I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 13 - A Contract I Didn't Sign Up

A fireball was sent in my direction.

Panicking slightly at the sudden turn of events, I put up a barrier. It blocked the attack, but I staggered back a little. When another fireball was sent, I just run to the side and when I looked back, a huge hole has been made on the ground where I was standing earlier. I internally cursed. The fire was even black, perfectly matching the dragon's color.

It seems like it doesn't have any plan of talking, because when I was about to speak – it opened its mouth and breathe out black fire. Fortunately, I was able to put up a shield again.

The whole library was already on fire, it was a terrifying sight, more so because the fire was black. It's like looking at a place that's slowly being turned into something... horrible, to say the least.

"Human, fight me."

I ignored what it said, I run and hides behind a bookshelf. I know it was pointless, the opponent is a dragon, it can fly and possibly burn me alive. But this can give me a little time to think.

Now that I think about it, it's strange that's no one is noticing all of this commotion. Even though the door of the library is locked, they should still be able to notice it because of the noise.

"Are you a coward?" I looked up and saw the dragon flying – floating above me.

'Are you crazy?' I want to say back, but held myself back and teleported myself near the door of the library instead.

"You're cornered now," It made a laughing sound, "This is where our chase end, coward. In the end, you're not worthy." It added. Hearing all of it, and seeing how the dragon acted, I couldn't stop the corner of my mouth from raising slightly.

"You fool," I raised my hand and made a large fireball, and the same as the one the dragon made, it was black, "You're not the only one who can use Magic." I said, slightly amused.

Several ropes made up of my Magic surrounded the dragon's body, pulling and holding the dragon to the ground. The rope was black and also had thorns, and when it comes into contact with the dragon's body, it let out a pained growl. The ropes were something I set up while I was running around.

I threw the fireball at the dragon but expectedly, the dragon was able to break free from the ropes, and using its wings, it deflected the fireball and it hit somewhere else in the library.

"You're the foolish one." It said before opening its mouth again, I immediately used levitation magic – since I can't throw the dragon away completely, I just used it to make it lose balance.

Even with just that, I cough up blood.

This happens when you overuse Magic or use it without proper or enough practice – your body pays for the price. In my case, it was far worst since dark Magic is a rare case.

I immediately made ten large fireballs and threw it at the dragon. This time, eight fireballs hit it. After that, I made several ropes again using Magic to hold it down. It let out another growl and I quickly controlled my shadow. My shadow expanded on the ground, the whole floor got covered in black – my shadow, and slowly, the dragon started to sink into it until I no longer see it.

Feeling exhausted, I let out a sigh. This must be why you shouldn't easily buy things with... not enough information about it.

Strangely, right after fainting, I also immediately felt my consciousness coming back. When I opened my eyes, instead of a destroyed library, I saw Amy's worried face.

"My lady! Are you okay?" She asked as she helps me sit up. Confused, I looked around just to make sure that I wasn't in the library. I'm back inside my bedroom.

What happened...?

It was Amy who answered the question I didn't verbally ask, "I found you sleeping in the library, I thought you were just sleeping but at some point, you started to have a hard time breathing... and you were burning with fever." She explained and I can't help but frown.

"I called for a butler to help bring you back in your room, and because you said to not call for a doctor last time, I just did my best to take care of you on my own." Amy added and I slowly nodded, taking in everything.

The dragon, my fight with it... was it all a dream?

The bones – "Amy, where are the bones?"

"The one I found on the table? It's here, my lady." She gestured at the table in the room and I was relieved when I saw the bones there, wrapped in cloth again. Then the library should also be fine since it seems like my fight with the dragon is just a dream – I hope so.

I looked at Amy, she mentioned something about me – Aksia telling her not to tell the doctors whenever her health is bad or something is wrong. It's probably because she doesn't want to trouble the others, and she also doesn't want people talking about it.

"I'll rest for now, Amy." I said and she nodded, she walked out of the room and left me alone thinking to myself.

What had I been doing for me to dream of something like that? A realistic one at that. Although the fight is tiring, using Magic was fun. I was able to test it out and see myself use Magic in combat. But it was great that it's just a dream since having a dragon... will cause me a lot of trouble, to say the least.

I looked at the wrapped bones at the table, I should probably... throw that way now. It might really be a dragon.

"Human! Don't you dare!"

Startled, I almost jump up from my sitting position, if I was at the edge of the bed, I might have fallen.

"... Dragon?" I finally said after a long pause.

"Yes, it is I! But I have a name, you coward!"

I grimace, I can't see the dragon but I can hear the voice as if it's directly coming from my mind. This dragon really likes to call me names, calling me a fool, human, and a coward.

I also have a name. I sigh, "And what is your name?" I asked.

"I'm the great-great dark, black, magnificent dragon, Gaos!" Gaos... the name doesn't sound familiar to me. This is the first time I've heard of it.

"Gaos, my name is Aksia. Can you tell me what happened at the library earlier?" I asked.

"Well, it seems like luck is on your side since you 'luckily' won against me." He said, and it was clear as day that he's emphasizing how I 'luckily' defeated him.

"As for the destroyed library, I restored them back to normal!" He added, sounding as if he's telling me 'Now, worship me!'.

"I see."

"That's it?!" He exclaimed, disbelief was obvious in his voice, "No thank you? No praises? Are you that ungrateful, you brat!"

"Ungrateful...?" I asked, voice cold, "Why do I need to thank you when you're the one who destroyed it in the first place? It's only right that you fixed it." I said.

"O-of course! That's what I was saying, you just didn't let me finish. I'm not someone irresponsible!" He quickly said and I just sigh. If he really did fix the library from the chaotic, messed up state of it from before, then he must be really powerful. Maybe he even used a time-reversal Magic or something powerful that allows him to restore something.

But I guess it's not something shocking or unexpected anymore since he's a dragon.

"Anyway, human! From now on you are my slave!" I froze, then immediately frowned. Slave...?

"Since you were able to prove your worth by 'luck', I will accept you as my slave. We have been bind in a contract now!" The words slave, bind, and contract are the ones that I really remember.

"Gaos," I smiled and yet, my eyes are cold, not showing any emotion. Even though I can't see him, I'm sure that he can see me, thinking so, a dangerous gleam flash through my eyes for a moment, "Could you explain this contract to me in detail? Be quick before I decided to obliterate you into oblivion."

In the end, he did explain everything to me. He said that the contract is a 'master and servant' contract. It's a contract that only works for people who have dark Magic. He told me that when he was still alive, he immediately died after being born. When I asked him why his shadow is so big, he explained that it's probably because of my own Magical capabilities – which he didn't admit at first and instead said that he's just too strong.

Unfortunately for him, I noticed that he was lying.

And when I asked how did know about a lot of things, he simply said that I pulled him from the afterlife where he's having the time of his life, doing everything he wants. He didn't really give much detail about it, and I decided not to question him about it for now.

"You seem pretty happy to be alive again though."

"Who is?!"

He probably got bored of his life there. He said that the way the contract works is when the master dies, the servant will also perish with them. In this case, the master is me. He told me that he was only able to stay here because I'm supplying him with Magic.

"Is there any way to terminate the contract?"

"You dare?! This is a once in a lifetime chance! And no, there isn't!"

And with that, I lost all hope of freeing myself from this contract. I had no choice but to accept the curse given to me. Well, I say it was a curse, but while it's true that something like this might bring me trouble, it'll also be a great help.

And I'm someone who uses everything at her disposal to accomplish her goal.

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