I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1321 Magical Compression Technology

"Let Shi Ji take a look later." Luo Huai said to himself as he put away another dark blue crystal.

Although this energy crystal can still be called ice, the ratio of energy to matter is very different. It can almost be regarded as energy compressed to a certain extent and turned into a solid state. It is a fairly pure magic item. It can be said to be the ultimate energy ore. Extremely purified version.

The reason why this kind of thing is precious is that not only is the environment in which it was created difficult to reach, but its preservation is also a problem.

If it is randomly placed in the external environment for a period of time, it may directly turn into a piece of ordinary ice, or it may simply turn into energy and dissipate.

In fact, when Luo Huai dug these and exposed the crystals to the air in the passage, the air flow of volatilizing energy had already begun on their surfaces.

Fortunately, he thought quickly and dug out the carefully collected manuscripts and put them in his backpack.

Fate has said that his ability to knock squares is actually similar to the square material compression magic he talked nonsense with others before, and it is also the result of the evolution of the power of the original world order.

And He said this not to tell Luo Huai not to regard his abilities as game characteristics. On the contrary, there is a characteristic created based on the power of world order, which is more stable and fits the description of the characteristics than most game characteristics. .

It's just that the power of order has evolved characteristics according to the game, but its derivatives are far beyond the game itself. For example, Luo Huai has discovered many other uses of various wheat items in reality that are different from those in the game...such as letting villagers Planting real-life crops and working blocks can also have other real-life functions, which are not found in the game.

And saying all this is just to explain another ability he has now.

Take a crystal cube out of your backpack. Because it is collected accurately, the crystals are not converted into any kind of ice in the wheat block.

At this time, the crystal that was originally one cubic meter in size turned into a small cube of only one cubic centimeter and fell into his hand, and no more energy volatilization occurred.

In the game, when a material block is knocked into an item state, it feels like it has turned into a small model and been put away.

Even if Luo Huai didn't go when there was no accurate collection before, don't worry.

But now that he was holding the real substance in his hands, he felt that it was still a real object. The energy and characteristics were the same as before. There was not much change. The only difference was that it had been compressed many times. And it was controlled in a relatively stable state.

The reason why it is relatively stable is that if you throw this small block out and touch it lightly, it will grow back to its original size like other blocks.

As for whether the energy would continue to evaporate... Luo Huai was curious and gave it a try.

The answer is, yes.

According to Destiny, this is an object control effect achieved at an extremely basic level in the laws of matter and energy, compressing its volume and mass, and stabilizing it... If we dig deeper, this may also involve the relationship between matter, energy and space. , it is very complicated, and even the knowledge level of a racial civilization may not be able to understand it to this extent.

Destiny didn't bother to explain, because he felt that Luo Huai's current knowledge reserve was not enough and his understanding was not clear.

Although Luo Huai can't do it directly, he can do it through the power of order that he already has.

If this ability can be studied clearly and applied, it will definitely mean a qualitative leap in the growth of a racial civilization.

Ahem, I'm going too far... All in all, what I mean by all this is that Luo Huai realized that these small crystal cubes could also be processed.

Whether it is forging, enchanting... or anything else, this crystalline cube can indeed be used as a rare raw material.

The simplest point is that as long as this thing is not impacted by rigid forces, it can continue to remain in a stable state. Just from this, Luo Huai has many new ideas for use.

"Hmm... Let's go back and make some good equipment for Alang, and Yu Ling as well. Even if this guy likes to use bare hands, it would be good to have some equipment suitable for bare hands."

Thinking about this, Luo Huai felt a lot better because he was a little bit explosive because he had not dug out ice lotus roots.

However, this high-purity crystal is not everywhere under the glacier. There will be obvious intersection lines between the crystal and the ice. Because the concentration difference is too large, even if the energy penetrates into each other, it cannot be completely uniform.

So after digging for several days, Luo Huai almost forgot that he just wanted to dig some lotus roots in the first place.

There are a lot more ice crystals in the backpack.

Because the crystal concentrations vary, these blocks are difficult to stack in a backpack grid.

He once worried about his increasingly messy backpack. Fortunately, Destiny, a background programmer, added a function for him to organize his backpack, and also divided the infinite backpack grid into several interfaces and divided them into different Type, easier to classify.

Crystals with different energy concentrations are arranged in order, which makes it a better choice for use.

"Ah... It seems that I should really consider going directly to the top of the iceberg to search. It is really unrealistic to find a super-large snow lotus that can take root all the way to the bottom at once."

After digging for a while, until the tunnels in circles reached the middle, Luo Huai dug out the tunnel in front with a pickaxe, and he gave up.

Well, actually, we have finished collecting the crystals near the tunnel. There is really nothing good here.

So he started digging the spiral passage upward again.

"Aluo, are you hungry? Let's have some food."

In the hotel, the hungry Ah Lang slipped in from the back door, grabbed "Luo Huai" at the counter and shook his shoulders, but turned around and saw that it was Luo Xiaohuai with that dull look in his eyes.

So she asked Shi Ji, who was busy at noon, "Xiao Shi, where is A Luo?"

"I don't know... The hands-off shopkeeper is so willful." As he said that, Shi Ji rolled his eyes in a very humane manner.

As an arcane elf in Hearthstone, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Although Shi Ji doesn't have so many thoughts, she is still speechless for this guy who runs out every two days.

In terms of race, she should be regarded as an intelligent life of the elemental race, but she does not find it boring to stay in the hotel all the time. Perhaps in the hearthstone on the wall of the hotel, she can give herself the same experience as little Alice. Create a living space.

"Ah..." When A Lang heard that A Luo ran out again, he immediately became frustrated and turned into a pile on the counter.

Sister Yuxi helped Sister Wutong today, and no one took care of her food. They were still waiting for her to deliver lunch.

There are many guests and the kitchen is so busy that we can’t just take it. new

Alang, who has completely evolved into a lazy dog, doesn't want to cook by himself at all.

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