I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1353 Discovered and attacked

The bullet hit the target's back at extremely high speed, but the surface of Luo Huai's clothes seemed to be instantly covered with a translucent barrier.

When the bullet hit it, it was like hitting bulletproof glass, and something like cracks appeared.

"What the hell?" The person who fired the shot was confused and didn't understand what was going on.

Is this some new type of body armor? But isn't that just an ordinary black coat? It looks very thin.

The instructions given by the superiors were clearly to be careful of the two women in weird costumes. He came here to recover the chips. Although I don’t know why this guy came back to this place, but since he arrived at Dinosaur Island, he must be silenced. .

That's why the shooting happened just now.

In fact, he is not alone. There are four people who come to handle the chip, a small team.

The special chemical spray on their bodies has a repelling effect on dinosaurs.

"Keep shooting."

Although the team's firearms have silencers, even if the firearms are equipped with silencers, they still make noise. If dinosaurs are attracted, even chemical sprays will not be able to resist the numerous dinosaurs.

Quick victory.

Then there were a few more gunshots, and there were a few more radial-shaped cracks on Luo Huai's body.

"The effect is okay." Luo Huai glanced at the dense bullet holes on his body and estimated that there were still one or two points of armor given by the secret that had not been knocked out.

Yes, that's why he chose not to hide.

【Ice Armor】

[Mana]: One fee

[Effect]: When attacked, gain five points of armor.

In addition, Luo Huai, who was on the safe side, also used warrior skills to stack up to three armors.

Hmm... In addition, there are several other mysteries about him, but those effects are not reflected in him.

Looking towards the direction where the bullets came from, those guys wanted to continue shooting.

He is quite smart, knowing that the intensive attack of bullets will help break through the defense, but his armor is integral. Even if it looks full of cracks, the defensive effect is the same as other parts.

He walked thinking about those people. It seemed like they were just walking, but with his toes lightly, he was actually moving very quickly.

"Hiss..." The agent saw this guy floating over like a ghost in the scope, and felt a shiver of fear.

If they weren't heavily armed and had numerical superiority, their materialism might really be shaken.

There is no doubt that their position has been exposed, so in that case, it is better to stand up and shoot.

Immediately, four big men stood up from the grass, firing rifles at Luo Huai...

However, Luo Huai took out a piece of paper from nowhere.

Then the cracks on his body suddenly disappeared. Bullets kept hitting him, but they were like hitting a mirror, bouncing off to the surrounding trees and the ground.

That transparent barrier keeps breaking and then repairing.

Another thing I don't know is whether it was an illusion. The agents felt that the power of their guns was getting weaker and weaker. At first, they were able to create a large crack, but then it became smaller and smaller, and finally they were simply bounced away.

When the magazines were all empty, Luo Huai walked up to them.

"Have you finished the fight?" Luo Huai asked them.

"Hell!" the agent cursed again, not intending to communicate with him at all. He dropped the empty gun, took out the dagger from the pocket of his arm, rushed up and stabbed the vital part.

It's not like in the movies and TV shows, they are just like the Riddler. They are just murderous mercenaries who do things, and they are just tools of the company. There is no need to talk nonsense.

"Oh, it's really...refreshing."

It seems that we can't expect to get anything out of these people's mouths.

In this way, Luo Huai took out the long knife from his waist, and there seemed to be invisible energy flowing on it...

Facing the four people coming to attack him, Luo Huai raised the knife with his right hand and waved his left hand.

The four agents seemed to pause for a moment, their expressions distorted by exertion, but their movements were forcibly slowed down.

Invisible power, even if they don't want to admit it, they can't deny that this is not the power that science should have.

But strictly speaking, this is just a power that does not belong to the technological level of their world.

In short, telekinesis is really useful.

The four people whose speed was controlled were like putting their throats in front of Luo Huai's knife.

After all, what he does is killing people, so he should be prepared to be killed.

Luo Huai turned his wrist, and the tip of the knife was wrapped with blade energy, and it lightly scratched the four people's necks.

Then, as soon as the restraint of telekinesis disappeared, they fell to the ground and became unresponsive.

The dinosaurs will soon come to clean up the corpses, and Luo Huai takes some of their equipment, including walkie-talkies and headphones.

The walkie-talkie is still on. If you disconnect the connected earphones, you can hear the person inside still calling:

"Team 5, how is the chip recovery going? Please answer, hello? Where are the people... were they eaten by dinosaurs?"

It doesn't sound very professional.

Maybe because I work here, it’s not surprising to be accidentally eaten by a dinosaur.

But then the next sentence on the intercom sounded a bit ominous.

"Okay, whatever you want, we have locked the locations of the five intruders..."

Then he stopped talking to the intercom and heard another sentence: "Prepare to arrest."

Well, it's time to go back.

Purple mist flashed and Luo Huai disappeared.

After finally finding a place where he could have a good rest, Joseph decided to let everyone...especially Caitlin, have a good rest.

He glanced at the sky, which was already a little dark now. After all, it was already afternoon when the ship arrived here.

After walking for several hours on the wild road, it is still a bit difficult for city dwellers, and foot pain is unavoidable.

Fortunately, the barbecue that Luo Huai gave them on the boat made them hungry for some reason. They were very active during the walk, but except for being a little thirsty, everything else was fine.

"Why hasn't Luo Huai come back? How far will he have to go in ten minutes?"

If it were any other wilderness, this would be fine, but this was Dinosaur Island. If you walked a few hundred meters outside, you would encounter countless dangers.

"Don't worry, Luo Huai's ability is much stronger than ours." Yu Ling knew that the master was going to collect a small amount of money for himself, so he helped explain.

"I hope so. Being too confident may not be a good thing." Joseph's age meant that he always liked to teach something in the tone of someone who had experienced it. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net

At this moment, he tilted his head and made a gesture of listening.

Then, his expression became solemn and he said, "It's the sound of propellers, there's a plane."

To make matters worse, the propeller noise was getting closer.

"Is it a plane transporting supplies to the Dinosaur Island Laboratory?" Caitlin guessed, and at the same time he became more sure of his idea.

But just when a few people were still suspicious, the airflow from the propeller blew over, and the noise did not go away.

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