I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 16 - It's Too Late

When the day of my debut came – and before the party could even start, I was already exhausted.

Fortunately, it seems like Gaos got tired of bothering me since he hasn't said a word since earlier.

Although the party will start in the afternoon, the preparation for it started in the morning, and no one even warned me or told me about it. Waking up so early in the morning, and seeing several maids including Amy besides my bed – I was beyond stunned. It was Amy who woke me up, and at that time, I suddenly had the urge to hold on to my pillow and never let go.

However, against several maids and Amy herself, I was obviously outnumbered. In the end, I was forced to move.

Just like what the Duke said, he really did send some maids to help me prepare. Right after taking a bath, they started to help me prepare for my debutante. With Amy helping as well, they began to fix my hair. They also did my makeup – which they keep retouching after a certain amount of time. Saying that it was tiring is an understatement.

"Amy, how do I look?" I asked while looking at myself in the mirror.

"You look extremely beautiful, my lady!" – was her immediate response.

I stared at myself in the mirror. Looking at my own reflection, Aksia is really... pretty. Along with the maids, the Duke also sent a dress for me to wear for my debutante. At first, I was skeptical about leaving what I'll wear to him, but looking at the dress now, it was probably one of the most beautiful dresses I've seen in my whole two lifetimes.

The dress was beautiful and grand, to say the least.

The dress was mostly dark blue, and it reminds me of the night sky. There are jewels and diamonds on it which seems to serve as the moon and stars. Even with those, the dress gave a simple yet very elegant and classy look. The style is similar to a long one-shoulder dress, with a slit on the side. It hugged my figure, and the blue – almost transparent cape, attached on the shoulder strap with seemingly glitters and pearls all over it, is very eye-catching.

They also made me wear some accessories.

"Lady Aksia, the Duke said that the party will start soon." Turning away my gaze from the mirror, I looked at the maid who notified me.

I sigh, "Tell him that I'll be there soon." She nodded before leaving the room. Now, It's only me and Amy again. Fortunately, they finally finished dressing me up. We started in the morning, and now... it's already time for the party. It took us hours to prepare. I let out another sigh. I think this is more energy consuming than learning Magic.

"Shall we go, my lady?" Amy said, smiling.

The party is going to be held in one of our empty... buildings. Since our land was wide, we own more than three buildings excluding the garden and other places. The Euridice Family resides in the Main Building, which is the largest, and my debut will be at the Party Hall – that's what the Duke called it. It was the second-largest building here, and it's usually where we hold parties and gatherings.

"Where are the guests right now?" I asked while we're walking towards the Party Hall. Three maids are also with us. Party Hall is not really that far, it's just a walking distance.

"They're currently in the garden, lady Aksia. We're waiting for your arrival first before letting them in the Party Hall." One of the maids answered and I simply nodded in return. The party is well organized I guess, they also probably decorated the garden. The number of guests right now must still be few, since if it wasn't they would have just let them in the Party Hall.

Too many people might bring out complaints about the party not starting yet after all, and the Duke wouldn't want something like that.

When we arrived at the Party Hall, the first thing I noticed isn't the gorgeous decorations of the place or the foods that are there.

I frowned when I saw Hariz there and not the Duke and Duchess.

I nodded at Amy who hesitantly followed the other maids to leave, then I looked back at Hariz.

"Mother and father are in the garden with others, but they will be here soon. I'll be escorting you for your entrance later." He said and I nodded. One of the maids already informed me that I'll be going down the stairs for my entrance once my name is called with an escort, but I didn't know that it would be Hariz.

"I see... thank you for escorting me." I gave him a small smile as I turned around. Not waiting for him, I started walking towards the high and long stairs.

– But stopped when someone hands wrapped around my wrists. Frowning, I looked at Hariz.

"... Hariz?" I asked.

"I..." He paused as if hesitating about what he should say next. Although confused by his sudden change of behavior towards me, I waited.

"I wasn't able to greet you because I wasn't here on your birthday that's why... Happy birthday, sister... and congratulations on debuting." He said, then he looked down before continuing, "I'm sorry. I know that I ignored you like what father did... and I'm sorry for what I said in the garden last time." My eyes slightly widen. He... apologized?

I opened my mouth to say something but decided to close them again.

"I realized that I shouldn't be acting this way towards you and that it's wrong to let things as it is. I know that mother is... hurting you and yet, I didn't do anything. I'm sorry, sister." I stared at him as he continues to apologize, he also keeps looking on the floor as if ashamed to meet my eyes. Somehow, my mind was strangely calm and blank.

I wonder... just what is it that change his mind about me? In the game, something like this never happened. Just like what Hariz said, the reason why he ignored Aksia was that the Duke, the Duchess, and almost everyone else also ignores her. Hariz was raised as someone loved, he was spoiled and can get anything he wants... but he knows what's right and what's wrong.

Other than that, he probably ignores Aksia too because he doesn't have any reason to care about his... pitiful and ignored sister.

I clenched my fist while looking at Hariz blankly.

"From now on, I'll try to stop mother from hurting you." this time, he looked at me, as if determined to tell – promise me, that from now on, he would help me.

Why is he apologizing now? Is it because I caught his interest? Because I met and talked to him in the garden before? Because he realizes that I – Aksia should not have been treated the way she has been treated?

"I'll do my best to help – "

"Help?" Before he could finish his sentence, I spoke. He stopped and looked at me, confused.

I chuckled, "Hariz, I... don't need any help." I gave him a cold look, "Especially from you."

'I'm sorry'? Why now? You could have done that from the beginning, as her brother – as her family, you should have helped Aksia. You shouldn't have turned a blind eye to everything. And now... why now?

"I'm not suffering, Hariz. I'm happy."– I'm happy because my wish was granted.

"I don't hate you, Hariz." His eyes widened because of what I said. I don't really hate him, but that doesn't him that I'll like him.

"But Hariz, don't expect anything from me."


It's too... late. So so late.

I... I'm not the original Aksia – and the one he should be apologizing to is Aksia. I'm sure she would forgive Hariz, but I'm not her... and I can't simply forgive Hariz. I'm not a God or a saint that will just go and say 'It's okay' to anything. If only Hariz had done this from the beginning... maybe I - Aksia would not have to suffer so much.

But now, it's too late.

Forcing myself to calm down, I smiled at him – a smile similar to what I gave him at the garden before, "Don't worry about it, Hariz. Now, shall we go?" I said.

And as if nothing happened, I turned around and started walking towards the stairs, leaving him there beyond stunned and speechless.

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