I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1264 Cooperation Hunting

, I come from the world of punishment

"What's going on? The elephant is not chasing you anymore?" In the car, a few people who were in shock realized that the huge beast behind them had stopped.

They wanted to go into the jungle to see if they could try their luck, but they didn't expect to offend such a big guy. If the obstruction of the trees hadn't bought them a little time, they might not have even had a chance to get in the car.

What's even more terrifying is that this giant elephant is also a magical beast that can use skills. The pair of ivory tusks swept through thousands of troops in the woods. It was so majestic that a big tree was forced to fly away with its roots, which scared them.

But now that the monster has stopped, they have also run out for more than a hundred meters...

"Lao Wu, can we continue to escape?" The person sitting in the passenger seat of this car is the captain, named Wu Mao, and the person driving the vehicle is named Yi Ke, who is considered the second oldest.

Lao Wu leaned his upper body out of the skylight and looked back with a telescope. He saw the giant elephant suddenly swaying and seemed to be swaying.

"Wait a minute, I think that big guy doesn't seem to be in the right state... maybe there is a chance."

"No, Lao Wu, that guy is too big for us to eat." The team members didn't have that intention in the first place, not to mention that they were being chased just now and their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

But the appearance of the giant elephant really seemed to give Lao Wu confidence.

Apart from anything else, if they could really capture such a giant elephant, even a pair of bright white tusks would be enough for them to sell it at an absolutely good price. This amount of money would save them a dozen trips on the grassland. Not even sure, not to mention that other parts of the giant elephant also have their own value.

Huge benefits suddenly appear in front of you, and it seems very difficult for people to give up decisively.

Lao Wu is a courageous person. If it weren't for his limited strength, he would definitely have targeted this giant elephant from the beginning.

"Captain, there seems to be someone on the elephant." Others also took out their telescopes, stuck their heads out of the windows, and discovered some things that Lao Wu didn't notice.

"Oh?" Lao Wu immediately frowned. It seemed that the cause and effect of the giant elephant's stop was suddenly clear.

But in this case, would this huge prey be given to others?

He immediately looked around for traces of other teams. If so, perhaps temporary cooperation would not be impossible.

Although the most important thing is the division of interests, the prerequisite is that the divided interests must be obtained first.

The transportation of giant elephants is a trivial matter. You can call the official transportation force at the border. Although the fee is not low, if it is this giant elephant, the cost is just a drizzle.

So I made a decision. If I wanted stability, I still had to try to cooperate.

The most important thing is that the figure standing on the giant elephant must be a master. This car is probably his. As long as they cooperate, they may have a say in the share. Otherwise, they will help them after all. Be nice together. If you want to get rich, why bother turning against each other and becoming enemies?

It seemed that he was ready for conflict.

This is also common in the wild. In the fantasy world, there are many people who do unkind things. The same is naturally true in the mortal world. After all, we cannot expect everyone to be good and lawful.

"Arlo, a car of people comes to us, what should we do?"

Here, Luo Huai, who was still sitting on the top of the giant elephant, received Alang's message through the contract.

He also saw the vehicle in front of him turn around and approach his car.

I wanted to teleport directly, but then I thought about it and replied: "Listen to what they want to say first."

"Okay." Alang had no choice but to get out of the car and talk to the uncle who got off the car.

"Hello, what can I do?"

The crisp sound made Wu Mao startled, and he looked into the car again.

Only then did he realize that both of them were women, and there were only two of them.

This is very surprising. There are so few people coming to a place like this. Are they here for an outing?

If the other party hadn't been fully equipped and equipped, he might have really thought so. Moreover, the prairie horses hanging on the back of the car also showed that they had a certain level of strength.

"Hello, I am..." Wu Mao briefly introduced the number of people in his team. There were more than a dozen people in the vehicle behind him, which was several times larger than the Luohuai car. In fact, he was also showing off his confidence and preparing for the future. Offer to prepare for cooperation.

He spoke very quickly and urgently, because he didn't know how long the giant elephant could last in this state. It would be a pity if he missed it.

But Ah Lang obviously had no idea about this kind of benefit, and she didn't care about it because of Ah Luo's pampering, so she still asked Luo Huai on the pretext of thinking about it.

"Well, why don't you give it a try?" Luo Huai just wanted Alang to challenge himself. Maybe having ordinary people as teammates to hunt together would be more effective.

"Okay." Since Aluo said so, Alang agreed.

"Then it's a pleasure to cooperate." Wu Mao stretched out his hand to shake hands, but Alang raised the weapon with his backhand and didn't react, which made him a little embarrassed, but it was more important to start the plan quickly.

Regarding the capture of the giant elephant, Wu Mao had already made a plan. Such a thick-skinned guy would definitely not be able to be killed by force. He had to attack the vital points. Magic attacks and venom attacks were the first choices.

Wu Mao has been out there for a long time and has rich experience. Soon a plan framework came out, and the remaining details were discussed.

After everything was decided, he asked about another thing: "May I ask, who is the person on that giant elephant..."

"It's with us." Alang admitted directly.

"Then we hope to understand, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net how he controls the giant elephant, so as to prevent us from not cooperating properly and letting the monster go berserk again."

"This..." Ah Lang is now a messenger. Every time she is asked a question, she has to wait for Luo Huai to send her a reply. She pauses for a second or two before continuing, "I'm afraid there is only one chance. Once the giant elephant is attacked, it will Will wake up."

"This..." The situation was more difficult than Wu Mao imagined, so he asked again, "Is there anything that can be done..."

His idea was whether it was possible to control the giant elephant for the second time, but this time Ah Lang received Luo Huai's message in advance and said immediately: "There is no way. He has tried his best to control the giant elephant. There is basically no way to fight." Intervene.”

"Okay." Wu Mao listened, nodded thoughtfully, turned back to his teammates and said, "Everyone, be prepared and move forward as planned."

It was obvious that he seemed to be a little cold towards Alang and the others. Even the center of the plan was completely on his own team. Alang and the others almost only dealt marginal damage, attracting hatred and so on.

"Yes, I understand." Luo Huai here knew the plan, and naturally knew what they were planning.

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