
Chapter 60 Dynamics of the crowd (please give a reward!)

Thanks to Combusken, I learned flamethrower , the job of drying the firewood was quickly completed.

Abra uses Confusion to dig out the firewood and shake off the dirt.

Fuyuki and Yahida walked towards the camp with firewood.


"You are finally back, and now we can cook while waiting for your firewood."

After Yugo finished speaking, he read it again. Look at the firewood they brought back.

"It's not bad to have brought back so much."

Yahida is very proud, "Look, we are better than the one who can only fight Roxanne. Pretty boy is much stronger."

These words irritated the wave on one side, and he secretly made up his mind that when the task was reassigned, he must take the most difficult task and finish it beautifully.

Give Ahida a good slap in the face.

Fuyuki doesn't want to pay attention to Yahda, who is pompous.

He silently put down the firewood and took out some, and set up a bonfire in the fire pit with Combusken.

"Combusken, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Scare, scare!"

Combusken is another Will-O -Wisp, light the bonfire.

This time the firewood was dried and there was little smoke. Everyone got busy and started making lunch.

Yonggo missed the bottom when he was cooking lunch, he didn't know how to cook, and the barbecue would only burn things to the point of scorching.

Roxanne's cooking skills are good. With everyone's help, she put up a stand on the bonfire and made a mixed mushroom soup.

Ahida and Naomi can only fight, and their cooking skills are completely zero.

In the end, I could only stand by and watch Fuyuki perform.

Fuyuki built another earthen stove, filled it with firewood for the Combusken to light, and placed a frying pan on the earthen stove.

He doesn't plan to cook a complicated meal in order to eat his lunch as soon as possible.

Fuyuki starts by frying a large piece of meat on a frying pan and slices it, and fry some poached eggs.

Finally he baked some more flatbread.

He actually wanted to make bacon flatbread, but there was no ready-made bacon, so he had to use fried meat instead.

Arrange the sliced fried meat and poached eggs in the flatbread, brush with the sauce, roll it into a roll, and a fried meat flatbread is ready.

Everyone ate some pan-fried pancakes with mushroom soup, and they all praised Fuyuki's cooking skills.

"Fuyuki, you can do this well, much better than Roxanne! She can only make a soup." Yahida kept eating the burrito.

Fuyuki didn't dare to follow up.

Brother, it's dangerous for you to say this now.

Look, this will come without retribution.

"It hurts, Roxanne, let go, your ear is about to fall off!" Yahida, who was grabbed by Roxanne's ear, pleaded.

Roxanne sneered, not only did not let go, but also increased her strength a little bit. "Oh, what if I only have one soup? Don't drink it if you have the ability."

Yahida He bared his teeth in pain, but he couldn't bear the burritos in his hand, so he could only beg for mercy: "Roxanne's soup is the best, and I can't drink enough.

If it wasn't for everyone to taste it. With your craftsmanship, I can drink all of these soups by myself."

"Oh, you'd better drink them all." After Roxanne finished speaking, she poured another bowl of soup for Ahida, Vice looked at him drinking.

Yahida's face was wrinkled, but when he looked up to see Roxanne's gloomy face, Brace oneself took the soup.


A pleasant cookout finally came down to Veilstone.

After eating and drinking, everyone went back to the car to rest for a while. After the rest, they started to build their tents around the campfire.

"Yahida, you don't look very good. Why don't you rest for a while and I'll help you set up a tent."

Fuyuki found after setting up his tent Yahida's face was not very good, and she was a little worried.

After all, it is a field reining class. If there is a problem with the students, Yonggo is likely to terminate the class.

Yahida clutched her stomach with an awkward expression, "I'm sorry, I drank too much soup just now, and I can't help it."

Finished speaking , Ahida moved towards the woods and ran.

Only Fuyuki, who was a little dumbfounded, was left in place.

Yonggo also noticed the movement here, but he just watched for a while and didn't follow.

He was not afraid of any danger from Ahida.

Because this forest had been cleaned up in advance before the field reining class, the Pokémon with some strength were driven into the depths of the woods.

And in order to ensure the safety of Ahida, this area is also surrounded by powerful guards.

It's just that the students don't know it.


After everyone set up the tent, Yugo called everyone together.

"Now you can try to capture a wild Pokémon.

But before you go, take this flare, and shoot the flare to the sky as soon as you encounter danger, I I'll be there as soon as possible."

After Yongwu finished speaking, he took out some cylindrical flares and distributed them to everyone.

Two per person, one red and one green.

After everyone held the flare in their hands, he began to explain the usage of the flare, "Put the flare's launch port toward the sky, then fix the flare with your left hand, and twist the bottom end of the flare counterclockwise with your right hand. "

Then, he twisted the green flare in his hand.

With a bang, the flare shot into the air with a piercing whistle.

A green cloud exploded.

“Green means safety and red means danger.

If you are in danger, use the red flare.

If you are lost, use green Yes."

"You must have been impatient to capture Pokémon, right?
Then, you can go now."

After Yugo finished speaking, he waved his hand. Signal that they can go.

Fuyuki didn't set off right away, but gathered with Yahida and the others, wanting to study.

"What Pokémon are you going to capture?" Fuyuki asked with a smile first.

Yachida shook her head and said indifferently: "Conquer any Pokémon you can meet, as long as you don't meet Pokémon like Yugo Teacher did."

Bo Feng was very dissatisfied with Yahida's casual attitude, "Trainer has no ideas of his own, no clear goals, and is the most terrifying.

You're so sloppy, it's just a disgrace to the Trainers.

Hmph, I've already chosen a target."

After finishing speaking, he led Marshtomp towards the woods.

In fact, after getting to know him for a while, Fuyuki thinks that this person is okay, but he is too strong and serious, and his speech is too straight.

Actually, what Yahida thought had nothing to do with the wave, but he didn't like Yahida's actions and immediately said it.

A mature trainer like Fuyuki would not do this kind of thing.

It's totally thankless.

Yahida muttered in dissatisfaction, "I don't want to be a Trainer again..."

"Then I'll go get Pokémon too, see you at dinner." Roxanne also prepared a People went to subdue Pokémon, and she also walked into the woods with the Nosepass.

Fuyuki and Yashida looked at each other in blank dismay in the end.

"Fuyuki, what Pokémon are you going to capture?" Fuyuki was the only one left, and Yahida could only ask Fuyuki.

"Me, I've already chosen my target. But now is not the time, I'm going to do training with Combusken."

Fuyuki is not in a hurry at all, he still has to be there anyway. Staying here for two days is plenty of time.

And today Combusken only did basic training, just to exercise Combusken's combat skills.

Ahida finally took Abra into the woods helplessly.

Fuyuki put on the Protector and started boxing with Combusken.

"Combusken, it's still the same, can't use Ability and can't use full force.

If it's no problem, I'll go for it!"

I'm training Fuyuki gave Combusken his last words before.

"Scare Mo!" Come on, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!

Combusken took the lead in rushing towards Fuyuki, and Fuyuki also fought against Combusken without showing weakness.

Yonggo in the car was very emotional watching this scene.

The current Trainer is really brave. He started fighting with Pokémon at a young age, and he will definitely become a reliable Trainer when he grows up.

But he did not fall into emotion, and quickly got up and got out of the car, and disappeared into the woods with Luxray.

After all, compared to Teacher, bodyguard is his job.

I'm on the list today, and if you have free coins, please give me a reward. I got off the Rising Stars list on Friday.

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