Chapter 201 Breaking Skills

And this loss, strictly speaking, won’t be much.

In the arena, Xu Hai looked at the skill in his hand and was almost excited.

After trying for so long, he finally succeeded in cracking the seal on a skill, and the removal of the seal on this skill actually means that he can really bring these skills to the outside of the playing field.

“It’s a pity that although this skill seal is broken, it doesn’t have much effect. It’s just an ordinary low-level function, but being able to break the seal on it means that other skill seals can also be broken easily. The problem is not big.”

Xu Hai smiled slightly, and then took out another skill from his Qiankun bag.

This skill is very well-known on the earth where Xu Hai is located and this earth. His name is Jiewangquan, and most people know his function, that is, it can temporarily increase his combat power index.

In the Dragon Ball animations and comics of the last life, Jie Wangquan doubled its combat power from the beginning, and then increased its combat power by ten times, twenty times and thirty times. It can be said that Monkey King is the strongest in the second Dragon Ball. Great skills.

Even in the later stage, it can also be used with the Super Saiyan status to urge the king of fist.

In this world, Xu Hai has actually learned a little bit about it. The increase in the strength shown by Wang Quan in this world is still a lot worse than in the comics. For example, the current Xu Hai probably has The power index of 5,000 points, but after using the King Fist, Xu Hai’s power index cannot exceed 10,000, and at most it can reach 6,000 to 7,000 points.

But even so, this is already a very top skill among all the skills.

In the retreat room, the old people smiled bitterly when they looked at the Jie Wang Quan held by Xu Hai.

“This kid really knows how to pick, Jie Wang Quan, this skill is indeed very suitable for Xu Hai, if he can successfully use Jie Wang Quan and One Tail Shou He tattoo at the same time, it is estimated in a short time. The combat power index that he can explode can at least reach tens of thousands of points.”

“It won’t be tens of thousands of points. Although it can be achieved theoretically, his body size is only an extraordinary late stage after all. No matter how subtle and skilled his energy use is, he will have a combat power index of 10,000 points. The energy support he needs is not something he can easily afford.

Taking a step back, even if Xu Hai can explode with a combat power index of 10,000 points, the time to explode must be terribly short. ”

Having said that, Wang Hao nodded

“Of course, even if it is a short period of time, it is already very strong. A 10,000-point combat power index, how many people can have this kind of capital.”

But to their surprise, Xu Hai did not choose to immediately crack the seal on the Jiewangquan. He stood up and said to Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue: “Let’s change place.”

When Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue heard Xu Hai say this, they were a little puzzled.

Especially Hao Rong, who had never recovered from her injuries originally, saw Xu Hai wanting to change ground at this moment. I thought Xu Hai was going to do something again.

“Can’t we stay here? This place is pretty safe. If you go outside, what if you run into someone who wants to murder you again?”

To be honest, the former Hao Rong may have been looking forward to encountering these things, but now after experiencing the things of Jian Luo and Wang Xiuwei, she is really a little nervous about these sudden masters.

Xu Hai looked at Hao Rong and smiled and said: “We still have to go out. After all, this game is not over yet. If we stay here forever, it will be difficult to win the championship.”

In fact, Xu Hai’s purpose of going out this time is not to do something. After experiencing the things of Hao Rong and Wang Xiuwei, he has actually become tired of doing things.

However, there is still one thing that must be done by him himself, and that is to find the skill of shrinking the ground into an inch.

After all, this skill is one of the biggest reasons why he came to participate in the competition. Although he has obtained the tattoo of One Tail Shouhe and the two very high-level skills and equipment of resurrection, the thing of shrinking the ground is still being used by Xu. Hai was jealous.

Especially after the organization called the Hidden Man’s Association that he has been inexplicably involved at present, it is even more important to have a suitable life-saving skill.

Looking at the somewhat reluctant Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue, Xu Hai reached out and touched Hao Rong’s head.

“Don’t worry, there will be no more characters that can pose a threat to me. In this map, when it comes to heads-up, no one can really stand on the same level as me.”

“Go, let’s find the airdrop.”

After speaking, Xu Hai walked straight towards the smoking place not far away.

And at the center of the map at the moment, a box emitting yellow smoke is lying quietly on the ground. Beside the box, students of unknown life and death in a place are lying all around.

And above them, six people in different university uniforms are facing each other.

Obviously, the previous students were solved by the six of them.

These six people come from the favorites in each competition, Xuanwu University and Imperial University.

“Well, Xianhe, the students who made trouble on the Yun Tian River side have been resolved by our joint efforts. The next step is the final battle between our two schools.”

“Yes, I think it’s almost the same. Although Xu Hai did not come, and Jian Luo from Lingshan University was also missing, the problem is not big. I guess they should have run into it.”

The captain from Xuanwu University smiled

“Then we have to decide the winner quickly. Only when we play the winner here will it be possible to find Xu Hai and Jian Luo. When we solve them, then the true champion of this game will be decided. .”

Crane smiled disdainfully.

“One thing to say, Zhang Shan, I really haven’t seen what effect your Xuanwu University special training has on our Imperial Capital University. It won’t be the fake news you released. I want to brag about it. ”

Zhang Shan smiled and shook his head.

“Whether our special training is effective has nothing to do with you. Since it has reached this point, don’t you know if you hit it?”

“Crane, in fact, I also really want to see what is special about you, a person who fits the two inheritances and is still a conflicting inheritance.”

As soon as the voice fell, an air current surged suddenly beside him, and the yellow sand in the sky drew close behind him, and Zhang Shan’s power suddenly rose to the peak of an extraordinary level.

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