
Chapter 46: Evolution (For investment! For collection! For further reading! For votes!)

"It's called."

"Brand Blast!"

The only thing Fuyuki regrets is that there is no applause.

Actually, according to his idea, it should be the left fist to shoot the flame into the target's body, and then the right fist to detonate the flame in the target's body to perform internal and external Vice Grip.

However, considering the ultimate destructiveness and the difficulty of implementation, he still gave up this idea. After all, if this combination skill is really completed, the damage caused to the target is absolutely amazing, and there is even a great probability that Causes the target to die.

Such a ferocious Ability is definitely not suitable for use in the arena battle.

So he gave up the idea of internal blasting and developed a brand blasting that is more suitable for use in ring battles.

Before Fuyuki could finish his sigh, the sound of Combusken banging the sandbag came from the sandbag.

Fuyuki looked towards Combusken with a black line on his head, Combusken was playing hard with the Fire Punch sandbag.

Since Combusken wants to punch the bag, let him do it.

Combusken opened the bow left and right, and the Fire Punch of the left and right hands connected smoothly, but Fuyuki still saw a problem.

As the sandbags swayed back and forth, it gave Combusken plenty of time to recover.

Fuyuki stopped and, along with Combusken, removed the sandbag and leaned against the wall.

"Combusken, try again."


pēng pēng pēng pēng!

Combusken hits the sandbag again.

At this time, the connection between the fists had an obvious pause.

Fuyuki touched his chin and thought for a while, "Combusken, you try first, let both fists ignite at the same time."

Combusken stood there, closed his eyes, Hold your breath.


Combusken's fists ignited with a simultaneous slap.

“Combusken, try again!”

bang! bang!
This time, there was no gap between Combusken's two punches, but judging by the burst of flames, the formidable power seemed to have weakened quite a bit.

In this way, Fuyuki scratched his head, but he also considered another problem, that is, the difficulty of using this combo.

The branding and blasting of brand blasting will definitely be simpler if they are used separately. If one-handed branding and one-handed blasting are carried out at the same time, it will increase the difficulty of cultivation.

In the end, he set the training direction, "Combusken, you can continue to train according to the method of using the two Fire Punch separately."

"When you are proficient, it will be smooth. We're doing the next step of cultivation when we're doing Fire Punch Double Hit."


"Combusken, come over and eat some Pokéblock and Inkberries when you're feeling low on energy, and take a break."

"Scare Mo!" Got it, got it.

Combusken kept his hands on his hands and just called back to Fuyuki.

Fuyuki looked at Combusken who was fighting vigorously and shook his head helplessly.

This Combusken is too energetic, not thinking about fighting or thinking about training, and it is also a distressing thing for Fuyuki, whose dream is to eat and wait to die.

But in order to live a happy life of eating and waiting for death in the future, he had to grit his teeth and insist, even at the cost of training against Combusken.

Time always flies by when it comes to serious work, but it was definitely an ordeal for Fuyuki watching Combusken train.

In order to show that he wants to work hard with Combusken, Fuyuki has been training with Combusken all afternoon, and he will give Combusken a massage when Combusken is resting. .

Combusken was able to keep training all afternoon thanks to the Pokéblock and Fuyuki massages.

Originally Fuyuki thought that Pokéblock was just a Top Rank substitute for Berry, didn't expect Pokéblock to replenish the energy of high-intensity training very quickly, and it was easier to be absorbed by Pokémon.

Combusken After an afternoon of practice, Fire Punch Double Hit has become very proficient.

But now stuck on the step of branding the Fire Punch from the left punch.

Combusken's Fire Punch is very aggressive, and the flame is full of explosiveness. If it is a right punch that detonates, it is completely qualified, but Combusken can't make the explosive flame condense into a stable and sticky one. brand.

Fuyuki quickly stepped forward to comfort the somewhat discouraged Combusken.

"Don't be discouraged, Combusken, combo skills are not something that can be achieved overnight. Your performance today is already very good."

"It's not too early, let's practice here first. Well, I will find a way to solve the problem of not being able to form a brand."

"Scare!" I can definitely do it!
Seeing Combusken rejuvenated again, Fuyuki also felt relieved.

If Combusken is also knocked out of power, how can I salt the fish?

Fuyuki left the training room with Combusken packed and sandbags in his backpack.

Fuyuki was in a particularly happy mood as she walked on the school path in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Because it's another harvest day, Combusken has gone one step further in the cultivation combo.

Fuyuki believes that as long as the Combusken completes the cultivation of brand blasting.

Combusken will be invincible in the nascent Pokémon by then.

Of course that might exclude Ahida's Abra.

"Everyone has been training Pokémon for so long, so you must be familiar with Pokémon breeds."

"Today I I'm going to tell you about Pokémon's breed and evolution."

Ayumi was on the podium giving a lecture to the freshmen.

Fuyuki listened very carefully, this knowledge can't be learned outside.

And he also needs this knowledge to compare with the ideas in his mind and choose the similarities and differences.

Although he has a lot of knowledge about breed Pokémon in his mind, those are all acquired through games and novels in previous lives, and no one can be sure whether that knowledge is applicable in the real Pokémon world.

Ayumi's class continues.

"Pokémon's breed is the foundation of everything. The so-called breed is not just to feed Pokémon."

"It's to supplement Pokémon with nutrients for growth, and at the same time. Give your Pokémon enough energy."

"And through proper exercise, your Pokémon can absorb nutrients and energy more efficiently."

"It may sound simple, but it's done. It will be difficult."

"If you don't have a proper training method now, you can refer to the Pokémon general training manual sent to you by the school."

"Of course, if you have a unique training method. If you want to know the training method, then you don't need to read the general training manual."

Fuyuki has read this general training manual.

The training methods in it can be said to be quite conservative. It is no problem to meet the basic training, but if you want to rely on this training manual to become a powerhouse, you will think too much.

It can be said that this training manual is not even comparable to the Blaziken training manual that Fuyuki got from Kunsa Misaki.

But seeing the other students' reactions are very calm, it is obvious that the students who can come to the school with peace of mind when the Trainer school is gradually declining is not as simple as it seems.

Ayumi changed the topic and ended her explanation about breed.

"Since we've talked about breeding, we've got to talk about evolution."

"Evolution is more beneficial to Pokémon than training that requires accumulated over a long period of time to improve. The improvement of Pokémon can be said to be immediate."

"As long as Pokémon completes the evolution, the ability can be greatly improved in an instant, and the increase in battle strength is very obvious."

"And after the evolution It is also more suitable for Pokémon fighting."

"Since evolution has so many benefits, you must be wondering how to evolve?"

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