I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1361 The train is full! Let’s start!

The pterodactyl looked over and stopped. Although the remaining mercenaries still wanted to shoot, most of them had been killed.

The red mist is not only for searching people, but it also has the effect of causing people to stun... After all, Luo Huai has encountered many miscellaneous monsters, and there are countless characteristics that the fusion blood can simulate.

There was only one person in the interrogation room, and that was Joseph, who was chained to a chair.

The pterodactyl walked over on all fours and arrived in front of the door, making the old scholar and others too nervous to move.

Just by getting closer, they could feel the pressure brought by the huge size. The mercenary next to them had tried hard to control himself not to shoot. According to this distance and the previous observation of the effect of bullets on him, There is no use in shooting.

At this time, the old scholar was not only nervous but also thinking about another problem: this pterosaur was really looking for someone.

"Caitlin, go and let that man go." He said, as if he was expecting something.

"Ah, okay." Caitlin could be said to be the most nervous among everyone present, but when she saw the pterosaur stopped attacking, she somehow felt a little familiar.

She turned and ran into the house, found the key from the drawer of the interrogation table, and unlocked Joseph's bracelet.

"What happened?" Joseph asked immediately after being untied.

He also heard the movement outside, including after opening the door, he also saw a huge pterosaur. He thought he knew the least.

But the people in the base are actually similar to him.

"I'm not sure, but Uncle Joseph... the pterosaur outside seems to be looking for you." Caitlin said uncertainly, and hesitated whether to take Joseph out.

But Joseph stared at the dinosaur for a while, then walked out on his own initiative.

"You are..." He was better at observing details than Caitlin, a habit he had developed when he accepted some commissions when he was young.

This allows him to be less face-blind even when facing dinosaurs.

Although the pterosaur has changed greatly at this time, some characteristics have remained unchanged, such as the eyes and the current unique behavior.

The pterodactyl seemed to understand what he meant, and shouted at him. The sound was well controlled, and there was no effect at all like the previous sonic shock.

It turned around, and the red mist on its back parted to both sides, as if it were a road, guiding them forward.

"..." Joseph looked around carefully and found that there were some mercenaries around with their guns aimed at this direction.

Although he was basically certain in his heart, Joseph was still a little uneasy, but if the two people who had now seen the company's biggest secret did not carry it out, they would either join or be dealt with.

Might as well endure the fear and take a gamble.

He took Caitlin's hand and walked forward, and the red mist gradually enveloped the two of them.

What's really scary is that even if they sit on the back of a pterosaur, if it flies up, they have nowhere to catch it... won't they still have to be smashed into a pulp?

But immediately, the two felt that the mist that enveloped them was like substance, pushing them onto the pterosaur's back and fixing them to sit on it. The tight feeling spread all over their bodies, and they felt safe and breathing. Still open.

Outside, the old scholar looked at the magical black and red mist and didn't know what to think.

The pterosaur also hesitated to take off after receiving the two people, as if it was ink...or waiting.

’ Is there anyone left? ’

Such thoughts suddenly flashed through the old scholar's mind, and caused an idea that had only crossed his mind for a moment and then gradually dissipated to rise again, and he couldn't stop it.

So even the mercenaries didn't react... the old scholar next to him suddenly rushed towards Hongwu.

He wanted to pull the person, but the person had already rushed into the red mist, and his hand that had also reached in was pushed out by an invisible force.

At the same time, the pterosaur finally made a move. It exerted force on its hind limbs, tilting its body closer to vertical. Then its forelimbs bent slightly, and then stretched out sharply.


The wing membrane that had always been inconspicuous gathered on the back of the forelimbs seemed to stretch out from scratch.

The mercenaries who had been fighting it for a while suddenly came to their senses and realized that this pterosaur had wings.

Well, in fact, the pterosaur folded its wings after landing at the bottom of the vertical passage. They really had no impression of the wings.

And they started shooting again.

Because the core figures of the experimental base are also going to be taken away. Is this okay?

Moreover, the pterosaur's wing membrane is an obvious weakness, and firing at this time is also an opportunity to seize.

Then they still underestimated the pterosaur's take-off posture.

You are originally strong in the air and you are invincible once you land on the ground. Can you still take advantage of taking off?

After spreading its wings, the pterosaur lowered its body again, and then an incomprehensible strong airflow began to appear behind it and behind its wings.

At first, these airflows were a little turbulent, but soon, these airflows gradually became unified in the same direction, and the intensity began to increase visibly with the naked eye as the direction was compressed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net and made a gushing sound.

It's like a jet fighter started its propeller here, and the spacious corridor of this base is the runway for the plane to take off.

Let's go!

After accumulating power, the pterosaur's wings suddenly trembled to a small extent, and the wind and waves burst out, pushing the wings and then the entire body.

That starting speed really made me feel like a fighter jet was taking off.

A huge underground passage hundreds of meters long and wide was passed by in an instant. The mercenaries passing by looked at the huge wings that were about to slice over their heads, as well as the wind and waves coming towards their faces. They all hurriedly crouched down and shrank behind the bunker, grabbing at the same time. Hold or fasten fixed objects to prevent them from being picked up by the wind.

Ahead was the exit of the vertical passage that was approaching rapidly. Although the three people on the dragon's back could not see what was going on outside, they felt the acceleration. In addition to their beating hearts, they also knew that they were about to hit the end of the passage.

But at this time, the pterosaur suddenly folded its wings, and the whole dragon got into the vertical channel. Then, as the air flow poured into the channel, its direction changed. It folded its wings into a half-spread state and also changed its direction.

The energy flow is very strong, so it can complete the ninety-degree rise with such a small buffer. If the body is not strong enough, it will definitely be damaged.

If the three people on the dragon's back were not protected by red mist, the speed and changes that were many times more exciting than a roller coaster would probably scare the old scholar into having a heart attack.

In the end, the pterosaur succeeded in getting out of the underground base. The mechanism at the entrance was still closed after it had forcibly pulled it into a stress-open state.

After going out, the red mist on the pterosaur's body gradually became thinner, and its flight became smoother.

"Oh..." This is the first time for the three of them to fly in the sky on a dinosaur.

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