I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1284 My sister is actually a fool, right?

"Huh?" The girl made a confused voice when she got out of the car.

As for the reason, it was because Tu Yuling saw the official organization in front of him after getting out of the car.

It's just that this is not the place where the contract is signed, but the place of marriage level.

It may be some misunderstanding, but after today's set of procedures, it feels a bit like seeing parents, so...

"Is this a little too fast?" she asked weakly.

"..." Luo Huai got out of the car and barely missed being knocked down by her. He grabbed her head with a claw and turned her 180 degrees.

Although such an action may be a bit offensive in front of the girl's parents, it is the only way to quickly explain that the organization they are going to is across the street on the other side.

Tu Yuling, who reacted immediately, didn't know whether he was lucky or something. He patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Huai on the side saw her like that and complained: "I'm not trying to hit you, but it's too early for you to be in that kind of place."

"Master! Even if you say such a thing, I will still be angry!" The girl felt that her charm was denied, even though yesterday her younger siblings said that her sister was super beautiful.

Well, indeed.

But the two young children were inexperienced in the world, so how could they see through the true nature of the violent woman behind their sister?

I'm afraid even her parents themselves don't know how their daughter attracts hatred in the academy. Anyway, from the live broadcast of Xiaoniaoque, it can be heard that this girl has created a persona of a gentle short-haired big sister for herself, and the whole family is attracted by her. His appearance was so confusing that even she believed it.

Haha... Luo Huai didn't bother to expose her. Let her experience the consequences of her character collapse in front of her younger brothers and sisters.

With evil thoughts, he thought.

And as Gu Chen said, the organization that signs contracts was indeed closed on Saturday.

Luo Huai clicked on the communication on his wrist a few times and cast a ray.

Signing an ordinary labor contract does not require very troublesome procedures. You only need to go to the front office of the institution to handle it through machine intelligence. This is to facilitate official internal personnel to handle some urgent matters.

The contract signed by Luo Huai and Yu Ling is not an ordinary one, because the employment period is not limited to a number of years like ordinary organizations.

He still gave Tu Yuling the greatest freedom. The validity period of the contract was up to her. If she wanted to continue, just go ahead. If she wanted to leave, just tell him.

Anyway, the salary is a very arbitrary daily settlement. After all, this contract is for her parents to see. The two of them usually get along as friends, and occasionally they act like master and apprentice and have fun, which is quite casual.

The operation of the machine was very easy. Luo Huai left it to Tu Yuling to operate the whole process. He only moved when it was his turn to sign and record the information, ensuring that the other parent's parents would have maximum peace of mind.

With high-level authority, the application for this contract was quickly approved.

Tu Yuling's parents looked at the contract again and felt relieved.

In order to reassure them, Luo Huai added: "Although I am not a large official organization here, I have high official authority. The hunting activities that follow me every week can be regarded as following official activities. The relevant resume and experience are in line with It is required by the government, so even if Yu Ling wants to develop in the government in the future, or leaves her job to go somewhere else, her resume record here will not be that of a restaurant waiter, you can rest assured."

Rather, if he, an A+ person, was willing to write a letter of recommendation to Tu Yuling, it would be faster and more effective than having some connections.

Of course, Luo Huai was not interested in playing tricks. Even if it was a recommendation, he would write down Tu Yuling's actual level in detail, and then hand it over to someone with enough authority to not be affected by interpersonal relationships.

However, Luo Huai seems to have not had much contact with the officials in the northern region. He does not think about the other three regions, especially the south and west. He comes in and out of these two places just like his own home.

Maybe even he himself doesn't know that his reputation among some high-level officials in the north is actually quite high.

After all, it would not be difficult for the higher-ups to find out about killing the dark giant transformed by the evil god.

Not to mention Du Tian, ​​the gold medal-level "Luo Huai Personal Information" writer, ensures that Luo Huai's reputation in the four regions is the highest.

Of course, there are some purposes for doing this. For example, before Luo Huai's long list of suffixes, there are the symbols of related personnel of the Cross Society. As long as he makes trouble everywhere, he can count on the influence of the Cross Society.

Luo Huai didn't care. At least this organization ensured internal fairness because of its laws. It was not the grandiose "Bright Holy See" among many, so it didn't matter if it did some small tricks like this. Besides, many times it was the cross that gave Luo Huai the gift. Huai went through a lot of conveniences, including the signing of the contract, which also included procedures for witnessing the Rule of the Cross.

After the contract was confirmed, the organization was about to open its doors, so the four of them went out together.

"The matter is settled, then I will go back to the store first. Yu Ling, please get along well with your family. Don't be late for work on Monday. I will open the store in the north by then."

"I know." Tu Yuling nodded with a smile.

The current situation is simply perfect for her, and her happiness is a bit unreal.

Luo Huai, thank you... If you hadn't pushed me forward, maybe I still wouldn't have known that I would be accepted by my family. Oh, by the way, and Sister Si, I have to apologize to Him properly later...

"I'll drive you off." Gu Chen said to Luo Huai who was leaving. He was definitely his daughter's benefactor and noble person. He naturally had a better attitude as a father.

But Luo Huai waved his hand without looking back and disappeared into the purple mist.

It highlights a chicness.

The main reason is that the store has become busy and he has to go back to clean up. The other reason is that a certain kitchen thief has appeared again. It seems that he has not learned his lesson and must be dealt with strictly.

On the other side, Tu Yuling followed her parents back home.

When his mother came home, she started to prepare lunch. Gu Chen also packed his things. After lunch, he had to go to the team to deal with some things. As for Yu Ling, he accompanied his two younger brothers and sisters. These two little guys did not object to sudden appearances at all. It is better to say that they have heard a lot about this sister from their mother, and they have always wanted to see this sister.

Well, at least the homework that gave both of them a headache was saved... Unfortunately, the child's innocent fantasy was soon shattered.

Because for most people, high school may be the pinnacle of their intelligence. College? Isn't that a great ape breeding base? Not to mention that Tu Yuling recruited students with special abilities, which in common terms means martial arts. .xXbiQuGe.

As a result, the number of people tortured by homework changed from two to three, ah ah ah...

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"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he encounters familiar people, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Shen Changqing stopped in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

It is almost impossible to clean away the smell of blood that comes from everyone in the Zhenmo Division.

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