Chapter 41 School Awards

But before he continued to recollect, another familiar voice reached his ears.

“Xu Hai, come here.”

Is a teacher in the Department of Scientific Research.

Upon seeing this, Xu Hai walked to him and asked, “Teacher, what’s the matter?”

“Go, go to the principal’s office with me, there are some things to discuss with you.”

After speaking, without waiting for Xu Hai to say anything, he grabbed Xu Hai’s body and flew directly towards the principal’s office.

In the principal’s office, all school leaders have arrived.

As the door to the principal’s office opened, everyone’s eyes were on Xu Hai, who was a little bewildered standing outside the door.

Suddenly, Xu Hai, who was watched by the strong in these schools, also felt a little at a loss.

“This is Xu Hai who broke the record in the legend. To be honest, I really can’t tell that he is a master.”

“People shouldn’t understand by appearance. If you can tell at a glance that Xu Hai is a young genius, then is it still his turn to take him away in the scientific research department?”

“I don’t want to go to the combat department, is it good? General Sun Jiancheng can refuse the invitation. Obviously it’s not a good thing.”

“It’s unbelievable. This guy can actually enter the valley map. Some of us may not be able to enter the valley map.”

“This is also a good thing, anyway, one generation is stronger than one generation.”

“It’s a pity that he signed Konoha Village’s heritage.”

“Are you stupid? Don’t you think that he has always been determined to sign the Konoha Village inheritance. This matter itself is worth thinking about? Maybe the research of those of us has gone wrong.”

Some people take it with appreciation, and some take it with regret.

In short, all kinds of complicated eyes gathered on Xu Hai’s body for a while.

“Teacher, is there anything you are looking for me?”

Xu Hai looked at so many masters who were at least extraordinary, and felt a little at a loss.

Realizing that these people seemed a bit too rude, the principal quickly coughed and said, “Xu Hai, there really is something to discuss with you, you come in first.”

Seeing Xu Hai with a dumbfounded look and slowly approaching him, the principal couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Xu Hai, you really won honor for our Imperial Capital Martial Arts University.”

He is different from other school leaders. Those leaders may have some regrets. They think that Xu Hai has not entered the combat department, and may not be able to use his combat talents, but he has a deep connection with the scientific research department, but he is a little bit. I don’t think that Xu Hai’s entry into the scientific research department was a wrong decision.

“You signed the inheritance of Konoha Village, and you were able to display such a powerful strength. You bravely deserve to be a student from the Department of Scientific Research.”

“If our other students can have half of your talent and hard work, then our Imperial Capital Martial Arts University will not be reduced to even the top fifteenth…”

A series of compliments came out in his mouth as if he didn’t want money. Finally, Xu Hai couldn’t help but interrupted: “Principal, that, or just tell me if you have anything to do with me, Is it okay? Actually, I just came out of the closed room just now and I want to go back and have a rest.”

As soon as this sentence was finished, all the leaders present were taken aback, and then burst into violent laughter.

“I originally thought that your kid insisted on joining the science department because his inheritance was not good enough, and wanted to avoid practice and fighting. In the end, I didn’t expect your kid to be a martial idiot.”

At the moment, the principal didn’t say anything and said directly to him: “Xu Hai, this time your performance in the fantasy dungeon has made the school very satisfied. We decided to double the original resource rewards given to you. , And in terms of bonuses, how do you feel about giving you 100 million directly?”

As soon as this sentence was said, all the teachers present were shocked.

One hundred million, this seems a bit too much, right?

You know, there are many unimportant majors in the school, and the annual funding allocated to them is only three or four billion yuan, and the principal immediately rewarded Xu Hai with a hundred million yuan. This can not help but make all school leaders have some Lamented the headmaster’s handwriting.

“Of course, I guess you are not necessarily cold with these rewards, so we people thought carefully and decided to open all the school’s practice equipment to you, and the cost of entering these special practice places is as long as normal conditions. Sixty percent below.

Don’t think we are stingy. This is already a cost price. If you think it is still not enough, you can tell us about your request carefully, and we will consider it carefully. ”

“Oh, yes, don’t the science department have the right to enter the copy every year? The school has doubled the number of times you enter the copy, which means that you can also choose a sense in addition to your normal schoolwork. A copy of interest goes in.

And when you enter these copies, the school will also be specially equipped with corresponding masters to protect your safety.

Not only that, but we also intend to let you participate in our national freshman competition at the end of the semester. I believe that with your current strength, you will definitely be able to win the championship. ”

This series of rewards almost smashed Xu Hai, whether it was a bonus of 100 million yuan, or these half-price opening conditions, or the number of times to enter the dungeon, it was extremely precious to him.

He never dreamed that he only did some routine operations in the illusion dungeon, and he actually got so much attention and resources in exchange.

If he had known this would happen, he wouldn’t have entered the golden map so early, and stayed in the valley map for eight or nine thousand points.

After talking about these rewards, the principal’s face suddenly became a little serious. He stared at Xu Hai and said to him: “There is one more thing I need to tell you.

The military intends to invite you again, and this time it is a strong man at the rank of quasi-marshal. Behind him, there is the general Sun Jiancheng who invited you before. ”

After saying this sentence, all the leaders on the scene looked at Xu Hai again, and Xu Hai said in confusion: “Invite again? Are you inviting me to join the military?”

He is a little curious, this is not the first time he has refused this kind of invitation, right? Isn’t it afraid that he will be disgusted by coming to him frequently?

“Yes, the military intends to invite you into their special forces again. As long as you are willing, the quasi-marshal-level powerhouse tomorrow will directly take you away and give you personal guidance.”

“Of course, as a member of the school, I still hope you can stay in the school and stay in the scientific research department.”

“As long as you can stay in the school, and nothing else, the convenience the school can give you will be satisfied as much as possible, even regardless of the cost.

As for the scientific research department, we also transferred a quasi-marshal-level teacher, Sun Qiang who taught in the combat department before, and his strength is no worse than the military Xu Haodong. ”

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