat at this moment, after studying the resurrection technique, Xu Hai plans to clean up and return to the lounge.

At this moment, he suddenly received a call from the principal.

“What’s wrong? Headmaster, what’s the matter?”

On the phone, the principal over there smiled.

“Xu Hai, how do you feel now? I heard that you have entered the national finals, and you are still ranked first in the group. Are you nervous now?”

“It’s okay, I don’t think the problem is big.”

“Indeed, I don’t think you need to be nervous. After all, your results are unprecedented in the history of the Imperial Capital Budo University. Even if you didn’t get any good rankings in the national finals, we are already satisfied. NS.”

The principal was there talking boastfully about Xu Hai’s future plans, but Xu Hai didn’t care too much and coughed.

“Principal, can you tell me how many rewards there will be this time?”

The headmaster’s voice was taken aback suddenly, but he quickly reacted.

“Don’t worry, this reward is definitely much better than what you got before. You will know when you come back to school. It took me a lot of money to get it.

Moreover, even if you encounter one or two universities such as Imperial Capital University and Xuanwu University in the national finals and you are eliminated, the money we will give you will definitely not be less. ”

Hearing this, Xu Hai was full of black lines.

How could the principal and Sun Qiang have this attitude?

Do they think they are worse than the people at Imperial Capital University and Xuanwu University?

“Principal, my goal has always been the championship and the final reward. Can you not help but say these discouraging words.”

When Li Yunlong on the other side of the phone heard Xu Hai say this, both eyes opened very wide.

“I heard you right, Xu Hai, your goal is to win the championship?

Unexpectedly, your ambitions are so big. I thought you were so rowing in the competition because you didn’t have any interest in ranking. ”

He laughed. Xu Hai wanted to win the championship. That was naturally his happiest thing. In fact, although he felt that Xu Hai was unlikely to win the championship, he didn’t want Xu Hai to be a salted fish in his mentality. .

Students who are motivated will be liked by the teacher. If you just want to be a salted fish, who will take care of him.

“Xu Hai, if you can win the championship, then this time the Imperial Capital Budo University will really be proud of it once.

I can assure you that as long as you can win the National Freshman Budo Contest this time, everything and any conditions in the school will be up to you. Moreover, if you can win the championship this time, the next challenge should be the same. It’s time to show the limelight. ”

Xu Hai frowned when he heard this

“Challenge? What is it for? Isn’t it the freshman challenge this time?”

“This time the National Freshman Budo Contest is just a national scuffle between freshmen and freshmen. The challenge is different. It is a challenge between different schools. When you come back from the competition, we will give you details. Let’s talk about specific rules.”

“Principal, can I get rewards for this challenge?”

“Of course, the reward for this freshman challenge is no less than the national freshman martial arts competition. As long as you do well, I will still give you what the school has.

Don’t forget, although we don’t have a semi-holy level master, there are three or four masters in the school who have reached the top of the marshal. The combination of our old things is no worse than a semi-holy level master. If you really need it, we can give you everything. Besides, you also know Li Changsheng. ”

Xu Hai hummed.

“Principal, you are talking about the uncle in the retreat room.”

“Yes, I can tell you that his background and the good things in his hands are definitely not less than ordinary semi-holy masters. If you really need it, he can squeeze out a lot of good things. ”

Hearing this, Xu Hai felt a trace of anticipation in his heart.

But for him now, these are all things to follow.

For him now, the most important thing is to get the game right now.

After the phone call, Xu Hai, who originally planned to go back to the lounge to take a break, thought about it and went back to the retreat room.

“I’ve roughly tested it. The physical combat power index alone can reach an extraordinary mid-to-late stage, and after the integration of the Shouhe, the combat power index should reach four or five thousand points, which is the general level…”

He muttered to himself, but in fact, Xu Hai felt that this was not his full strength.

The limit of his strength should not only be as simple as fusing One Tail Shouhe, because in the state of fusion, he keenly discovered that through the special role of Sharingan, he can use One Tail Shouhe to use the skills carried by Sharingan. .

In other words, it is very likely that he can also use powerful tricks like the spiral shuriken under the fusion of One Tail Shouhe.

Of course, he didn’t use it in the retreat room, because in the dark, he always felt that something was spying on himself.

It would be nice to say that it was the bigwigs of the Ministry of Education, but if it were students and teachers from Imperial Capital University or Xuanwu University, then it would be a bit of a loss for him to expose his cards at this time.

But even so, he still feels a little bit emotional. Originally, he was only in the extraordinary late stage with the help of One Tail Shouhe’s tattoo to reach the general early stage inexplicably, which is extremely rare for any new student.

“This One Tail Shouhe tattoo is really too strong…”

Now he is not a problem even if he leapfrogs, and for his peers, he almost has the general advantage of crushing.

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