Chapter 69

Thinking of this, he took Hao Rong’s hand and quickly came to the previous Doctor Under Armour.

“Go and look after this man. If he is about to die, give him a little treatment. We want him to be useful.”

According to the information he got, this Under Armour should be one of the developers of the monster controller. If he is dead, Xu Hai will waste time groping for the use of the monster controller.

Instead of this, it’s better to save him his life and help himself first.

After talking about these things with Hao Rong, Xu Hai turned his head to look at the little King Kong who was unable to move in the pit he had hit.

The little King Kong at this moment, although the wounds all over his body are not very big, but because of Raikiri’s sake, blood is constantly bleeding.

Obviously, Raikiri just now caused a lot of damage to King Kong.

Xu Hai looked at the monster controller in his hand, thought about it, and walked towards Xiaojingang.

In the distance, Xiao Jingang looked at Xu Hai, who was approaching, with a trace of trepidation in his eyes, but more of anger.

“I don’t know if this thing is useful.”

Xu Hai turned on the monster controller’s switch, and then, a very strange ultrasonic wave was launched towards Xiao Jingang’s side.

It is said that this monster controller was originally used to detect some creatures in the ocean, but because of a mistake, the Doomsday Organization transformed it into this kind of instrument for controlling monsters.

“Really, there is no manual on this thing. I don’t know which button to press to control this little King Kong.”

Xu Hai kept adjusting the instrument in his hand, but after a while, he felt that the effect was not very good.

Finally, when Xu Hai pressed a red button, the little King Kong’s body in front seemed to undergo some subtle changes.

Seeing this scene, Xu Hai finally laughed, and then he continued to adjust the monster controller in his hand, and at the same time said softly to Xiaojingang: “If you want, cooperate with me.

If you cooperate with me, I can assure you that I will drive all these humans out and let this world belong to your virgin forest again. No one will try to control you or cause any harm to you. ”

After hearing these words, Little King Kong, who was struggling fiercely, gradually calmed down. He looked at Xu Hai, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he understood what Xu Hai had just said.

“It looks like he has already controlled this little King Kong.”

Looking at Xiaojingang who had calmed down, Xu Hai knew that his first plan should be completed.

But just when he was happy that he had completed the first step plan, there was a sudden explosion not far away.

Xu Hai was stunned for a moment, then looked towards the source of the explosion, only to see a large number of militants rushing in.

Xu Hai looked at them with a slightly frozen expression. According to the information, this group of militants should be the mercenary group that had robbed the monster controller before.

There was a huge crack in the wall of the Doomsday Organization base. Xu Hai estimated that this group of armed mercenaries blasted it open.

After entering, these people did not see Xu Hai for the first time. They took the weapons and directly started a fierce confrontation with the members of the doomsday organization present.

Xu Hai looked at their confrontation and felt a little funny.

Obviously he was the one holding the monster controller, but he didn’t expect the two sides to fight first.

For a time, the second battle between the mercenary group and the members of the Doomsday Organization once again flooded the entire Doom Organization base with the flames of various weapons.

And it was for this reason that everyone present did not notice the existence of Xu Hai.

Not far from Xu Hai, Hao Rong carried Under Armour with one hand and waved the other hand continuously, flying the bullets that came to prevent Under Armour from being directly compensated.

Hao Rong now has a combat power index of more than 500 points. Although he is far behind Xu Hai, he is considered a top genius, so ordinary guns are not a threat to Hao Rong.

But even though she didn’t add any new damage to the Under Armour in her hands, the moment she was hit by Xiao Jin just now still made Under Armour very confused.

Coupled with this scene of Hao Rong carrying him directly to catch the bullet, he felt that he hadn’t come to his senses yet.

Gradually, the gunshots within the Doomsday Organization Base became smaller and smaller. Xu Hai glanced at it roughly. It was the mercenary group that had won, and those security personnel had been eliminated seven or eighty-eight.

Finally, as the last security guard fell to the ground, the battle came to an end.

Soon, these mercenary groups surrounded the base of the Doomsday Organization again, and the place where Little King Kong existed, where Xu Hai and the others hid, became the focus of everyone’s attention.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man in a black robe came out. Xu Hai didn’t know him, but he could feel that he should be the leader of this group of guys.

The boss looked at the alien beast controller in Xu Hai’s hand, his eyes showed a little bit of jealousy, but he was more surprised.

Who is this person! It doesn’t seem to be mentioned in your own profile, right?

And in the fierce gun battle just now, wouldn’t he take this opportunity to leave?

But soon, the other party reacted, no matter what kind of identity this kid is, it is of no use at the moment, because the current doomsday organization base has been completely controlled by him.

He looked at Xu Hai and said faintly: “Hand over what is in your hand, and you can leave a whole body.”

“Wow, you are so amazing, then if I don’t pay.”

Xu Hai smiled slightly and ignored the man in black at all.

The man in black obviously didn’t expect Xu Hai to have this attitude. Right now, he didn’t hesitate to say to the people around him: “Kill him.”

Hearing this person’s instructions, the younger brother immediately picked up his gun and planned to take out Xu Hai directly. Not far from Xu Hai, Hao Rong looked at the group of mercenaries with a trace of worry in his eyes.

This time the mercenary group was not holding an ordinary automatic rifle. In addition to the bazooka in their hands, they were heavy weapons like Gatling. Hao Rong himself would not be able to block them if they were really hit by these things.

Although Xu Hai is better than her, her strength should be limited. In addition, Xu Hai is a spiritual warrior, so in the face of this situation, Hao Rong will inevitably worry that Xu Hai will not be able to handle it.

Of course, the result was unexpected by Hao Rong.

Although the powerful firepower surrounded Xu Hai, it didn’t take long before Hao Rong was surprised to find that a transparent protective shield was added in front of Xu Hai, and the shots of those heavy weapons could not pass through. This protective cover.

“That’s it, I thought how strong you are.”

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