Chapter 179 Research Xu Hai

“Some information said that Xu Hai might have got lucky gems. It seems that he not only got lucky gems, but also used lucky gems when he was in the game.”

“Impossible. How could Xu Hai be able to get something as precious as lucky gems? He should have just got a spell like lucky boost?”

Xu Haodong shook his head.

“It’s easy to curse others, but it’s almost impossible to increase luck.

We have not seen the skills to increase luck, but even if it reaches the marshal level or even the half-step saint level, how useful is it in increasing luck?

Xu Hai’s luck is obviously beyond the normal range. Even if it is not a lucky gem, it should be a treasure with no difference in level. ”

“And don’t sneer at Xu Hai in this way. Regardless of the element of his luck, it’s just that his hidden extraordinary late-stage strength is definitely one of the best among freshmen.

And I vaguely felt that after he got the tattoo of the One Tail Shouhe, his fighting ability might be on the next level. ”

In a common room, the students from Xuanwu University and Imperial Capital University were all sitting in it at the same time.

“Finally, the finals are coming. This time the finals feel more interesting than before.”

“What you said, I thought you had participated in the finals of the National Freshman Budo Contest several times.”

“Is there any difference? Every time the National Freshman Budo Contest is played between our two schools and schools like Magic University. To be honest, I didn’t find it interesting.

We usually do a lot of games, and we all know the bottom line, so the interest is much less, but this time with this Xu Hai, the fun is really different. ”

“By the way, regarding this Xu Hai, do you have a way to deal with him? I feel that this person is quite wicked.”

Yun Tianhe looked at these people present, his eyes revealed the meaning of inquiry.

“Captain, what’s so nervous about this, it’s just a Xu Hai. If it’s dead, it’s an extraordinary level. I can take care of him alone.”

When Yun Tianhe heard these words, he smiled slightly.

“I have told you many times, no matter what kind of opponent you are, you must take it seriously.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, let alone Xu Hai, the best performer in the game.

Crane, in all fairness, do you think that putting you in his position can achieve his results? ”

Xianhe shook his head, but still a little unconvinced.

“But he is lucky. No one can have such good luck. Maybe he just used that precious lucky gem.”

“But luck is also a part of strength, and don’t you think that this time the match is ahead of schedule is actually his lucky gem ability at work?

Since the game is ahead of schedule, the effect of the lucky gem is likely to continue. From this perspective, his luck is also one of the things we need to deal with. Why should he underestimate his luck? ”

The crane didn’t speak any more. After all, what Yun Tianhe said is not unreasonable, but he still said to the people present: “Since his luck can’t be changed, then we will remain unchanged and improve ourselves. Strength.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, let’s increase our combat power index a little bit. After encountering Xu Hai, just kill him before his luck takes effect. ”

Speaking of this, a tyrannical aura suddenly emerged from the crane, and everyone present squinted slightly. The crane’s combat power index may have exceeded three thousand points.

“I don’t care how strong this Xu Hai is, but as long as the two of us match up, I will use my strength to let him know that luck is just a foreign object. Facing the real strength gap, he still has to call me obediently. Uncle Crane!”

At the same time, Wang Xiuwei was wandering in a hidden village.

There are a group of very special people in this place. They are called the Hidden People’s Association by the outside world. When Zhou Wenzheng asked him to find these people, Wang Xiuwei was actually very surprised.

The Hidden Persons Association, the people in this organization are almost all wanted criminals, and they are still extremely vicious. The country has clearly stipulated that once collusion with the Hidden Persons Association is found, then a felony is inevitable.

This is also the reason why Wang Xiuwei is jealous.

He was very nervous and didn’t want to do it, but when he thought of the soul contract and gritted his teeth, he could only come to the gathering place of the Hidden Persons Association.

“Xu Hai…If it weren’t for you…how could I be so unlucky!”

When I offset your lucky bonus, I will let you know how good I am. ”


In the closed room at this moment, three elderly people representing the three departments were sitting together, with solemn expressions on their faces.

“Have you received the news?”

“Yes, our department has sent a message to confirm that Xu Hai will be used as a substitute.”

At this moment, they still formed a triangle as before, but the difference is that this time there are more than three of them in the closed room.

Behind them, there are three figures that have never appeared before, and these figures all stand quietly behind.

“The luck of Xu Hai has always been very good. If he was added to the candidate, it should have a very good effect.”

The old man representing the Administration Department looked at the old man at the Ministry of Education, and his eyes were filled with uncertainty.

When thinking of this, the old man in the military frowned.

“You all know that Xu Hai has a high probability of using lucky gems. That thing should only last for 24 hours. After using it, good luck will end. What if there is an accident?”

“Furthermore, fighting these alien beasts is definitely not something you can do just by luck.”

They were a little hard to choose, and after hesitating for a while, the old man from the Ministry of Education finally made up his mind.

“Let’s take a look first, if he can crush others like this again in the finals, we can add him to the waiting list.”

“Anyway, no matter how fast things are going on this time, they may have to wait for the results of the game to come out. It’s just to use the game to see if there is a gap between Xu Hai and the students of these top universities, or whether they are in the same position. Or far surpass them.”

After hearing these words, the other two hesitated. The old man from the Ministry of Education looked at them a few times and then said, “Don’t forget, lucky gems are not only for promoting luck in a short period of time.”

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