I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 131 Refining Magic Power

"Sister, this is your fault."

Luo Huai straightened his face, took the book back from Yu Xi's hand, and closed it gently.

"Before you don't know how I learn, how can you deny me at will?"

At this moment, there was light in his eyes.

Yuxi was really frightened by him, "So you were really reading just now?"

Could it be that Xiao Luo is actually a top student and is just naughty?

But who would have thought that Luo Huai's eyes drifted, "No, I'm tired of reading, just flipping through the pages for fun..."

"Then you are so confident!" Yu Xi was so angry that she grabbed his face and pinched him.

"Ah...I...um..." Luo Huai was speechless.

"Humph, I'll teach you a little lesson this time." Yu Xi, who had finished her hand addiction, let him go and lay down on the backrest with her arms folded.

Luo Huai, who was so confused that he didn't know where to go, said aggrievedly: "But I only started to play with it after reading it."

"Nonsense, you can finish reading such a thick book?" Yu Xi glanced at her watch, "It's not even halfway through the morning."

"Isn't the reason why the book is thick because the editor kept stuffing professional terms into it? I only read the key points, isn't it normal?"

"Hey, so our Xiao Luo is still a little genius?" Yu Xi clearly didn't believe it.

But Luo Huai sat proudly and said, "That's not true!"

"I praise you for being so energetic. I'll give you some color and you'll go to heaven, right?"

"I'm really good at it!"

"Okay, then you can show me your learning results." Yu Xi stood up.

She meant to let Luo Huai refine the magic power now.

Although this is the mortal world and the extraordinary energy is thin, there is still some, otherwise the magic will not be released.

Each legal class will have a corresponding flowing light band when refining energy, which can be easily observed.

"Just give it a try." Luo Huai put his hands on his waist, he was awesome.

Because he really wasn't lying, he had understood all the key points, and when the fusion monster class was transferred to the priest, he also had the passive talent of sensing related energy.

It can be said that he has everything ready now, all he needs is the east wind.

Luo Huai took a breath and sat cross-legged on the sofa.

"Start refining!" He was afraid that Sister Yuxi wouldn't notice, so he reminded her specially.

"Pfft!" This looked so much like a child eager to prove himself that Yuxi couldn't help but smile.

But in Luo Huai's opinion, this was a kind of contempt.

I can't bear it, I can't bear it\u0026lt;(`^??)\u0026gt;... I'll gather my energy like a flood later, and I won't scare your eyes out.

Thinking this way, Luo Huai suddenly became angry and thought about heaven and earth!

Get angry!

His momentum was like a rainbow, and he held his claws in the sky, as if he wanted to grab something!


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Nothing... Luo Huai (*??????)

This is wrong, is there something wrong there...

Luo Huai planned to think carefully about where he had gone wrong, but the laughter of a good sister lying on the sofa next to him was so harsh.

"Hahahahahaha!!! Xiao Luo, you are so funny! Hahahaha, you are so good..." Yu Xi laughed so hard that she didn't give any face, especially when Luo Huai just raised her paw, she was laughing all over flipped.


What depresses Luo Huai the most is that he still can't refute.

Obviously I can clearly feel the energy, which is much more powerful than the cases in the photos in the book.

Luo Huai muttered aggrievedly in his heart.


A certain guy who was laughing so hard that he almost lost his moral integrity was still making ruthless ridicule.

I don't know where this made her laugh.

"Sister Yu Xi, as a teacher, is it really okay to discourage students from learning like this?" Luo Huai tried to criticize Yu Xi based on his professionalism.

But Yu Xi didn't accept this trick. She finally stopped laughing and said confidently: "But I am your sister now, not a teacher."

"Then what have you done so far?"

"As a sister, isn't it normal to urge your younger brother to study?" There is nothing wrong with this.

"...I won't argue with you." Luo Huai didn't want to talk to her and found the problem on his own.

Yu Xi was suddenly left out and couldn't laugh anymore, so she sneakily moved to Luo Huai's side.

"Come on, let me see what's wrong with you." Her expression seemed to say, don't be angry~

Luo Huai couldn't help but ask for advice honestly, "I can clearly feel those energies, but I can't drive them."

He shook his hand, and the energy he felt flowed due to his disturbance, but did not move with him.

Yuxi naturally felt this too.

"That's because these are energies that are not compatible with you, are inappropriate, and naturally cannot be controlled." She began to explain some inconspicuous knowledge in the book to Luo Huai.

"There are a lot of free energies in nature, and there are many types, and they are used in different ways. Each legal class has its own energy, and even among many individual players of the same class, there are great differences."

"Does each color of energy have its own name?" Luo Huai's focus was skewed, but it was correct.

"No, for ordinary abilities, the color just represents which attribute it is close to. Only some special energies have them, and they are often much more powerful and have various characteristics."

"Who named energy?" Don't you know that this will increase the burden on students to memorize?

"No, no one named them." Yu Xi shook his head slightly, "Just like the names of these worlds in the fantasy world, they seem to have existed since a long time ago."

In other words, the way of heaven is obtained.

"Sister Yuxi, is your magic power that kind of special energy?"

"Mine?" Yu Xi raised her hand, and a faint purple light appeared and disappeared, "It's called {Purple Light}, which is a special magic power of sacrifices. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net is characterized by small fluctuations and strong concealment. .”

She said with a little pride on her face, special energy is usually a proof of excellence.

Luo Huai immediately drew inferences, "Is the red one called Hongguang?"

"Silly boy~" Yu Xi nodded at him, "You are such a genius, is this what you call it? You will know it when you refine it yourself~"

"Can we not mention this matter..." Luo Huai heard it, and she was thinking about what happened just now.

"Okay, okay~ I won't hurt your self-esteem." Yu Xi poked Luo Huai's face, deflating his slightly bulging cheeks.

"In short, I just want to tell you that energy refining is a process. You cannot use them from the beginning. You have to experience encounter, acquaintance, and even spiritual communication."

She thought for a moment and added another metaphor: "It's like falling in love."

"No, it's like making friends." Luo Huai smiled sinisterly and twisted his lips: "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to pay us back now..."

Snapped! ! !

Before he could finish speaking, he was slapped out by Yu Xi, whose expression changed drastically.

"Xiao Luo, if you don't refine your magic power today, you won't be allowed to have lunch!"

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