Chapter 6 Why can he go?

“How is it possible? How could he be assigned to this major? Isn’t it possible that only those geniuses can go to this major?”

Zhou Hua stood directly behind the teacher leading the team, looking at the result being read, his face was shocked and couldn’t believe it.

In his opinion, Xu Hai, who has accepted the inheritance of Konoha Village, should not be qualified to enter this profession that can be comparable to combat drama.

Although the scientific research major is still a niche compared with the combat major, it is not inferior in the average level of talents, and even slightly higher than the combat major. Even Zhou Hua may not meet the requirements. The enrollment requirements of the Department of Scientific Research.

Faced with Zhou Hua’s doubts, the teacher who announced the result smiled slightly and then said to him: “Don’t worry, this student, this is the result of discussions with many of our teachers.

First of all, Xu Hai is the champion of our province after all, and being able to get the first place among thousands of troops is enough to show that his level is very high, and his intelligence is absolutely online.

And he also said that our research on Konoha Village is not thorough enough. Since he has chosen the heritage of Konoha Village, it is a good match for him to enter the scientific research profession. ”

This reason is considered more appropriate. After hearing this, other students reluctantly agreed with the school’s approach.

But Zhou Hua still squeezed his fist and looked at Xu Hai, and then said to the teacher: “But he is a trash who chose the Konoha Village inheritance. Teacher, you also know what will happen to those who choose the Konoha Village inheritance. .”

Seeing that the teacher did not speak, he continued: “I think in terms of the college entrance examination scores that year, although Xu Hai was the provincial champion, the difference in the level of the top 200 students in the province is not very large.

Because of this, let him use this kind of waste to go to the scientific research major, and other students who have obtained so much better inheritance than him, even some can’t enter the combat major, teacher, don’t you think this is a bit too ridiculous? ”

After this sentence was said, those students who thought Xu Hai’s entry into the scientific research major was reasonable and reasonable, were also dissatisfied deep in their hearts.

After all, this assignment is in a very large sense. It is not that they can go to which major they want to go to. There are indeed some people who feel that the major they are assigned is not very suitable for them, and feel that they have been treated unfairly.

At the moment, there is a student who has a very good score on the college entrance examination and has signed an inheritance agreement with Kirigakure of Water Country.

He said a bit angrily: “Teacher, my score in the college entrance examination was a dozen points lower than Xu Hai. I may not be inferior to him in terms of level. Even my scores in some subjects are higher than him.

According to this logic, can I also go to the scientific research department?

But as a result, I was assigned to the major of logistics by you, and I was a leader in the college entrance examination. You are so partial to him, which is a bit too much. ”

He pointed to Xu Hai, obviously very dissatisfied: “Since Xu Hai can enter the scientific research major, then I should also enter.”

The teacher frowned upon hearing this sentence, but did not speak.

When the students saw that the teacher was silent, thinking that the teacher was consciously wrong, they began to accuse the teacher of this decision.

And just after he said nothing, the teacher said impatiently: “You shut up.”

This sentence seems to have added some skill. After saying it, not only the student, but all the students present felt trembling.

And this student, who was talking about his unfair treatment, just shut up and didn’t dare to say a word.

Seeing these classmates closed their mouths, the teacher glared at Zhou Hua and slowly said: “First of all, I hope everyone knows that although the combat department is the mainstream of our university, it does not mean that other majors are useless. .

You are all students who have been evaluated many times by the school, and the major you have assigned is also the most suitable for you. There is no such thing as partiality or unfairness.

In addition, don’t think that the logistics profession is just a profession with no promise. You must know that there are many leaders in the military who came from the logistics profession.

As for Xu Hai’s entry into the Department of Scientific Research, to be honest, this is not decided by me, but by a consensus discussion by higher-level leaders. If you have any questions, you can write a letter of complaint, or say directly. Report to the principal.

Of course, writing a whistleblower or reporting to these high-level officials will lead to results, it has nothing to do with me. ”

After speaking, he stood there and looked at everyone present.

And this glance also made everyone present feel that the room temperature has dropped significantly.

Xu Hai wanted to find out if this was an illusion, but in front of so many people, he thought that he shouldn’t open his Sharingan so early.

In fact, what the teacher said is quite reasonable. After all, although Xu Hai and Konoha Village signed the inheritance, as the province’s college entrance examination champion, let him enter an unimportant garbage major, and he is almost playing the face of the college entrance examination.

In addition, a more important reason is that what Xu Hai said in the copy to the military officer of the Guozilian face has actually reached the ears of a certain tycoon.

It is precisely because of the tycoon’s request that Xu Hai enter the Department of Scientific Research, and this has led to the situation today.

Besides, although the Konoha Village signed by Xu Hai is recognized as a rubbish inheritance, it does get a perfect score in terms of fit.

You should know that the fit of most students is 50 or 60 points, and some people even only have 30 or 40 points, and there is no way to accept the inheritance.

In this respect, Xu Hai has much greater development potential than these students.

If he really made his bet right, and Konoha Village’s heritage also has a great place, it would really be a great achievement.

Of course, most teachers are quite opposed to this matter.

Seeing that the chaos had subsided, the teacher in charge of the distribution said to Xu Hai: “Okay, Xu Hai, go and wait behind the teacher in charge of the scientific research department. When you enter, there will be a professor who is in charge of you to come and talk to you. Docked.

To be honest, most people don’t agree with your choice, but what you say is not unreasonable. I hope you can take a different path. ”

After speaking, he didn’t do too many articles on the matter between Xu Hai and Zhou Hua, but looked at the time and continued the professional assignment that was not completed before.

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