I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1223 Collective Assessment

"Who came up with this crappy presentation session..." Several elite students on the stage felt numb. They were not big stars who were used to socializing. They were just graduates in their early twenties, and many of them even brought Showing the tenderness and shyness of young people.

Going to such a display platform was already a psychological challenge. I just hoped that by the end of the day, everyone would be tired of aesthetics, and it would be better not to bother to look at them. But now, after the introduction, 80% to 90% of the people in the audience were staring. Come up.

My mentality is getting out of shape due to nervousness, and my operations will probably be out of shape later. Then there will be boos on the stage again, haha... I’m so embarrassed, all my personality has gone with the wind, go home and be autistic. .

Several people on the stage were not wearing school uniforms, but they were not wearing casual clothes. They were all work clothes for their positions. For example, Li Ming was wearing the uniform of the reserve team, which was very similar to the uniform of the TPC official team, so it was best to recognize them.

There were several other people, and some were even wearing the white coats they wore during the experiment. The college informed them that they did not need to wear school uniforms today and could just wear their usual work clothes. I thought it was a convenience for them, but no To think that there was such a big hole waiting for them.

The problem is how to show it. Originally, you could easily pass the assessment by showing something that is beyond the current level of the students, but now it is just a hasty presentation that seems to be an apology for the grand introduction just now.

The sights coming from all directions made it seem like there must be something different about them.

"Principal, isn't this inappropriate? They haven't been rehearsed. I'm afraid not many of them can handle it perfectly."

"It doesn't matter. They are all capable young people. As long as they encounter some 'emergency situations', they can easily think of what they should do."

But this still puzzles many teachers. They don't understand why Duan Hai suddenly made such a decision. This decision was made in a hurry last night.

At this time, Duan Hai, who was sitting on the teacher's seat, moved the microphone on the table and said: "The outstanding students in front of you have shown everyone what you can do and what you can achieve with your own abilities under various circumstances, but For them, these theories have not had time to be realized in real practice...and this is the difference between you and the few on the stage now, they already have a lot of practical experience."

"Furthermore, many of the skills demonstrated by the students have actually been maturely used in actual combat, so next I will ask everyone on the stage to show them to you... everyone should also take a closer look to see if your own skills are there. emerge, and if it emerges, what will it look like in practical terms.”

After a lot of talking, it was Duan Hai who was actually clarifying the thoughts of the bewildered people on the stage, but at the same time he also made a request to them to see if they paid attention to the students' presentations in front of them.

The techniques used in these graduation projects are indeed very mature in practice. If you look at them for a day, you can indeed see some familiar ones.

It is not required that all of them come to one side, but at least they must show that they are more skillful and flexible in using it than ordinary students.

In other words, what others show is the prototype of magic, and they have to use the formed magic. This is the higher assessment requirement set by the academy for them.

Okay, the direction is clear, but what the principal calls an "emergency situation" is still missing.

At the end of his speech, Duan Hai turned around and made a gesture to the staff behind him, and then... the floor on the stage changed.

The original wooden floor was divided into two halves and folded to both sides. The person on it jumped and fell onto the raised steel plate below.

This open-air stadium is so big that the personal display in front seems a bit too empty, but now it is just right for more than a dozen people to stand.

The teaching facilities in the new campus have been fully upgraded and have many functions.

With a brand new floor beneath their feet to withstand the impact of battle, it's time to get down to business.

The movement of the floor caused them to move to one side, and the other side that was free should be the so-called emergency situation.

"If we have to deal with some enemies..." Li Ming stood up and said to the people around him, "Everyone, it seems we have to form a temporary team."

There are more than a dozen people. Coincidentally, there are various job agencies, so it is not a problem to form several teams with complete positions.

"no problem."

"I'm good at treatment and assistance...my ability is..."

"I can be in the front row..."

Since they are elites, their discipline and reaction speed are also very fast. Everyone immediately reported what they can do, and Li Ming, who stood up, was also defaulted as the commander. He himself also defaulted, and the reserve team sometimes also Will participate in on-site organization, so everyone has deployment skills.

"We are divided into two groups, one group is for the main team, and the other group is for support..."

"Well, it's not bad." Duan Hai looked at them and nodded, and their every move was shown through the big screen hanging in the auditorium.

From here on, they have shown a completely different reaction and organizational ability from ordinary colleges. The reason why they were asked to stand on the stage at a loss for a while was to tell the students and their parents that they had not rehearsed beforehand. .

In this way, we can better highlight the gap between their actions at this time.

The organization process is very fast, and there are no disputes. As long as the responsibilities are arranged so that they are not far from one's own abilities, you can get into the situation immediately.

The timidity of being stared at by everyone disappeared as he concentrated his attention.

"It seems that the preparations are almost complete, so now let's invite our 'special guest' to appear."

In the dark entrance at the other end, UU reads a book www. uukanshu. The net lit up with a few red lights, which seemed to be several pairs of eyes.

The unkind aura suddenly spread out, making everyone on the field feel a sense of crisis.

The team arrangements here are similar, but there is no extra time to adjust. If there are any problems, we can only wait for the actual battle to see.

Fortunately, the weapons are still there. After the energy is revived, everyone has a space backpack to carry their own equipment.

All members immediately entered a state of facing the enemy, waiting for the enemy to show up.

But the field is so empty, just standing there, it doesn’t look good at first sight.

"We have to create some obstacles." Relying on the strong physical fitness of the Successor of Light, Li Ming, a believer, stood directly in front of him.

"I can, but I need earth and stone materials." There happens to be an earth mage in the team. This man's achievements are in the construction industry.

Don't underestimate this. The ability of human society to cope with the drastically changed environment is indispensable to the construction department, which is as indispensable as the combat troops.

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