Chapter 29 Rainforest Fantasyland

After all, he was too lazy to say, and opened the door directly, while Xu Hai and Hao Rong looked at each other and walked into the portal together.

“It’s really an era when monsters are born in large numbers. When I was so old with them, it would be good to be able to fight four or five zombies. Thousands of zombies were killed out of the siege. I really can’t even think about it… .”


“Xu Hai, Xu Hai, get up quickly!”

On the chair, Xu Hai opened his eyes groggy.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he was stunned. In front of his own eyes, it was not the rain forest map, but the dream place of the copy.

what’s the situation? !

Was he eliminated?

Before he could ask, the teacher on the side said anxiously: “Get out of here, and the strange beasts that are suppressed at the bottom have come out!”

As soon as the voice fell, in front of his eyes, a huge alien beast several hundred meters high appeared outside the copy. In the whole copy, all military members were boiling, and various methods were constantly attacking the monster. Went away, but it was almost useless.

“Run! Don’t look back! We will help you withstand them!”

A teacher’s voice reached Xu Hai’s ears, and that was Zhang Jian, his head teacher.

Xu Hai didn’t dare to delay, and immediately ran towards the outside of the copy. Not far behind him, the man with the Chinese character face who had always been in love with him, was trampled into flesh by the foot of a strange beast.

Suddenly, a feeling of despair enveloped Xu Hai’s body.

He had inquired about the man with the national character face, and knew that the opponent was probably a general-level master, and if he could kill the opponent so casually, it was likely to be the pinnacle of the general or even the marshal level.

He didn’t dare to accept it, but in this situation, he had to flee to safety quickly.

“Xu Hai!”

At this moment, Hao Rong’s figure suddenly appeared next to Xu Hai. She pulled Xu Hai and her body radiated a faint light. Xu Hai only felt that her body was full of strength, and her speed was much faster.

“Is this Hao Rong’s auxiliary method? It’s really incredible.”

Even in this situation, Xu Hai couldn’t help but sigh.

But soon, he didn’t have time to sigh, because at the exit of the dungeon, one after another strange beasts were constantly slaughtering the students present.

Hao Rong’s face turned pale when he saw this scene, but Xu Hai felt something was wrong for a while.


This dungeon entrance is inside the school. If a foreign beast appears at the entrance, it means that the entire city has been captured by a foreign beast. According to the current strength of the human race, it is impossible for any dimension to capture the human race city in such a short time.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes. The next moment, Sharingan was turned on by him. After turning on Sharingan, Xu Hai was relieved.

It’s another illusion.

He touched his chest, the original black illusion gem has turned gray, which is a sign of entering the rainforest map.

Knowing that this is an illusion, the fear in Xu Hai’s heart has actually disappeared more than half. He looked around, pulled Hao Rong and ran in one direction.

Hao Rong looked at the direction Xu Hai was running and didn’t understand at first, but when she found that Xu Hai was running and took her to a forest, her expression changed.

Obviously, Hao Rong also realized that there was something wrong with this alien beast’s siege.

However, without waiting for her to think about it, hundreds of zombies sprang out of the woods, and right in front of them was the only wise zombie on the desert map that Xu Hai was afraid of.

“Xu Hai, why don’t you run first, I feel I should…”

Before Hao Rong finished speaking, she felt a powerful breath erupting from Xu Hai’s body.

Sharingan, two gou jade form!

However, in a moment of effort, Xu Hai’s fist was extended to the face of a zombie. This seemingly light punch directly killed this zombie who was considered a small overlord on the desert map.

Of course, just killing one is actually useless, because there are countless zombies nearby, and the strength is not weaker than the one that was killed.

Seeing this situation, Xu Hai said solemnly: “Protect yourself.”

Before he finished speaking, Hao Rong next to him began to seal. Soon, a huge turtle shell wrapped Hao Rong, and three characters were written on it, Rashomon.


Xu Hai looked at the turtle shell in front of him, and had to sigh Hao Rong’s talent.

If Orochimaru knew that his Rashomon was played by Hao Rong as Raguimon, he wondered if he wanted to take back the inheritance.


It was another punch. Xu Hai couldn’t count how many punches he had punched, but the zombies continued to surround them.


Under Sharingan’s constant search, Xu Hai clearly saw that in addition to the wisdom zombies he had discovered before, there were two more hidden in the dark.

These guys are so insidious, they want to use ordinary zombies to consume Xu Hai’s stamina before harvesting!


A sound came, and the wise zombies finally did not hold back, and rushed towards Xu Hai and the others.

Under this kind of pressure, Xu Hai clearly felt that his body was starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

And near him, Hao Rong, who was inside the turtle shell, trembled all over.

It wasn’t that Hao Rong was afraid. The reason for her trembling was because of excessive physical exertion.

Even if she was not directly involved in the battle, this version of Rashomon’s tortoise shell made her a little bit overwhelmed after just accepting the inheritance.

But she is not in a hurry, because she still has a magic weapon.

She looked at Xu Hai next to her and shouted to him, “Xu Hai, do you have the energy to catch what I gave you?”

Xu Hai agreed, and Hao Rong, who got the answer, threw a small red bottle into Xu Hai’s hand through the turtle shell without hesitation.

“What the hell!”

Xu Hai asked as he punched.

“Stamina potion!”

Grumbling, Hao Rong answered while drinking.

“It’s amazing…”

Xu Hai did not hesitate and drank Hao Rong’s stamina potion.

If Xu Hai was just a little surprised before drinking it, then after drinking it, he was shocked.

Hao Rong is really a genius. She almost used Orochimaru’s technology to the Ultimate. Although the realm is very low, the effect is real.


I don’t know how long it has been, Xu Hai finally killed the last zombie. He looked at the corpses one by one, took a deep breath, and then slumped directly on the ground, breathing in fresh air.

At this moment, outside the copy, all the teachers and students were shocked. The second place had just reached one hundred and two points, and the first place was over a thousand.

“This kid, did you use a plug-in…”

Sun Qiang at the back of the crowd, holding the small screen only available to the insiders in his hand, was almost speechless in surprise.

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