Chapter 52

This is not only a question of living specimens, but more importantly, it is also a rising star in the future of mankind!

If you become a scientist in the science department, it is certainly not a loss, but they still hope that Xu Hai can walk on the front line of the battle and become a martial arts expert.

But Xu Hai still shook his head firmly and smiled: “Sir, don’t embarrass me anymore. I really don’t have any interest in the army.”

“You may not know the troops that much. Our military is not just a fighting force, but also various supporting facilities.

Even, we have a military-specific university.

These universities are much better than the current Imperial Capital Budo University in terms of strength.

Moreover, the military and universities are not the same. Different universities may occupy some different copies as their characteristics. However, in the military, any student, as long as he has sufficient authority, can enter the specific military copies. Inside, there is no need to go through those layers of application and approval.

In comparison, the Imperial Capital Budo University is just pretty good, but for you, this pool may not be able to calm your future dragon. I hope you will think about it again. You don’t need to give me the answer now. Okay? ”

He really hopes to take Xu Hai away.

After all, being able to do such an earth-shattering thing in just half a month after accepting the inheritance, everyone will love Xu Hai.

Moreover, even if he put aside the heaven-defying things he had done in the illusion dungeon before, just relying on his now infinitely close to the extraordinary level of combat power index, it is enough to make all the forces throw an olive branch on him.

But Xu Hai just smiled and shook his head, and didn’t even say anything.

“Oh, what a pity.”

This Xu Haodong is not a master who likes to embarrass and force others. Seeing Xu Hai shook his head so firmly, he didn’t even think that Xu Hai must join his army.

In fact, from the beginning, Sun Jiancheng gave him an order not to let Xu Hai join them.

What Sun Jiancheng cares most is that he still has to figure out the secret of the golden map. It is Xu Haodong who has a passion for talents after seeing Xu Hai. This is why he wants to attract Xu Hai with such a big advantage.

Before coming here, he had investigated all the information that Xu Hai could find. He knew very well that an ordinary person with no wealth background can get the first place in the province by studying. This is very good, but It’s just very good.

However, he only stepped into the transcendental level in such a short time when he accepted the inheritance. This is extremely rare in the history of the entire human race. This is the fundamental reason why he has really invited Xu Hai many times.

Even, he thought about accepting Xu Hai directly as his apprentice. Although the master and the teacher are one word short, the role played by him is absolutely different.

But what Xu Haodong didn’t expect was that Xu Hai didn’t seem to be interested in being a top player among the younger generation who could rank in the top three.

“Well, it seems that I should not be able to recruit you, but Xu Hai, there is one thing I still want to tell you, as long as you are still going to school here, as long as you are not sure where you are going in the future, then the military will always be there. You are welcome to join us. Even if you are a senior and want to join the army, we are willing to accept you.”

Xu Hai nodded, he was actually very grateful to the man in front of him.

Xu Haodong thought for a while, suddenly changed a book from his hand, and then gave it to Xu Hai and said to him: “This is flying, it is a more useful skill we got in the dungeon, right? .

As long as you can learn, you can ignore the gap between the realms and fly anywhere, but the consumption is not very small, but it should not be a problem for you. This is a small meeting gift for you. . ”

“Aircraft, it sounds like it’s quite powerful, I think there are not many students who can master this skill.”

Xu Haodong smiled and nodded, but didn’t say anything.

Xu Hai put the book away and glanced at him gratefully.

“There is one more thing I want to tell you very seriously. At the moment, the matter of your entering the golden map is considered a secret, including the medical staff who knew you had entered before. They have signed a confidentiality agreement.

Of course, on your side, I don’t plan to let you sign a non-disclosure agreement, but I advise you not to tell you about your access to the golden map.

Because once this is said, many top powerhouses may want to come and study you, you should know what it means.

Indeed, there are many marshal-level powerhouses in the Imperial Martial Arts University, and there are even powerhouses at the semi-holy level, but they can’t always follow you all the time, keeping it secret, and it is good for you and us. ”

Xu Hai nodded solemnly.

Xu Haodong sighed, then said: “Well, there will be a period later.”

Then, under Xu Hai’s gaze, his figure slowly disappeared.

Xu Hai was shocked, but he has always turned on the Sharingan of Two Gouyu!

But I didn’t expect that even so, I didn’t realize how he disappeared.

This level of business is really too high, right?

“Is this an illusion? Or is it moving instantaneously? In other words, the original Xu Haodong who came here is just a projection.”

Looking at Xu Haodong who disappeared, all kinds of curiosity flashed through Xu Hai’s heart.

He looked at the secret book called Flying Technique in his hand, but thought of another thing in his heart.

In this copy, the inheritance is almost the only one, but in many cases the skills brought out may not be the only one.

Although many people say that they have never brought out a paper book, they can reproduce the secrets of the skill with their own understanding of this skill.

It is estimated that this is how the flying technique in his hand came from.

Then since Xu Haodong can give him a copy of flying skills at hand, the Imperial Martial Arts University, which has almost completely opened up all kinds of permissions to him, will there be other practical skills in it?

Now he, in fact, all his combat methods are based on Sharingan, but Sharingan is not a perfect inheritance after all. There must be certain flaws. If he can learn more other skills, then maybe he will fight against Xu Hai. This is not a small benefit.

After all, no matter how strong Sharingan is, it’s just pupil skills. Relatively speaking, Xu Hai is like a mage now. Long-range attacks may be good, but his physical fitness is considered weak among the strong at the same level.

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