I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 117 The Mage’s Test (2/3)

First, let’s talk about a classic dead cycle that novice priests who have no money to buy resources often fall into:

In the early stage, the priest lacked spells, and the class bonus only had a little intelligence, which was less than that of the mage. In addition, there was only one directly built-in skill called {Sacrifice}.

As the name suggests, you sacrifice items and express your wishes (the expression process is similar to spell chanting), and the final effect depends on how clear the wishes are and how precious the items are.

So under the premise of having no money, you need to fight to obtain sacrifices, and you need sacrifices to fight, and you have to fight to obtain sacrifices...

It is difficult for a novice to clearly express his wishes, so there are no well-intentioned people willing to take him.

It can be called the worst among the seven ranks.

However, if you have money and resources, it's completely different.

"Hmph! Don't compare me with those wishy-washy guys who want to be sacrificed without playing." Ren Xiyun thought Qinglin had underestimated him.

He took out a few clear crystals casually, "These gems are what I sprinkle water on."

Another point worth mentioning is that the magical properties of sacrifice mean that it can be used normally even in the mortal world.

After all, sacrifices rely on "bought" power. They are very close to an image in the game: summoners, and there is indeed such a sub-class in reality.

"It's up to you. Anyway, we belong to different departments and we can't touch each other." Qinglin didn't want to deal with this "naughty kid".

But Ren Xiyun didn't think so, "Don't you know? The freshmen tests of the law department are in the same venue. Although they won't compete against each other, at least they will be on the same stage."

Ren Xiyun looked at Qinglin, his eyes full of provocation. He was challenging Qinglin. Do you dare to compete to see who is more popular?

"Why are you so hostile to me?" Qinglin was almost convinced and simply showed weakness, "If my eyes on the bridge offended you, can't I apologize?"

"I'm not that stingy." Ren Xiyun said, but he shouted in his heart: You damn meow are still looking at me like this! Don't think I don't know that this is a look at a fool!

Furthermore, the looks the girls looked at Qing Lin while queuing made him a little jealous...

He is obviously very handsome, and his cynical and playboy temperament is more vividly displayed in him. He is quite handsome.

Could it be that he was too embarrassed to drag his luggage half alive?

That's obviously impossible! how could be! It must be Qinglin’s problem!

He also learned Qinglin's name from the form.

"I just like to compete. Let's compete later?" Ren Xiyun officially launched the challenge.

Although Qinglin didn't want to offend him.

"as long as you are happy."

The implication is, I am invincible, just have fun.

"emm..." Ren Xiyun couldn't help but sit down next to Qing Lin.

"What are you doing?"

"Wait until you hand it over to me, so we can test it together."

"There's nothing wrong with you?"

"Nothing wrong, just say whatever you like."

"Pfft!" Qinglin suddenly couldn't help but laugh. He suddenly had a changed view of Ren Xiyun. This guy was probably just a stubborn kid who hadn't grown up.

Moreover, he saw that Ren Xiyun's face didn't look gloomy, and he probably didn't do anything bad.

I don’t have that IQ, hahahaha!

"(`^??)..." Ren Xiyun's face turned even redder.

You wait, and soon you will see the gems that you can never spend all your life.

"Okay, okay..." Qinglin's tone was a bit coaxing.

"Classmate, have you filled it out? The pen needs to be used." The teacher heard the two chatting behind him and turned around to ask.

"Okay." Qinglin handed over the watch and pen.

Ren Xiyun also immediately handed in his share of the teacher from the Sacrifice Department, who was also a mature and intellectual beautiful teacher.

Well, although the reasons may be different, Ren Xiyun and Qing Lin did not notice these things that should be noticed in adolescence.

Qinglin and Ren Xiyun were indeed assigned to the same batch, and they were led by personnel to an arena next to Ye Kuang's arena.

Likewise, it has a virtual battle device that allows souls to travel through time.

But unlike the assassin's place, the auditorium here was full of people.

After all, there are several departments together.

Moreover, the freshmen are still happy to watch spells, even if they are just some poor single spells performed by newcomers, they still enjoy watching them with gusto.

"Just what I wanted!"

In the audience, Ren Xiyun, who watched Qinglin enter the device, said one last thing before entering the device.

The mage's battle stage does not have so many complex terrains.

The test focuses more on the control and application of spells.

When Qinglin opened his eyes again, he was already standing on a high-altitude round platform, surrounded by many students who were also undergoing tests.

"This round platform will shake." Qinglin stepped on it a little harder and found that the round platform was not stable.

After looking around, it turned out that many students fell out due to the sudden shaking of the round platform when casting the spell.

"Qinglin!" A voice came from beside him, and Ren Xiyun stood on the round platform next to Qinglin.

"We are not on the same stage." Qinglin pointed at his feet.

"I know, but as long as we are in the same space, it will be fine. Besides, the rule is to defeat the opponent to be safer." Ren Xiyun had already squatted down and started to draw the sacrificial circle.

Through the reactions of new students, law teachers can see all aspects of a new student, whether they win or lose, and then make evaluations.

There were several gems of various colors suspended in the palm of Ren Xiyun's hand. As soon as the magic circle was completed, he could sacrifice it immediately.

"Yuxi, there is another rich young man in your college." Xin Meng, a teacher from the Master Department, said to Yu Xi, a teacher from the Sacrifice Department next to him.

The two best friends happened to take on the grueling job of enrolling students together. Now that they had finished taking the last batch, they simply sat in the arena to rest and see how this year's students were doing.

"How about a lot of money? I'm not short of money." Yu Xi didn't feel cold at all. She knew that her best friend was implying that she didn't want to find a partner at her age. Uukanshu.net

"Of course I have money to enjoy myself. Why should I take advantage of my unmarried partner?"

"You, you just have too high standards, your face is blinded~" Xinmeng suddenly stretched out her hands to pull Yuxi's purple sacrificial robe, and the back of her hand was slapped.


"You should be beaten! I'm usually quiet, but I don't have any integrity in private." Yu Xi said as she brushed the priest's robe and straightened out the wrinkles that had been caught.

Suddenly, several astonishing arcs passed through and then disappeared.


The people around him felt sorry for themselves and regretted not seizing the opportunity.

"Don't just talk about me, what about you?" Yu Xi asked back, "Didn't I hear that there were two handsome teachers from other departments during the last blind date? Why didn't I hear that you had any results?"

"Forget it, one is a straight man, and the other..." Xin Meng seemed to recall something terrible, "I don't even dare to look back, for fear of being stabbed in the back!"

Whose lunatic was released? What does it mean to go on a blind date with a dagger?

And the mage has a special feeling for the assassin, just like... the feeling of meeting a natural enemy, making me feel uncomfortable all over!

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