I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1269 Launching a new service project: takeaway

, I come from the world of punishment

‘What’s wrong, what’s wrong...what’s going on? ’ Tu Yuling looked at Alang who was gradually gaining strength with a confused face. After a few seconds of brewing, the momentum of the storm increased significantly, gradually making people feel a little scared.

Of course, the biggest headache was for Luohuai. There were other people nearby in this wilderness, so it would be okay if things started to get noisy like at home.

I had no choice but to take Alang to the world of wheat nuggets first.

Seeing that Alang's emotions were about to explode, Luo Huai was about to teleport, but the movement in his arms suddenly stopped.

He quickly looked around and found that Alang was holding back tears and suppressing his voice.

"Alang..." Luo Huai gently wiped away her tears.

But then A Lang suddenly said: "A Luo, I will be good...don't let me go."

It is completely opposite to that strong personality. She seems to be a little girl with an extremely fragile heart. When she says this while holding back her tears, it is very touching.

"Okay~ As long as Ah Lang doesn't dislike me."

After hearing this, Alang shook his head vigorously, "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, I definitely won't dislike it!"

After she finished speaking, she whispered again: "How about I stop crying when I get home."

"Uh." The corner of Luo Huai's mouth twitched. He still wanted to cry, but he just saved it temporarily.

But this is fine, it's better than here. After all, it's in the wild and it's not safe. I can cry as much as I want when I get home.

"?" Tu Yuling was even more confused when she saw that the two of them suddenly got better again. Are there any details that she didn't know?

In short, I feel like I ate some dog food again for no reason.

What can I do, just ignore it.

About half an hour passed like this, and the people guarding the giant elephant heard the sound of vehicles moving from the south. It was the official transport team that had arrived.

According to the size of the prey reported in the communication, there were quite a few big guys here this time.

There were at least three large trucks, followed by many small cars. However, none of the cars could directly fit the body of the giant elephant, so it had to be divided.

The scene was simply like a construction site demolition. The small cars surrounding the big truck each had their own functions. The trunk compartment was unfolded, and inside were folded machines. After it was extended, the robotic arm became very long, with cutting parts at the top. The various parts are almost all designed to be able to dismantle huge game animals.

This technology of the human race is actually quite mature, because in the fantasy world, large armies gathered in the city, and various actions required a lot of food. It would definitely not be enough to just rely on the "items" dropped by monsters. Therefore, some huge monster corpses also need to be transported back to the city for dissection and consumption.

Professionals controlled the robotic arm on the car, cutting in an orderly manner, dividing the giant elephant meat into pieces, and then loaded them onto large trucks.

Some inedible meat is transported to a relatively distant location in a small transport vehicle and thrown away. This kind of meat is too rough and difficult to eat even after processing, but it is also a rare food for monsters in the wild. , will be eaten soon, and this can also prevent monsters from causing trouble when the giant elephant is divided. For monsters, as long as there is food that can be obtained without difficulty, they will almost not risk injury to fight. Those big guys.

The transportation team moved very quickly. In just one hour, most of the meat was divided and loaded into the truck. The neatly stacked pieces of meat did not take up any extra space, just like folded clothes and stuffed into the closet. Three large trucks can fully accommodate these.

The members of the transportation team are all specially trained people, and the leader is an experienced veteran hunter. His job is to be a butcher, and he knows everything about the anatomy of prey.

The last remaining bones are the magic core,

Luo Huai took the magic core directly, while the elephant bones were transported by multiple vehicles.

The meat cannot be delivered or sold immediately after it is shipped back. It must be inspected to prevent the introduction of some wild germs and the like. These Luohuai were hunted in this way before. Little Alice is a biology expert from the biochemical world. , do this easily.

At that time, he can entrust the official to transport the meat to the door of the store, or he can get it himself. Even though there is so much meat, he can only pack it into two large boxes in the wheat cubes.

Speaking of which, to outsiders, the box in the wheat block should be a very magical space storage equipment, but fortunately, the official also has this kind of thing, but it is not a space technology, but an expanded use of the "backpack" ability. , Unfortunately, there is still a slight gap between the mortal world and the fantasy world, so the efficiency of this application is not high.

After another half hour, the transport team had loaded all the items and could go back.

Get in the car and start the journey home.

Ah Lang was probably a little tired, so he lay down on the seat after getting into the carriage and fell asleep with Luo Huai's legs on his head. The space in the carriage was not small, and the two rows of seats facing each other were not crowded at all.

"Master, what happened to Ah Lang before?" Tu Yuling saw that Ah Lang was asleep, so he asked in a low voice.

"She..." Luo Huai didn't mind at all, and talked about A Lang's past while reading.

The same loneliness and helplessness in the past caused Tu Yuling's eyes to fluctuate, and his eyes became much softer when he looked at Alang.

"Maybe it's the self-protection mechanism of the soul. There's a little problem with A-lang's personality, but at least it seems that 'they' are getting along well now." Luo Huai shrugged, and gently brushed his hand through A-lang's snow-like white hair, stroking it The girl purred in comfort.

"That's it." This was the first time Tu Yuling encountered this, but because she sometimes talked to Sister Si, she was misunderstood by people around her as a nagging schizophrenic.

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Then suddenly, she thought of another question, "Master, which 'Alang' do you usually date?"

This question is really tricky, but Luo Huai smiled without any panic and said: "Let's go together, anyway, I like no matter which Wolf is."

"Wow." Tu Yuling opened his mouth wide, "Master, you played so excitingly. Two people can play like three people."

"My scalp is itchy again, isn't it?" Luo Huai raised his hand to touch Ah Lang and raised it up like a knife. Tu Yuling was so frightened that he quickly pressed his mouth and shook his head to beg for mercy.

Seeing her like this, Luo Huai put away his hand and continued to kill A Lang with his head.

After a while, Luo Huai talked about another topic.

"By the way, I bought so much monster meat this time. I plan to start a new food delivery business. Otherwise, it would be impossible to consume so much meat in a week."

"Could it be takeout? No problem." Tu Yuling suddenly thought of it, not afraid of being tired, and took the initiative to ask.

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