I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1201 Abandoning the Body

, I come from the world of punishment

It seems that this believer's belief and voice are inseparable, which is why he went crazy.

Luo Huai immediately searched for information. There are underground churches in the south whose abilities are related to sound. Learn the details to avoid being run away by this guy.

But this guy doesn't want to run away now. Even though he is in the purple mist, he can't escape.

The figure turned into a translucent illusion, as if it was not bound by the laws of physics. However, that was just an appearance. Through the energy perception of the purple mist, Luo Huai could clearly know where it was.

Originally, in the eyes of people who were caught up in the melody, it should have disappeared directly, but in Luo Huai's eyes, it just ran over, and there were a lot of inexplicable movements, making it ridiculous to try to escape his eyes.

It pulled out a dagger from its robe, which was very sharp. It was holding it and wanted to swipe it across his neck, but he took half a step back to avoid it.

He could have knocked down this clumsy guy with a backhand punch, but Luo Huai did not do it because the information was found.

This guy should be the remnant of an evil believer's stronghold that was recently liquidated. The degree of harm caused by their daily activities is relatively small among underground churches and is not obvious. However, it is only compared with underground churches. They themselves are still A dangerous organization.

And unlike other guys, this group of guys doesn't huddle in the wild. On the contrary, most of their members have been hiding in the city, very scattered, and some of them don't even have any interaction with each other.

They are more like the evil forces in the city, some are even powerful, and the conflicts with the police are more on the criminal level.

And their abilities are also very destructive, including psychological suggestion, stronger easy hypnosis, etc. To put it bluntly... they are a group of pyramid schemes, and the scale is not small.

Luo Huai was always on the front line and under network control, so he didn't know much about it. In fact, many cities in the south had launched several anti-gang and anti-evil operations not long ago, but these were not conspicuous in the news, and no one deliberately thought of them. Go to the underground church.

"Relying on sound transmission, the powerful ones can even parasitize their will into other people's thoughts, abandon their bodies... what the hell."

The most annoying thing is this guy who can't be killed directly, because some of the effects it leaves behind have not been eliminated, which is a hidden danger that is difficult to guard against.

Anyone affected by that melody may become the host body of this guy's remaining consciousness. Even the guy himself may be the product of being twisted by another guy's will.

That's why it has a kind of confidence that no one can catch it, at least not on this battlefield where there are all warriors.

Luo Huai avoided the opponent's clumsy attack and continued to read the data.

Officials usually ask believers to sing hymns and hymns to get rid of it. Anyone who has been affected by this disease must go to a designated place to receive baptism regularly, which is equivalent to a course of treatment.

Although the effect is very slow, it is because this thing is not as rough as other evil gods, but it is hidden extremely deep. It seems to be cured, but in fact it treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

"Twisted, amplified soul voice of desire..."

This is the summary given in the record.

"Is that so?" He dodged the attack again,

Luo Huai asked, his tone as normal as a daily chat.

"Humph..." The other party didn't answer, but it answered with a proud laugh.

It seems to have no fear of being trapped, which shows that it still has a way to escape.

Luo Huai was a little confused, but at least he had to trap this guy.

However, at this moment, the edge of the purple mist sensed an object approaching quickly, it was a missile!

With such an obvious energy mist, it was difficult not to be noticed by omnics. The missiles that rushed into the purple mist exploded on contact, and also destroyed half the wall of the nearby building.

Luo Huai was fine. He blocked it with his shield, and his durability was immediately cleared, and the shield shattered.

But that's not the point. The point is that evil believer. It almost faces the power of the missile... Ziwu can no longer sense its existence.

However, Luo Huai felt that this guy would not die so easily...

Listen to the melody again... But the omnic in the distance launched another attack, and it locked onto Luo Huai in the purple mist.

"It's really troublesome." I had to deal with this guy first.

Listening to melody can cause other perceptions to be weakened or even blocked, which is a taboo in a tense battlefield.

"Huh?" Ye Kuang, who was blocking the omnic in the air, noticed something strange. Why did the omnic attack a location where no team members were present?

In the mecha's eyepiece, the position of everyone in the team was marked, which is why he was able to save someone just now.

That Ziwu seems to be Luo Huai, but isn't he in another team? Forget it, a missile shouldn't be a problem for him, he can resist it.

The key is that Luo Huai will come here, and it will definitely not be for shopping.

Thinking like this, Ye Manang aimed his wrist towards Luo Huai and fired a strong signal wave, trying to connect to the communication.

But soon he caught a figure flashing out quickly, it was Luo Huai.

He quickly teleported towards the omnic that attacked him, and another missile flew towards his forehead. It was cut off by his sword and exploded in the middle. He teleported again and crossed the range of the explosion. , came to the omnic.

This omnic hidden in the alley has an energy cannon tube on its shoulder and moves on tank-like track wheels. It is a common armed defense unit in the city of omnics.

Facing the enemy who was so close, the omnic wanted to fire, but Luo Huai kicked the nozzle of the tube and knocked it against the wall, unable to pull it out.

The rune sword went in and out, piercing the core of the omnic.

Once the power is in place, many things become simple.

After dealing with the soldiers, Luo Huai looked up into the sky and saw that the communication was connected.

"Huai, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net What's going on?"

"There is an evil believer. I am chasing it. You should also pay attention. It is best to notify other assault teams."

Ye Kuang should have a way to contact other teams and pass the information to him, which would make others pay more attention.

"I understand. I will inform the troops to be careful."

After Ye Kuang finished speaking, he immediately ejected a small aircraft in the other direction. This aircraft carried data and would start transmitting when it reached the signal range of the troops.

"Then I'll go first."


Luo Huai continued to follow the sound and found that the guy had not completely escaped. He could still feel a trace of distant music fluctuations in the silent world, and the distance was jumping away quickly. The guy must have been being beaten. The infected individual is transferred, and this individual may even be an omnic.

However, due to the powerful self-will restraint of the omnic, even if it is transferred, it will not be able to gain dominance, and it will definitely be transferred back to the human body in the end.

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