I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1225: It’s not easy to steal the limelight, so I have to play support.

The weapons of the two warriors are thick plate swords. For better display, the guns are definitely not used.

Attack from two sides, this time must cause enough fatal damage. The sword does not cut, but stabs in vertically. Due to the limitations of the body structure, the big wolf cannot respond to attacks from both sides as quickly as humans. Originally, it might be able to head They looked at each other from the tail, but now they are pounced on the person, and the remaining strength is still there.

The weak point of the wolf is the waist and abdomen, and being stabbed is very serious.

If it were an ordinary beast, it would have been killed at this time, but the big wolf is a magical beast, and the energy ripples on its body are not for nothing.

Accompanied by a low roar, a wave of air roared out of his mouth, gushing onto the face of the warrior below him.

The intimidating power of the beast overwhelmed his mind, causing him to lose consciousness for a brief moment. This caused him to be trampled by his claws and fall to the ground.

The big wolf, who had fallen to the ground on all fours, instantly regained control of his body. He bent his knees and lowered half of his body, successfully dodging the attack. At the same time, he took advantage of the trend to accumulate strength and rushed out brazenly, heading towards the back row members a few meters behind the home team. go.

After all, it is an energy beast controlled by teachers, and the key to defeating a team can be seen at a glance.

But this can also be regarded as the big wolf having a certain IQ as an elite monster.

But a qualified commander would not leave the back row without any protection. Li Ming stood behind the three soldiers just to provide support.

When the big wolf rushed past the first line of defense, Li Ming immediately rubbed his hands and shined a beam of light into its eyes.

Deprived of sight, the big wolf did not dare to rush forward, so it stopped and the two mages took the opportunity to move. However, this was the last man of nature who took a step forward, waved his hand and scattered a ball of light green powder.

There is a weird fragrance wafting out, which is not noticeable to humans. However, for the big wolf with a sensitive sense of smell, this smell has almost deprived it of its most important perception besides vision, the sense of smell.

This also affected the other two large wolves on both sides. At this time, they had climbed up and shook their noses, as if they wanted to get rid of something unpleasant. Unfortunately, the smell was very long-lasting.

As a last resort, we had no choice but to continue the attack. The big wolf that happened to be surrounded by the home team was not surrounded and killed.

Although a team of five people came to attack, in the opinion of the teacher behind the big wolf, the main team of seven people was the main force. Their idea was obviously to fight quickly and defeat the three big wolves one by one to defeat the enemy.

If they attack the small team according to their ideas, it will be equivalent to giving up the big wolf surrounded by the home team. Then the seven people from the home team will turn back and attack the five-man team back and forth. Even if some of the five people are defeated by then, the two wolves will turn back again. It's not easy to deal with seven people at the same time.

Although the big wolf was formed by gathering the strength of several people, this time it was mainly to cooperate with the students to show off. There is not too much difference in strength. Two big wolves need to rely on their skills to fight against a five-person team. If seven more people are added, , that means being surrounded and beaten violently.

Only three wolves survive at the same time and cooperate with each other to deal with all twelve people.

It can be said that both sides are a whole. Once one side is separated and finds a breakthrough, that side will lose, and the balanced battle will be one-sided.

"The left center will assist in defense, the mage will assist in the right defense, and the team will come to the center!"

Li Ming adopted a risky segmentation tactic from the beginning, which would make it easy for the twelve members of his team to be segmented, which required a high level of mastery of the balance point.

Now he still decided to push away the big wolves on both sides first. He and the people of nature controlled the wolf in the middle, and let the five-man team rush in to help kill it.

No matter what, the three wolves cannot be brought back together. The combat power of a single wolf is far less than that of two wolves or three wolves.

After all, the twelve people gathered together temporarily, and they only had a rough understanding of each other's positions. Facing a more high-pressure combat environment, mistakes caused by lack of understanding of each other will become more prominent, especially when multiple people are cooperating.

The pressure on a single wolf is less. Although it will not be very labor-saving when two or three people work together, there are not many people, there will not be too many power systems, and it is not easy to make too many coordination errors, so the fault tolerance rate is slightly improved. a little.

What's more important is that after getting rid of the wolf in the middle, you can completely bring the advantage of the situation to this side.

We must maintain a suppressed situation at all times, never let go for a breath, and carry out our strength to the end.

Being able to restrain the wolf-type monsters that combine speed and strength and prevent them from taking advantage of them at all times, Li Ming is qualified as a temporary commander.

"Luo Huai, do it!" The team rushed up, and Li Ming turned around and shouted directly, without saying what to do.

But he was assured of Luo Huai, because among these people Luo Huai was the only one he knew somewhat.

When arranging the team, he specifically asked Luo Huai. Both of them knew that if they fully unleashed their abilities in this kind of display, it would have nothing to do with others, including if other people had some tricks up their sleeves, it might not have anything to do with them.

"My ability is auxiliary. You can just cast spells when the time comes." Luo Huai said this. He just briefly mentioned that he could enhance everyone's energy flow.

So Li Ming arranged him into the team according to his position.

When Li Ming asked him to take action, he was also telling others that they could take action.

Almost all the members of the five-person team are spellcasters, and the two believers have melee combat abilities and belong to the category of melee mages.

After receiving the order, two golden rays of light erupted from their bodies as they rushed forward, holding short-handled war hammers in their hands.

Luo Huai, who was following behind, locked his eyes on them. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net made a move with one hand, two small crosses appeared in his pupils, and a shadow of a cross flashed in front of him.

Suddenly, the two believers felt that the mysteriously praying existence suddenly became much clearer, and the divine power on their bodies suddenly doubled. Even they themselves almost didn't react. But fortunately, this was not a negative state, and they quickly He controlled the power in his body and guided it into the war hammer.

The big wolf, who had been deprived of his sense of sight and smell, felt that there were two threats coming towards him and wanted to dodge. His energy perception and wild intuition let him know how fast the threats were approaching... But suddenly, the speed of the two suddenly increased. , very fast and suddenly.

"Huh." A female mage standing next to Luo Huai was a little confused. Why was her casting speed faster than usual?

She is of the wind type, and the magic that just fell on the two believers in front is called Swift Wind, which can accelerate.

But this time the spell was cast very strangely, as if... it took a lot less effort, but it wasn't because of skill.

A wisp of wind blew across her face, and the voice of the boy next to her fell into her ears: "Just cast the spell, don't think about anything else."

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