I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 41 - The Dark Mage

The teacher stepped back in shock, almost tripping as the other students reacted way more 'violent' than they did when seeing Anastasia's Light Magic.

"Oh my god! Lady Euridice really is a Dark Mage..."

"Look at that black fire!"

"Is this allowed?"

As I stood there with my right palm rise, showing a dark, black fire, and feeling everyone's gaze, I felt slightly afraid – which is extremely rare.

Their gaze... just seems to be judging me, and whatever it is that goes inside their minds scares me.

Facing them like this, it's like the anxiety and every other emotion I've been holding on at the bay suddenly destroyed the fence that's been holding them back.

Different and various thoughts started pouring without an end, and although only a few seconds seems to have passed, in that mere 'few seconds', my mind had already processed several things; Now, it really is officially known that I have Dark Magic. More people would probably and obviously start hating me now, right? More rumors will also spread. I already know this will happen though, why am I still feeling like this? Do Anastasia and the others also have a negative reaction to this? Will this affect my plan of befriending her? Is this really okay?

For a moment there, even though I should already know the answer to some of those questions I asked myself, I still found myself asking them. I felt lost and suffocated – almost like I'm drowning in a sea of thoughts.

But I didn't allow it to continue like that as I immediately started rebuilding the fences, battling and controlling my emotions once again, and acting like nothing happened on the surface – although I most definitely almost had a breakdown, my expression still remained the same on the surface.

"You can stop now!" After a while, the teacher seems to wake up from his daze, shouting for me to stop. So I did stop. I stopped the flow of Mana until the fire weakened and disappear from my palm. Once it did, I finally lowered my hand.

The chattering of the students continues, looking at me with different kinds of looks. When I looked in the direction of my group, Anakin seems to be looking at me with complexity, Deor's expression remained cold, Franco have an almost unnoticeable frown, and Percival looked quite shocked. On the other hand, Anastasia is looking down, seemingly thinking about something and not allowing me to get any clue of what her reaction and expression are.

"So the rumors about lady Euridice is true..."

"Now I remember, the current Duke of Euridice's father should also be a Dark Mage."

"Isn't having Dark Magic a curse? Although I heard it is also very powerful."

Among all the whispers I've heard, Gaos voice seemed to be the loudest when he suddenly spoke, exclaiming, "These imbeciles! They are truly not aware of the greatness of Dark Magic!" his deep voice echoed throughout my ears, almost making me wince.

I didn't respond. However... seeing how these students seem to have forgotten their manners as nobles and have no plan of stopping any time soon, I spoke.

"May I return to my seat now?" My voice, cold but clear and firm appears to successfully have an effect as the students become silent.

I gave the teacher a cold look, waiting for his permission. Recalling that this person also didn't make any move on making the students behave earlier for obvious reasons, my patience began to run thin.

This is the moment in the otome game where Aksia becomes officially known as a Dark Mage. I was already prepared for it since I already know what would happen, but sometimes, there are really those moments where you still couldn't control your emotions even when you already know what to expect.

I want to consider myself as someone who's good at controlling herself, but I guess by the end of the day, being like this... is also part of being a human.

I wouldn't say that I'm not strong, or that I'm weak because all of this should be normal. Showing and feeling emotions is normal.

Just then, another person spoke, "Aksia, come back here already." I blinked before looking up and seeing Anastasia standing there awkwardly from her seat with a very stiff and cold expression, I was stunned.

It might have been obvious on my expression that I was stunned because Anastasia looked away, so I immediately fixed my expression. What she did may seem almost silly and unnecessary, but that just shows that she won't stand down with seeing me in a situation like that. If I'm also hearing things correctly... she just called me by my first name, didn't she? Thinking about this, I couldn't stop the warmth that suddenly spread throughout my ċhėst, feeling slightly moved.

This means I'm making progress, right?

Not waiting for the teacher's permission anymore, and ignoring the tension in the air, as well as the others' gaze, I nodded before walking back to my seat.

When I finally sat back down again, I glanced at Anastasia, "Thank you." I whispered, but it should be loud enough for her to hear, and her looking at me for a moment before nodding confirms that.

"Thank... thank you for the demonstration, lady Euridice." The teacher who seems to realize that he needs to do something now, spoke, stuttering. The atmosphere became still, almost embarrassing. It was extremely silent. Although he's the one who set this whole thing up, now that I've really shown everyone my Dark Magic, he seems like a clueless child.

The male teacher fakes a cough, "Since it's like this... that will be all for our class today. I'll see you guys next week." Then he left in a hurry.

The classroom remained silent as if everyone was waiting for one person to make the first move.

As I sit, I also felt the gaze of others, looking at me as if to check my reaction or expression. I made sure that my face showed nothing but coldness. Amidst this situation, it was Deor who spoke first.

"The class has finished." Everyone seemed to come back to reality, their eyes avoiding looking into my direction as a few of them almost stood up at the same time, hurrying to leave the classroom.

As I watched the other students leave one by one, I suddenly felt like time... was so slow.

"I will see everyone again tomorrow." Deor said, standing up as well to leave. Franco gave me a glance before following him immediately.

Percival stood up as well, looking at me with a complicated look... and some emotions I couldn't read, "I think... Dark Magic is powerful." Just a moment ago, he was asking me about my Elemental Magic as well, and now... is he perhaps feeling guilty? I watched Percival leave as well with a blank look.

Until finally, the only students left in the classroom are Anakin, Anastasia, and myself. I frowned, trying to feel the atmosphere and the mood of these two people sitting beside me.

At the end, when a few seconds passed and no one made any move, it was me who spoke first, "I'll go now." I said after a brief of hesitance. When I stood up, Anakin looked at me as if he wanted to say something, while Anastasia... was looking somewhere else, as if pretending that she wasn't here. Pressing my lip in a thin line, I decided to leave the classroom, leaving both of them there.

"... That teacher is trash." Gaos who must have noticed the male teacher's intention said so while I was walking in the hallways.

"Hey insect, are you not going to do anything about that trash?" He asked, and I stopped.

"Of course not." the corner of my mouth curled up slightly, almost unnoticeable. Then I walked again – towards the direction of the Headmaster's office. Headmaster Roderic will definitely take action if I give him enough reason to do so. For this kind of situation, this is the best solution since... I can't just kill that teacher, can I?

It's not worth it either way and if I really am going to murder someone, it wouldn't be that teacher.

In the otome game, A Magical Romance, one dialogue gives a piece of information to the players about the Headmaster's Office; Headmaster Roderic has his office open for students who have something urgent or important to talk about. So there should also be nothing wrong with me going there like this.

They can probably have the Headmaster Office open like this in RA since the students here have enough common sense to at least know that bothering the Headmaster for a small or joking matter will bring them no good.

– One of the benefits of not just accepting all the students who apply to them.

If that 'somehow' doesn't work, then... I guess I can also send a message to the Euridice Family for help. Even though Duke Lancer and Duchess Oceana shouldn't care much about my well-being they would definitely care about the Euridice Family's reputation and image. It might seem like a bad choice to seek help from people like them, but I don't really care about those. If I can use something to my advantage, I will do so.

Besides even if I do this, their sin still won't lessen. Aside from that, since they're also using me to give the Euridice Family more benefits, then I should also really use them as well, right?

When I arrived in front of the Headmaster's office door, I knocked three times.

"Who is it?" It wasn't Headmaster Roderic's voice, but I answered nonetheless.

"This is Aksia Euridice."

After a moment of silence, the door opened. A man who seems to be around the age of 30 to 40 welcomed me. What stood out to me is his eyeglasses and the outfit he's wearing which looks like a butler's outfit. Glancing behind him, I saw Headmaster Roderic who's sitting behind his desk.

The butler gestured for me to seat on the couch in front of Headmaster Roderic's desk. Once I did, I quickly let my eyes wander around the room in curiosity.

The office in general looks fancy and neat. The walls are made up of bookshelves that contain a lot of different books, there was also a small chandelier on the ceiling. On the Headmaster's desk, there was a glass sign with golding writing that reads 'Alexander Roderic'.

"Lady Aksia, what brings you here?" Headmaster Roderic went straight to the point. My gaze was then attracted to the crystal ball placed on the left side of his desk. It was smaller than a measuring device, and it's not that transparent. It looks closer to a thick mirror.

"Headmaster should already know since you've been using Magic to watch the students of RA." I've thought about this even before I died when I played the game.

Headmaster Roderic just seems always know about the things that have been happening around the school. Although I don't know what kind of Magic exactly he's using, this crystal must have been the pillar item or anchor where he watches us. Before, when I said that he started helping Anastasia because he 'saw' her being targeted by others – what I mean is this. He is seeing everything through this crystal ball.

He must be using a Magic that requires him to use an item that has the ability to reflect.

With this Magic, some might think that he can also use this to spy on students when... using a bathroom, when on their dorms, and such, but Alexander Roderic is not that type of person. Besides, if he's really doing that, he would have been caught a long time ago since the people from Tower of Magic would also occasionally visit RA and perform some inspections, and such.

Headmaster Roderic showed a faint but gentle smile, "Then, do you want me to remove that teacher from RA?"

"I think that is the right decision to do." I simply said. I'm sure he already knows that the teacher deliberately called me right after Anastasia demonstrated her Light Magic, purposely trying to create trouble. Someone like that should not be in RA.

"If I decided not to do anything about this, what will you do?" Hearing this, I blinked, staring at Headmaster Roderic to observe his expression. Is he... testing me or something?

"Then I will find another way." I said with firmness.

Maybe... I might seem too much to other people like this, but if I let that teacher stay at RA, he won't stop. He'll continue targeting me. Although nothing about this was said in the game, it's just simple logic. A person like that who has the boldness to insult a Duke's daughter in front of other students won't just stop that easily.

Oftentimes, before the situation gets worse, it's better to solve it as soon as possible.

"Alright," He paused before showing a bigger smile this time that still remained gentle, "I will remove that person from RA. My apologies, lady Aksia, I just wanted to see what you would do in a situation like this." Knowing that the matter was finally solved, I was also both curious and puzzled.

"Why does Headmaster Roderic want to test me?" I asked. I can think of a reason, but I have to confirm it.

"Lady Aksia is a clever and smart person. I think you already have a guess why." He said, still smiling, "As you might have noticed, we have been putting together your group despite all of you being part of the Pre-Examination ranking. This... might seem unfair to other students, but all the school staff decided this, thinking that putting all the high ranked students together can motivate them to do better." He continued.

So it's not only for the plot. Or is this also part of the plot? I guess I should also be thankful since I can be in a group together with Anastasia which can help in my plan to get close to her.

"This was decided based on voting, and most school staff believed that sometimes rivalry also gives benefits such as motivating a person to improve, especially when your rival is close to you." Hearing this, I couldn't help but ask a question.

"Since it is decided by voting, did Headmaster Roderic vote for it to happen as well?"

"I will leave that for you to guess. It is an anonymous voting, after all." I blinked before smiling a little.

"I see... then I should probably take my leave now, Headmaster. Thank you for giving me your time." I stood up.

"Thank you as well, it is a pŀėȧsurė to talk to you like this, lady Aksia." Headmaster Roderic said, and I gave a curt nod before finally walking towards the door to leave. The butler opened the door for me, but just when I was about to walk out, Headmaster Roderic spoke again.

"I will just confirm this. Once I removed that teacher from RA, it's unavoidable that some students might think badly of you for their own different reasons. You will really be known as a Dark Mage. Is that alright?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Dark Mage is simply a title used for Mages who have Dark Magic. Even if they think badly of me, what and where does it matter?"

Besides, "Headmaster Roderic should already know, I came here with no intention of not having that teacher removed in RA."

He smiled, "Well yes... lady Aksia probably also came here while already having a high belief that you will be able to make me remove that teacher from RA." Hearing this, I simply gave Headmaster Roderic a small smile before turning my head again to finally walk out of his office. My expression then returned to being neutral the moment the butler closed the door.

"Hey, are you satisfied with only removing that trash teacher on this school?" Gaos suddenly asked as I walk in the hallways, and his tone clearly says that he's not satisfied.

"After getting kicked out of a school like RA, what do you think will happen to him?" I asked back.

"What –" Gaos paused, "You human... I don't know if you're intentionally or unintentionally ruthless or what." I blinked.

"I think I can be both."

Once that male teacher gets removed or fired from the Royal Academy, it won't just end from that. Royal Academy is one of the best – if not the best Magic School known all over the World, and getting kicked out of it will simply become an indicator that something is wrong with you. No matter where he goes, it will be a part of his history or background that he got kicked out of RA.

Thus, no school will accept him as a teacher anymore. It's not even limited to school only, since sometimes, other or most jobs also won't accept him because of this.

There's a high possibility that there will be rumors about him, and people who know about it will continue giving him weird looks and such. He'll live a hard life, and maybe he'll actually die because of that – who knows. It might be worse than death.

Since I've already solved this matter, I don't have to think about it anymore.

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