, I come from the world of punishment

Because it is a special assessment group, it must be arranged last, but according to the current progress, it may not be until the evening when all students have completed the assessment.

Is it necessary for everyone to watch it hungry? It seems a bit bad. After all, not everyone carries a pile of food with them like Luo Huai.

The college should not have thought of this. Maybe the assessment speed of subsequent departments will be faster.

At noon, everyone rested for an hour and a half, and Luo Huai took Alang to find something to eat.

"Hey! Luo Huai, this way!" Walking to a vendor, they suddenly heard someone greeting them. They saw it was Li Ming, and Zimu next to him. The two of them were sitting on an empty table, with no one across from them. people.

"Where are the others?" Luo Huai walked over and sat down and asked.

"They received a temporary mission and went on patrol." Li Ming took the menu and said, "What do you want to eat?"

This stall sells some snacks. It's a bit hot at noon and most people don't have much appetite. However, Li Ming and Luo Huai both have human-shaped solar panels, Alang is an ice type, and Zimu is also a believer in the light type. So the sun has little effect on these four guys.

While eating, Luo Huai became interested in the temporary mission Li Ming mentioned. He asked, "What is the temporary mission you are talking about? Is there anyone around here that I should pay attention to?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Isn't it just the evil believer who sneaked in a few days ago? You caught several of them." Li Ming is used to Luo Huai always appearing in the arrest records of certain criminals. , although it also makes them feel weird, as if they are professionals who are not as good as laymen, even though they are still only a reserve team.

He continued: "In such a lively place, those guys like to mingle. The headquarters asked everyone here to pay attention, not just us."

When he said this, he suddenly looked around.

"What's wrong?" Zimu asked immediately.

"Nothing, I just felt someone's eyes were on me." Li Ming shook his head and didn't take it seriously.

But Luo Huai thought a little in the direction he just looked, but he didn't make any move.

The four of them continued to chat while eating. After eating, they looked at the time and saw that there was still half an hour before the afternoon assessment started.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Wait, I'll go too."

The two remaining girls:?

Why do these two grown boys go to the toilet together?

But the two girls get along quite well, after all, they are both a bit out of character...

"Alang, you are so tall..." Zimu said with envy. After all, you are a little taller than Luo Huai. Among girls, you are definitely a "giant", not to mention that you have good proportions and a pair of long legs. Always so eye-catching.

the other side.

Luo Huai and Li Ming walked to the invisible corner on the other side in tacit understanding.

"You come here to use the toilet?"

"What a coincidence, so are you."

The two had an awkward conversation, and then returned to serious matters.

"There's something wrong with this guy?" Li Ming didn't seem very sure. He was more following his intuition.

But maybe because he inherited light, or because he acquired [Divinity], his intuition seemed to be very accurate. This is why Zimu asked him immediately. Everyone else in the reserve team also knew about him. intuition.

"Yeah." But Luo Huai was different. He clearly sensed that something was wrong.

In fact, the two of them are similar. They both have their own abilities to perceive evil and chaos, but Li Ming doesn't have a clear understanding yet.

"Are you going to catch him now?" Luo Huai asked Li Ming.


If the other party is the type that is more capable of escaping, it may take a lot of time, and may even last until night, missing their assessment.

But if you miss the assessment, you can still make up for it. If you miss it, you don't know when it will be.

Luo Huai is also aware of this. After he captured several evil believers before, the remaining evil believers have not been found for a long time. They may have completed hiding, or even completed the transfer of their wills, and want to find the true believers. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"I'll tell them." Call Alang and tell her that there might be something going on in the afternoon, and just ask her to watch the assessment with Zimu in the auditorium.

"Let's go." Li Ming, who walked to the front, turned back and urged Luo Huai to follow, "I just noted the direction in which that person left."

"Yeah." Luo Huai followed and recalled the feeling just now.

The fluctuation was not strong, and it might just be the marginalized people who were infected.

The reason for not moving just now was to avoid alerting the enemy. Li Ming used his own methods to track the direction in which the man left, and Luo Huai also had his own methods to follow him.

"Go this way."


After walking around the corner a few times, the two of them knew that they already knew where the target was, so they simply stopped talking and waited until any disagreements arose later.

Soon they came to a remote location, which was a bus stop next to the new campus. Because this was the junction of many urban highways, the bus stop was also very large, almost as big as the main station.

Many parents and students come by bus, and the place is crowded with people.

When they arrived at the door, the crowd swamped the two of them, but the goal was not lost. He got on a bus and just set off towards the nearest city.

Over there is the city where the old campus was originally located. Recently, vigorous reconstruction work has begun, and construction teams are everywhere. However, the outer city area is okay and has not been damaged by the roots of the giant trees, so it can still be inhabited.

There is also an underground city area.

Thanks to the official planning, in order to avoid various underground pipe networks in the original city, the depth of the underground city is very deep. Only the top part of the old campus is attacked by the roots of the giant trees. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net

The underground city is divided into zones, and each zone has energy security, so there is no need to worry about suddenly falling into darkness and causing widespread paralysis of the community.

If this were not the case, there would have been a lot of homeless people on the streets, and there would have been protests and marches on the public side.

Okay, back to the topic.

Luo Huai, Li Ming and others got on the bus, but they pretended to be ordinary passengers and chatted about games without even looking around.

The person being followed did not notice the two of them at all, because Luo Huai changed the color of their clothes and made some small details. People who had just met each other would not feel familiar.

The other party might just be looking for prey normally, but he didn't expect to be targeted and followed all the way.

“I don’t know how many fish can be exploded from this nest.”

"It doesn't matter how many there are. If you can blow it up big enough, even one will do."

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