I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 19 - The Aftermath

I stared at particularly nothing – just at the pure white ceiling in my bedroom.

The party was finally done. Fortunately, it seems like I wasn't gone that long earlier while I was in the garden and no one noticed my brief disappearance. After what happened with Anakin... I didn't saw him again. When I came back to the Party Hall, I just went with the flaw. I smile when someone talks to me, even though I'm mostly in my own world, thinking about different things.

Nothing much really happened after that. After the party ended, the Duke didn't say anything. He didn't even spare me a glance and just left. The Duchess just glared at me and Hariz was already gone before I knew it.

Amy walked with me on my way back to my room and after saying goodbye and goodnight – I'm all alone again.

After changing into more comfortable clothes, I immediately dive into my king size bed. As I thought... just lying like this is really comfortable. If I can, I would just stay like this forever.

"Gaos?" I called.

When no one answered me, I just let out a sigh. Maybe he's resting already, or maybe he's doing something – which makes me curious how exactly does he spend his time inside that dark dimension of mine?

Talking with the Second Prince earlier really made me think about a lot of things. And I guess he also made me realized some things, like the fact that I am burning. However, I still didn't like how he just read my emotions without my permission. That's definitely why I mentioned his inferiority complex towards his brother as my... little payback.

Now that I finally had time to rest and think, just what exactly should I do? I'm referring to my future plans.

Right now, I'm focusing on avoiding execution. Next on the list that is already in progress is my relationship with my family, If they even consider me as one. However, my main goal is definitely Magic. It's something that will never change no matter what, I will continue to explore and learn it. The question is... what would I do if I've already done all of that?

Once everything is already finished. What would I do once I graduated from the Royal Academy?

Of course, It's not certain yet that it will happen and everything will go according to my plans, but I'm thinking 'if' it really does happen... then what's next?

I'm really not sure yet how things will end up or turn out with my relationship with my family but... I guess I could always become an adventurer. Besides being an adventurer, there are also other works that I can do.

The Lansera Kingdom is one of the biggest Kingdom after all. There are a lot of adventures, mercenaries, knights, and more here. If I have all the requirements, maybe I can also become a teacher at the Royal Academy or other Magic school. Or if I somehow want to have a non-magic related work, maybe I can work as a fashion designer, start a restaurant or become a shop owner.

This otome game world isn't exactly set in medieval or some sort... it's just what it is – a world with Magic.

The technology isn't as advanced as the technology we have in my world before, but that's probably because we rely more on Magic. Although the Palace and most of the large buildings here remind me of medieval Europe, there are also a few buildings and houses that have a different style. It's really hard to explain, but I guess the one I have to blame is the game creators.

I actually haven't thought about it before but... it was said that twenty percent of this game world's population has no Magic. And even though the remaining eighty percent have Magic, not everyone has a 'strong' attribute or talent for it.

"I guess I'm lucky..." I whispered to myself.

If I somehow got reincarnated in a world with Magic but doesn't have the ability to use it, I think I would... just give up on everything. Or maybe I'll find some alternative solutions for that if I'm fortunate enough.

Even if it's dark Magic, I'm more than grateful. I know that people see it as something 'evil' and that's probably because it's something rare. They're not used to it, and people tend to fear what they don't know.

But I can change that.

And now.... I just need to wait a few more months until I enter the Academy.

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