I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 115 Assassin Test

"Okay! With your words, we have to help you no matter what!"

Luo Huai's words were very pleasing to the ears of the two big guys.

"Fire Demon, you come first!" The bird bastard is not as famous as the Fire Demon, and he doesn't have as many believers in other worlds.

"Wait a minute." The leader of the Flame Demon suddenly asked Luo Huai: "Mu Gui, what are the coordinates of your home in the mortal world?"

"Coordinates? What coordinates?" Luo Huai replied confused.

"It's the kind of coordinates used to locate between worlds. We all have designated coordinates when delivering express delivery."

"Uh..." Something bad suddenly sounded in Luo Huai's mind, and he asked tentatively: "Can the longitude and latitude coordinates... be okay?"

Although this is not something that ordinary people would know, he really knows it.

"It's over, it's difficult to handle." The leader of the Fire Demon said in a dilemma, "Without coordinates and no call from believers, I can only focus on the mortal world of Wood Ghost, but I can't determine the specific location."

"It's okay. As long as I can return to the mortal world, I can walk home." Luo Huai didn't think so much, thinking that no matter which city he went to, he could always go back.

But the bird bastard immediately told Luo Huai how narrow his vision was, "Who told you that there is only one planet in a world? If you are thrown into the star realm (outer space), can you still walk back?"

"Then what should we do!" Luo Huai squatted on the ground in despair.

Balrog comforted him: "How about you wait a moment? A race of intelligent creatures in the mortal world usually gathers together. I'll try to find out if there are any other 'gods' transmitting power to your mortal world. Maybe I can catch a ride." aisle."

"This is the only way." Bird Bastard said, although it sounds unreliable, it is feasible.

"This is a good idea." Luo Huai regained his confidence.

Although the priest class is rare in the human race, there are many believer classes. Those guys pray all day long, as if they won't stop until they drain their gods dry.

"Then I'll start..." The flame panel of the Balrog leader appeared, and some runes on it kept flashing.

The mortal world, a university town, is the venue for the preliminary assessment of the assassin class.

This is a huge indoor simulated competitive stadium, surrounded by stepped auditoriums, and in the middle is a large simulated battle platform that can simulate various terrains. The outside looks like a sand table.

Deserts, jungles, and even water are all possible.

There are four large screens hanging from the dome on top, which can provide the audience with comprehensive details of the battle through cameras.

And now the battle stage is simulating the terrain of the jungle, and the new students of the Assassin class are brought here one after another and then join in.

The same goes for Ye Feng. He was brought to a device that looked like a health cabin.

The reason why universities can be called universities is because they have this device, which allows students to travel to the simulated battle stage in the middle like traveling to a fantasy world.

In this battle stage, students can return to the level in the fantasy world.

This means that supernatural skills and weapons can be used normally, because the basic values ​​​​of the body itself are retained, and the device is more to prevent physical injuries and provide a venue.

The internal virtual world of the battle station is also larger than it looks from the outside, comparable to a real jungle.

Freshmen need to conduct battle assessments in batches in this temporary "dungeon".

Whether the values ​​filled in are true or false can be clearly seen by the examiner here. At the same time, the examiner can also observe the performance of each new student.

continue reading! The actual level and fighting style should be recorded so that the college can make arrangements for new students.

"Alas, the student resources of our Assassin Department have been sluggish in recent years."

Several assessment instructors were sitting in the audience, and a young-looking instructor sighed and said to his colleagues next to him.

"It would be nice to have one. Who makes it easy for us assassins to be hated by others?"

"Tsk..." Several other assassin instructors who were paying attention to the battle stage suddenly tutted in dissatisfaction.

"What's wrong?"

"Do these freshmen have any misunderstandings about assassins? They are all so reckless, look at that!" The teacher pointed at the big screen, "They just simply walked around behind the enemy and launched an attack!"

The instructor thought that was all, but what he didn't expect was that the freshman shouted at the same time as he attacked: "Eat me with a backstab!"

"God is stabbing me on horseback and I have to shout out!" The instructor was so angry on the spot that he almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

The key is that the new student succeeded!

"Bah! One day I will apply to the dean for early retirement."

The instructor covered his eyes and leaned back on the chair.

In the battle against Taichung, after the freshman stabbed someone in the back, he immediately hid in the bushes nearby.

A newcomer has just taken up the job as an assassin. Without the skills of stealth, he can only hide awkwardly, but this will test the quality of an assassin even more.

"This kid is hiding well." Another instructor was quite satisfied when he saw this scene.

"With a flamboyant personality, he is destined not to be an assassin." The instructor, covering his eyes, said harshly.

"Hey, don't say that. The definition of assassin is so broad. Anyone who can assassinate the enemy is a good assassin."

"Whatever you say."

"Then what is a good seedling in your mind?"

"At least..." The instructor's eyes searched the screen.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on a shot where there was no human figure, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, do you think there's a little guy hiding there?"

"Where?" Another instructor followed his eyes, and UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net also squinted his eyes for a while.

"Hey~ This kid is so old!"

The jungle terrain has intertwined roots and fallen leaves. Under the seemingly natural undulations of the ground, a person lies.

It's night madness.

As soon as he entered the venue, he used the combat experience accumulated in previous battles and quickly hid.

He and the brother who just yelled about backstabbing were now less than two meters apart.

The opponent's feet were about to step on his head.

"Hurry up... now." The instructor on the sidelines urged in his heart.

At this distance from Ye Feng, as long as the problem of the assassin being screamed out is dealt with, it will be a perfect assassination.

As if hearing this, Ye Manang on the screen suddenly burst into anger.

The way he stood up was very particular, so that it would not cause fallen leaves to fly all over the sky, and only make people feel a slight rustling sound coming from behind.

The freshman turned around blankly, and the next moment he saw a figure wearing a black hood throwing himself in front of him.


He screamed subconsciously, but his mouth was instantly covered, and the metal blade was stabbed into his throat by the figure's backhand.

The sharp blade chewed up his possibility of speaking out.

"Okay!" The instructor clapped his legs and applauded, "Beautiful!"

Seeing Ye Feng quietly leaving immediately after the assassination, the instructor's eyes couldn't help but

continue reading! He admired it and said, "This guy is definitely a talent who has entered the fantasy world in advance. This method is not like a novice assassin at all."

"Hey~ I understand the truth, but you slap yourself on the leg." Another instructor next to him said through gritted teeth.

"Why does it hurt? We have a good seedling in our courtyard, we should be happy!"

"Do you dare to pat yourself and try, don't cut your nails!"


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