"Sister, everyone has gone to bed. You should go to bed early. I can just clean up here." Luo Huai looked at the messy coffee table and sofa and said.

But Sister Wutong sat down on the sofa, showing no intention of getting up, and said, "I'm not very sleepy yet. Let's talk after cleaning up, okay?"

"Huh? Okay."

If your family members are willing to talk to you about their concerns, then please be sure to listen, otherwise you may leave some regrets. At least when you care about them in the future, you won’t not know how to care.

Perhaps because he was born an orphan, Luo Huai was able to understand these principles of getting along with his family more objectively and put them into practice after meeting his future family.

After three times, five times and two times, the cleaning efficiency is still very high. Some things he could just destroy.

"Okay." After washing his hands, Luo Huai jumped onto the sofa and bounced Sister Yuxi up and shook her twice.

"Sister, what do you want to talk about~?"

"Hmm..." Wutong thought for a while, as if he just wanted to lure Xiao Luo over, but he didn't seem to have decided what to talk about.

"Why don't you ask? You probably don't know much about the family affairs." As soon as the topic came up, Wutong pinched Luo Huai's face hard twice.

Keeping you out all the time and not knowing when to go home.

"No way, Luo Xiaohuai is here, I know everything about the family." Luo Huai was too lazy to struggle and let Sister Wutong give him a "massage", but he still had to refute what should be refuted, although this reason seemed to be just It will bring about even more ravages in your eyes.

"Thankfully you kept Luo Xiaohuai at home even though you knew it, right?"

"That is still part of my will and body. It can be regarded as half of me."

"Do you think you and your hands are individuals on the same level?" Wutong saw that this guy was still trying to quibble, and showed no sign of misunderstanding, so he couldn't help but increase his intensity, and gradually Luo Huai's whole head fell into it. In the palm of her hand.

Hiss...it sounds a bit scary at first glance.

"By the way, there is something I really want to ask you, sister."

"Oh? What's going on?" Wutong immediately stopped what he was doing. At this time, the two of them were in such a position that Luo Huai's head was resting on her thigh.

"It's just that I always feel that A Luo and Sister Yu Xi are a little weird today."

"Why is it so weird?"

"I don't know, I can't say clearly, but it does feel a bit abnormal... just like if you look at Sister Yuxi, she usually restrains herself and won't suck so much blood at once." Luo Huai thought for a while and guessed Come up with an explanation, "Is it possible that Sister Yuxi has encountered some bottleneck and needs something to help break through? She didn't tell me, sister, do you know, tell me, and I can find a way to find it?"

Wutong listened and finally smiled, "You are so sincere, little guy. Sometimes I really wonder if you are just pretending to be so 'honest and dull' to deceive the little girl."

Luo Huai also laughed after hearing this, waved his hand and said: "Sister, please stop making trouble, how old are you and still a little girl..."


The result was obvious. This guy got an iron fist of justice, and then Sister Wutong, who had finished shaking her fist, said with a bit of anger: "Why is it a hundred or tens of dollars? Didn't I just close myself off? Do you really think I'm an old fritter?" ?”

"To be able to run such a big company, sister, you must be a seasoned veteran." Even if you are not a romance veteran, you are certainly a business veteran, and you are definitely a big shot.

"Fuck you~" Wutong seemed to have been poked at something he cared about, and his mood suddenly fluctuated. If it weren't for the many adjustments after the physical defects were repaired, he would probably have burst into flames this time.

Luo Huai was talking about her life experience, but it was obvious that this was not what she was thinking of.

"I don't even think about whether I had the opportunity to talk to someone at that time. I was doing this or that thing all day long, and I had to be busy stabilizing my skills and then...and then..."

Needless to say, in the end, he became a lonely phoenix on the high branches of the sycamore... More than a hundred years later, he finally met Luo Huai.

"Okay, sister, please calm down. I won't mention the sad things in the past... Let's talk about Sister Yuxi and Alang." Seeing that he was about to lose control, Luo Huai quickly comforted Wutong and wiped the corners of her eyes. Even if there are no tears shed yet.

But when Wutong heard this, he immediately calmed down, rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't this your own problem? Don't you realize that you have forgotten something?"

"Forgot something." A little cold sweat broke out on Luo Huai's forehead. You must know that if a man forgets something he said to a woman, the consequences will be quite serious.

Just the resentful looks from the three girls were probably enough for him.

"Um...sister, can you remind me a little bit?" Luo Huai has said so many things in normal times. Although Luo Huai is sure that his brain is strong enough to remember, but after experiencing the spiritual sweep of the evil god, he may not be able to recall some details now. Have to do a good rummaging.

It's like looking through a drawer full of miscellaneous items. If there is no key information to guide you, it will be difficult to find it.

"Yes, but the reminder is conditional."

"What conditions?"

"You are not allowed to run while playing games." Sister Wutong said this which was a bit hard to understand.

"No problem." Luo Huai said that he was a leader in the gaming industry back then and had never run away because he couldn't afford it.

"Then let's make an agreement." Sister Wutong also showed the contract on the back of her hand, and a slight flash of energy seemed to sign a small contract.

She seemed very satisfied.

"What's the tip you promised?"

"Then you're fine... Do you still remember what you said about waiting until after graduation?"

"Oh?" Luo Huai was stunned for a few seconds and said, "I seem to remember that I originally planned to open a firm after graduation."

"Are you still pretending?"

"Then what else can there be besides this..." Just after saying this, Luo Huai stared at Sister Wutong's face, his memory suddenly started to change, and then he finally remembered something.

Ah this, UU reading www. uukanshu.net seems to be something serious.

"This, this...sister, I drank a lot of drinks and want to go to the toilet." After saying that, he tried to get up from Sister Wutong's lap, but unfortunately before he got halfway, he was pushed back by Sister Wutong with a smile.

"No, didn't you agree that you can't run away while playing games~"

"Huh?" A question mark that rotated 360 degrees directly appeared in Luo Huai's mind.

This kind of game didn't seem to be the same as what he thought. As soon as he heard it, he knew it was not suitable for children.

This is not playing a game, it is clearly a van game!

"Sister, isn't this a bit sudden... How about we lay the groundwork?"

"Okay, come to my room. It doesn't matter how long it takes to prepare. Come into the room with me." Wutong picked up Luo Huai as he said that, refusing to let him get away, and walked towards the room.


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