"Hey hoo~hey hoo~"

We workers are powerful!

Luo Huai was waving the pickaxe vigorously while the zombie uncle behind him looked at him like an overseer.

Thanks to Luo Huai's unremitting efforts, the project is progressing smoothly and has reached more than ten meters underground.

"It's so hot." Luo Huai wiped his sweat and thought it was because he was tired from working, but he soon discovered that the surrounding temperature had increased.

The rocks under my feet were like a hot iron after being stepped on for a long time.

"I'm afraid the magma down here hasn't cooled down yet."

Luo Huai didn't dare to dig any further, otherwise he would end up like a real man.

He climbed up to the entrance of the cave and wanted to discuss it with the zombie uncle.

As a result, he was kicked back by the zombie uncle as soon as he popped up.

"Hey~" His butt fell firmly onto the hot rock, making Luo Huai howl in pain.

""Master, you can't do this. There is magma below. Doesn't this make me want to die? "

Bang bang bang... (Uncle typing): Come on, I've seen your ability to build blocks, and you can also put water and magma into your backpack. A little bit of magma won't trouble you.

"..." Luo Huai was speechless, "Uncle, you are not kind! Follow me!"

Uncle (typing): The stone road you built is still lying horizontally in the sky. Do you think I am blind?

"Then how do you know I can contain magma?"

Uncle: You are the only one alive in the entire continent, so it is normal for me to pay attention to you, right?

Okay, sir, you win.

Luo Huai had no choice but to keep working hard.

"In the lava lake, what should I do with the wheat?... By the way, pour water."

Luo Huai got excited and poured a bucket of water at his feet. The water just reached his butt.

In this way, even if there is magma under your feet, the water source block can extinguish the magma instantly.

However, swinging the pickaxe in the water is much more tiring, at least it takes several times more effort.

And in order to breathe, he couldn't squat completely and could only maintain a bent posture.

Luo Huai could only persist with his own perseverance.

The zombie uncle at the entrance of the cave was shocked by Luo Huai's confusing behavior.

Is this kid stupid? Can't he dig a space next to it and then stand on one side and dig the other side?

Oh, by the way, this guy has only F intelligence and is a fool...

That bothers me.

Luo Huai's numerical value has nowhere to hide in front of the boss.


Luo Huai worked hard and finally dug out the rock under his feet. The moment the rock shattered, the red light of magma filled the cave, but the next second it was turned into stone by the pouring water.

Magma doesn't even have a chance to heat water. This is the characteristic of wheat water, it goes out.

After falling one meter, Luo Huai collected the water source cube that was over his head, then poured it down to his feet, and continued his work with twice the result and half the result.


The zombie uncle was in a dilemma. Should he remind this fool? After all, you have to dig hundreds of meters down to get to the ruins. If he digs like this... Oh, forget it, I heard Shen Jing Bing said that this kid has a super growth physique, so let him exercise, there will be many benefits.

"Hey! Hey!" Luo Huai worked tirelessly, descending bit by bit.

It wasn't until sunset that he finally dug through the lowest part of the magma lake and began to encounter ordinary stones and rocks. He collected the water and the digging speed suddenly increased.

Suddenly, Luo Huai's feet fell into the air and fell into darkness. He fell for about two or three seconds and fell face first to the ground.

"Bang!" Because he was facing the ground, he didn't even scream.

He quickly got up, opened his Yangyan, and his two eyes became spotlights, illuminating the front.

Although the Eye of Destiny can also see in the dark, the side effects after use are much greater than those of the Sun Eye.

As long as you are not afraid of exposing your position to attack, it is still a good deal to be blind.

He was now in a huge cave, sideways.

The darkness around him suddenly moved, and the zombie uncle was already standing on the edge.

"I thought the uncle was a warrior, but I never thought he was an assassin with full aura shielding points." Luo Huai complained in his heart, "Maybe he is a warrior with full stealth points."

Uncle (typing): Let’s go, that guy’s lair is right in front.

The zombie uncle wanted Luo Huai to go ahead.

Luo Huai had no choice but to walk in front and groping along the rock wall.

Magnificent underground cities, long tunnels, endless mazes... Luo Huai kept imagining what the boss's ruins would be.

But the cave soon came to an end, and Luo Huai's imagination was shattered.

There are no spectacles.

There is nothing here, just a cold stone-brick hut with a small door in front of the house and a small window on the side.

This is not a ruin, it is simply a prison, as dilapidated as it is, as gloomy as it is.

Luo Huai walked over, and the extinguished light on the top of the door suddenly lit up with blue light.

"This is it?" Luo Huai turned back to look at the zombie uncle.

Uncle: It’s just a small device.

Luo Huai felt relieved and walked up to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, dust suddenly rose up in the room.

"Cough! Cough!" Luo Huai covered his nose, but there was too much dust, so he had to go outside for a while.

When the dust calmed down, Luo Huai walked into the house again.

The layout of the room is very simple. There is a desk and chair in the middle with a lampstand on it. Behind it is a wall of bookshelves filled with books. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net

"There's not even a bed. Don't you need to sleep, boss? Or are you working too hard?"

Uncle (typing): The undead don’t need to sleep.


Luo Huai walked to the desk, and the lampstand on the desk lit up.

"Can I sit down?" Luo Huai asked.

The uncle nodded slightly: as long as the lampstand is on, anyone can sit on it.

Luo Huai happily pulled up his chair and sat down, "This big guy is so kind and not defensive at all."

Uncle: That’s because when He was there, there were groups of undead wandering on the ground outside.

In the middle of the desk is a gray book with black lines.

Luo Huai picked it up, glanced at the zombie uncle, and saw that he didn't stop him, so he opened it:

【day! remember! 】

These two large characters are written on the first page, reaching the eyeballs.

"Good guy, this boss is not simple. Who can keep a diary?"

Turning to the second page, the content is much more serious:

[I can’t remember how long ago, I was a person...

I don’t know why fate brought me here. Is it to atone for my sins? Or let me take revenge...]

They were probably fragments that revealed the boss's previous experiences. Luo Huai glanced at them briefly and then turned to the next page.

[Stupid people only want to judge justice and evil through their eyes...]

Traveling through time and going on expeditions are the focus.

But the boss's life is too long, and even trivial matters are enough to make Luo Huai's hands sore.

Until a word appears...

[They were wrong, but so was I...

I need to get out of here! At least let me try it! Even though I may not be able to save anything...]

Turning back further, there are only blank pages.

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