
Chapter 81: Night in the Forest Supreme Yang Sutra has had a busy day, moved towards the direction of the most western home.

Leaving only the gorgeous sunset, showing the silhouette he passed by.

But as the sun goes away, the gorgeous sunset can only return to dim in the end.

After a day of tossing and turning, I have produced a lot of Salac Berry's Tropius, even with some Pokéblock supplements, and now I am exhausted.

So Fuyuki decided to set up a tent in this clearing for the night.

The tent was set up quickly with Fuyuki and the Pokémon busy, everyone ate some quick food together, and he buried the food scraps after eating, even after dinner.

He doesn't dare to start a fire in the forest. He might be able to deal with some wild Pokémon who are not very strong, but if he attracts humans with harboring malicious intentions, it will be troublesome.

In order to deal with the dangers that may arise in the forest, he also chose not to train his Pokémon companions, but to save his stamina.

Fuyuki arranged for Tropius to lie down around the tent after a short break after the meal. Tropius' head was just close to the small window of the tent, which could ensure that Fuyuki's instructions were received as soon as possible.

The iron-faced Ninja rested on the top of the tent, and the shelling Ninja had been hidden in Fuyuki's shadow.

Fuyuki entered the tent with Combusken.

Although Calm Mind and Breathing Technique have to be practiced in order not to be physically exhausting, now Calm Mind and Breathing Technique have become Fuyuki's indispensable cultivation every day.

Because of the addition of Tropius, Fuyuki read the guiding words again this time in Breathing Technique cultivation. Under the guidance of the guiding words, everyone successfully completed the cultivation of Breathing Technique.

But when Fuyuki was about to lead everyone's cultivation Calm Mind method, he found that Tropius had fallen asleep.

Fuyuki shook the head, but he didn't wake Tropius.

When starting cultivation, it is completely normal for him to fall asleep during cultivation. He also fell asleep when he and Combusken cultivated before.

He then started the Calm Mind method cultivation with his Pokémon pals.


The forest at night is extraordinarily quiet, so a little movement is extraordinarily clear.

Leafage blocked the Moonlight, and the whole forest was so dark.

In this dark and quiet place, it is a paradise for nighttime Pokémon and weak Pokémon.

Gradually, a rustling sound came from the edge of the clearing where Fuyuki was camping.

A moment later, four pairs of green lights lit up in the woods at the edge of the clearing.

They stared silently at Fuyuki's tent, reluctant to leave.

Because their gut tells them that there is delicious food in that tent.

But they didn't dare to get close to the huge Tropius behind the tent.

They stalemate like this for a while, and finally their reason overcame their thirst for food, and led by the leader, they slowly retreated into the depths of the woods.

Occasionally, the light spots formed by Moonlight through Leafage scattered on them, faintly reflecting the black stripes.

This is apparently the Linoone family, who are hunting for food by night.

In the woods on the edge of the clearing, visitors changed from one group to another, but they all quietly retreated after noticing Tropius.

I don't know how long it took, the rustling of grass blades came again in the woods, and it stopped abruptly.

Something seemed to be coming out of the woods, but it was completely gone.

If anyone is looking at this clearing at the edge of the woods, they will find that the grass at the edge of the woods has indeed been propped up just now, and something unseen has really come out.

And this invisible thing was on the grass, slowly but surely moving towards Fuyuki's tent.

The light footprints that appeared and disappeared from time to time on the grass were the best proof.

Finally, the owner of the footprints came to Fuyuki's tent, circled around the edge of the tent, and came to the door of the tent.

Neither Tropius sleeping beside the tent nor iron-faced Ninja sleeping on the top of the tent found this uninvited guest.

However, the door of the tent was zippered by Fuyuki from the inside. In the end, the unseen uninvited guest could only drill into the interior of the tent along the gap between the bottom of the tent and the ground.

Fuyuki and Combusken slept soundly and were not awakened by the slight movement.

The uninvited guest had a clear target, and that was Fuyuki's backpack with food.

At this moment, the uninvited guest was attacked unexpectedly.

A huge Shadow Claw suddenly rushed out of Fuyuki's shadow, clawing at the uninvited guest.

It turned out to be Shelling Ninja. He used Ghost Type Pokémon's perception of biological objects to Lock On this uninvited guest early.

The accident happened again, but the sharp claw of Ghost Type's energy condensed caught nothing and didn't attack the uninvited guest.

However, Fuyuki and Combusken were also awakened by the movement from Shelling Ninja.

Combusken rolled over and put Fuyuki behind him, while Fuyuki huddled behind Combusken and rubbed his eyes hard to make himself more awake.

However, Fuyuki's mouth was not idle. He was a little frightened and decisively asked Combusken to use the life-saving Ability, "Combusken, use Protect!"

Although Combusken did not find the enemy, But still obey Fuyuki's command to use Protect Ability.

By the way, Fuyuki Pokémon's Protect Ability learned from Chihiro's Leavanny.

When the bug protection pack evolves into Swadloon, it can naturally learn Protect Ability according to the information recorded in the bloodline.

This momentary change terrified the uninvited guest, and he quickly got out of the tent from the bottom edge of the tent while he was stunned by the failure of the escape Ninja Shadow Claw attack, trying to escape back into the woods .

But this time, the uninvited guest was not as lucky as just now. The iron-faced Ninja, who had a special connection with Shelling Ninja, woke up at the moment Shelling Ninja attacked.

The uninvited guest who has long been locked up by Iron Ninja's [Mind Reader] Ability Lock On was greeted by Iron Ninja's three Fury Cutters ready to go at the moment he got out of the tent.

This uninvited guest was not as lucky as before, and the three Fury Cutters of Iron Face Ninja were all hit in silence.

On hit, the screeching sound of the three Fury Cutters cutting the air reached the tent.

Fuyuki was also fully awake at this time, "Combusken, be careful, we'll get out from this side."

He let Combusken get out of the tent from the opposite direction of the sound , he himself followed closely from behind, and Shelling Ninja was on guard behind them as they drilled into the tent.

As for why drilling from the opposite direction? Isn't it obvious, there are fights over there, so I definitely don't choose that side.

Without further movement, Fuyuki led Combusken and Shelling Ninja away from the tent and went around to the side where the fighting took place.

Around the shelter of the tent, Fuyuki looked from a distance and found that the iron-faced Ninja was flying over something, and the thing was completely motionless, so he felt relieved and led the Combusken. and Shelling Ninja walked over.

To be on the safe side, Fuyuki didn't go over, but took out a Poké Ball and threw it in the past. The Poké Ball hit the target and put that thing in the ball.

The iron-faced Ninja picked up the Poké Ball on the ground and flew over and handed the Poké Ball to him, only then did Fuyuki feel completely relieved.

"Thank you, Iron Ninja. Then let me see what you are."

He put out the Pokémon in the Poké Ball, and it turned out to be a Pokémon. Only Kecleon in a coma.

Kecleon is a Pokémon of Normal Type, Normal Type and Ghost Type are immune to each other, which is why Shadow Claw of Ninja is completely ineffective.

If Kecleon has any speciality, it's his stealth ability.

But Fuyuki didn't bother about this any more, but turned his head and looked towards Tropius who was still sleeping.

Good guy, Tropius still doesn't mean to wake up with such a big movement, or as stable as Mount Tai's sound asleep.

Perhaps this movement is nothing to Tropius, who has lived in the wild for a long time.

Finally, Fuyuki was no longer tangled, took back Kecleon, and returned to the tent with Combusken and Shelling Ninja to continue the Rest.

The iron-faced Ninja didn't rest on top of the tent this time, but hid under Tropius' wings.

'A sleeping Tropius wouldn't mind anyway. 'Iron Ninja couldn't help but think.

In this way, the night returned to tranquility.

Unconsciously, I also wrote 200,000 words, and now I really understand the difficulty of writing Rookie. It was your comments and tickets that made me write this day, and I am really grateful to all the readers. You can leave me a message if there is anything that is not well written, and the opinions of readers can also help me avoid detours.

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