I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1336: Help people with tasks, and then run back to the store to wait for the tasks...

, I come from the world of punishment

"Captain!" The leader of the support team called out as soon as he saw his teammates, but the other party obviously didn't have the energy to respond to him.

Because the big bug discovered the new "ants" that appeared, and what made it even more alarmed was that the new "ants" didn't have much energy toxins in their bodies that it could lure.

This is a very dangerous signal. From the time the big bug calmly dealt with the previous wave of people, it can be seen that it still has a good control over its own strength, otherwise it would not be able to enjoy the scraping service so leisurely.

But the new "ants" are obviously beyond its control range, and they still have thick "carapaces" on their bodies. Even if it wants to inject energy toxins now, it will be difficult.

So the best decision, at least the best decision that Big Insect thought of, was to eliminate the enemies that could be eliminated first.

In fact, the more sinister way is to take hostages, but who makes it just a bug that only knows how to eat since birth?

Being able to come to the conclusion of destroying some of the enemies first is already beyond the scope.

The captain and the remaining men under his leadership suddenly felt the pressure increase sharply. At the same time, as the creepy eyes of the big bug looked at them, they suddenly found that breathing became difficult, and their limbs seemed to be poured into something heavy. The whole body was becoming rigid, and the energy flow that had been slowed down in the body seemed to have stopped for an instant. The resulting negative physiological effects almost made several people fall to their knees.

The body seemed to be frozen, but there was no trace of coldness, only death.

The big bug saw that several people were frozen there, but it did not collide with it. There was no need to attack specifically. The shock caused by the impact would give the frozen people a chance to breathe. There was no need to put it there. Only by taking care of it can you kill with the highest efficiency.

This can be regarded as a coincidence. If it rushes to hit the target hard with its collision, it may just trigger their safety device and escape.

It can be said that the Buddhist nature of the big insect has become its most terrifying aspect. After all, although the pain is small, the torture is everlasting.

However, fortunately, the people who supported them later were not harmed. There were many strong ones among them, and most of them were spell casters. After discovering the target, they began to accumulate spells, and the attacks that broke out were quite fierce.

This has something to do with the personnel arrangement of the team.

When entering an unfamiliar area to explore, the first part of the vanguard is usually made up of warriors. After all, they are more solid and are somewhat used as sandbags to test the situation. The subsequent supporting troops are mostly spellcasters. During the exploration After knowing the actual situation, the spellcasters who can be targeted will play a more powerful role in the support team, and at the same time, it can also ensure that the subsequent support team will not be in vain.

At this time, the side effects of the big bug's greed for scraping appeared. The body without the protection of the lens is so fleshy that it can be called delicate, but it unexpectedly has strong magic resistance and the ability to buffer the impact of explosions. You can see the explosion. Magic hitting it will cause a wave, but it won't cause much actual damage.

"Use sharp weapons and ice!" The captain, who felt that his body was about to lose consciousness, shouted with the last bit of his strength, and then the whole person's movements were like the characters in the photo, frozen there.

The longer he stayed in front, the more terrifying the effect of the energy poison bursting out. Even when he encountered the big bug before, the spell released by the big bug made him realize why there were strange things happening to various people in the house before. He did not Ways to proactively trigger your own safety devices before your body freezes.

Fortunately, it may be that the toxins in his body have accumulated too much, and the damage that breaks out this time is not as gradual as others.

This instead triggered the safety device.

With a crash, he was teleported away, but he was not out of danger. People outside had to hurry up and rescue him from the thick crystal shell, otherwise he would be suppressed and something would happen soon.

Luo Huai controlled the small bug and took a final look around. The firepower of the support troops was enough to deal with the big bug, because the most dangerous element of this secret realm had been avoided, and the rest was just a matter of push.

After confirming that the momentum has been established, Luo Huai is ready to leave. He does not need to wait for the dungeon to end and an exit will appear before going out. He has the ability to temporarily open a hole in the spatial barrier.

But in the end, he kindly took out his shotgun and shot a few "statues" that had not yet been teleported away, and then turned around and left.

But after all, this is a miniature secret realm with a cave terrain. If you forcefully open another exit, you may drive directly into the mountain, so it is best to open it from the exit.

"Uh." Luo Huai didn't expect to be surrounded by several people. There were several more people at the entrance than when he entered before.

Even if a large team sends a support team, it will still leave some non-logistics personnel with strong combat capabilities in the camp to ensure the safety of the camp. There must be nearly ten, and these people must have certain experience, and newcomers are not allowed. .

"Who are you?" The guard immediately recognized that Luo Huai was not from their team, and immediately asked, and put on a cautious posture.

Although teams promote mutual assistance in the wild, what will happen if they actually meet each other depends on the moral character of both parties.

It is also commonly known as letting go, and facts are often crueler than stories and ideals. In most cases, it is one of the best situations to meet on a narrow road and live in peace. If there is a conflict of interest, the better ones may even shoot a few people each. The decision is made through passing of tricks. The bad guy will directly flatter you on the surface, and then he will play some disgusting tricks on you behind your back. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nnet

Luo Huai is the only one who is better, but there is no guarantee whether he has an accomplice.

"You should at least thank me, a good old man, for wiping your butts, otherwise you would have killed and injured dozens of people during this trip, and the team would have been disbanded." Luo Huai said straightforwardly with a natural expression.

He had just finished his work, how could he still be interested in pretending to be a pig for a while and then getting slapped in the face?

Fortunately, in reality, when people are not crazy, they will not say a lot of things like in movies and TV shows, and then end up saying "I don't understand what you are talking about, what is your purpose?", this kind of thing. My blood pressure just soared.

After Luo Huai's simple explanation, the misunderstanding between the two parties was temporarily resolved.

Thanks to Luo Huai's store being somewhat famous online, he could find evidence directly online.

"If that's the case, thank you very much." The man who put down his weapon wanted to invite Luo Huai to the camp, but Luo Huai was in a hurry to go back to the store and declined.

"Bye." He disappeared directly in front of everyone.

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