I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1375 Because I was beaten while skipping rope, the pain was very impressive...

Anna's excellent vision saw that the mercenary who fell to the road rolled several times and was still able to get up.

A motorcycle swerved to pick them up, and they continued to pursue the moving truck.

There were people in the car right behind the truck. They climbed out of the sunroof of the car nimbly, holding the smoking iron ball in their hands and swung it over.

But this time Anna saw it correctly, grabbed the smoke bomb thrown at it, pointed it at the sunroof of the car and threw it away.

Accurate hit!

The smoke bomb also completely exploded at this time, releasing a large amount of smoke. The black car was suddenly filled with smoke. The driver's sight was seriously obstructed, and he had to slow down and move away. The motorcyclists on the side were also reluctant to avoid the smoke.

"Huh~" Anna breathed a sigh of relief.

But the crisis has not been resolved. In addition to several other vehicles, nearly ten motorcycles have completely surrounded the truck.

Marlene stumbled and threw herself against the window in front of the car, pulled open the iron sheet blocking the car, and shouted to the driver: "Someone is robbed!"

But there was no response from the other side. She smelled the pungent smell, which was the same as the smoke bomb just now.

"Oops." She quickly closed the flap.

The driver also suffered, and soon control of the car would fall into the hands of the men in black.

This was not a city, and she and Anna had nowhere to escape.

At this time, the girl's struggling screams were also heard from the other side.

Three more people jumped into the car from the approaching car. Now Anna couldn't fight them off by surprise. The three well-trained adult mercenaries, no matter how strange the girl was, as long as they did not exceed the scope of normal creatures, That is also difficult for two fists to defeat four hands (six hands).

The three big men suppressed the girl almost instantly. No matter how hard she tried, her limbs were firmly suppressed and she could not resist.

"You bastards! Let go of my daughter!" Marlene was so angry that she rushed forward and kicked the person holding Anna's hands.

Female strength is relatively weak in terms of growth, but as long as strengths are used to counteract weaknesses, the weak can still defeat the strong.

Regardless of men or women, the power of the thighs cannot be ignored.

The mercenary who was holding Anna's arm had to let go to resist Marlene's kick.

The carriage, which was filled with sundries and furniture, was not spacious. There was only a little space at the end, and then there was a long and narrow aisle in the middle.

Marlene did not consider her retreat after the attack, and her kicking was not professional. They met on a narrow road, and the mercenary was not afraid of a head-on confrontation at all.

He dodged the attack when he turned around, and quickly grabbed Marlene's calves with both hands. Then he moved his hands to the side hard, causing Marlene to lose her balance.

"Ah!" There were debris on the side, and it would be easy for Marlene to hit a painful spot if she fell on it.

"Marlene!" Seeing that she was hurt, Anna struggled with another burst of strength.

"Damn it! Why is this guy so strong?" The two people holding Anna's legs almost lost their balance.

If their superiors hadn't told them not to use harsh measures, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

At this time, Anna, who was lying and struggling, moved from her bottom-up perspective to the crotch of the mercenary who turned around.

Joseph told her that if you encounter real danger, don't worry about morality or shame, and it is always right to do your best to attack the opponent's weakness.

Although Joseph didn't say it explicitly, Marlene gave her a physiological lesson. Regardless of men or women, as long as that area is hit hard, they will feel extreme pain. This kind of pain is unbearable.

Thinking of this, Anna's eyes flashed sharply, her arms that were temporarily freed closed to her chest, and she charged up and blasted out!

"Hiss..." The mercenary who knocked down Marin suddenly stiffened his legs.

Then there was a painful feeling that almost made him dizzy. A ferocious force attached to the small fist, with great pressure.

After the dizziness, there is a kind of numbness, but this kind of numbness is not insensible. There will also be a vague pain lingering, with repeated fluctuations, refreshing the sense of existence towards the brain, and cannot ignore.

This is only the extent of the damage caused unintentionally. If the force is stronger and the blow is more precise, it is like now.

The number of mercenaries is directly reduced by one.

"Hey, this guy is really scary!" The other two people saw this scene and thought that they would rather fall on the road like the two unlucky people in front of them than suffer such a "life attack".

However, Anna already knew how effective such an attack was from the other party's reaction.

She retracted her fist and immediately hit the other two people, with the tips of her fists pointing towards their temples.

As long as she can break free, she has a chance!

Unfortunately, although the mercenaries were ordered not to strike hard, it didn't mean that they really didn't dare to hurt the target at all.

But they immediately thought of a more convenient way. UU Reading www.uukanshhu.スnet

The severely injured mercenary pulled out a pistol from his leg with difficulty, turned towards Marlene and shouted viciously: "You little bitch! If you dare to move again, I guarantee that your mother will die miserably in front of your eyes!"

He swore violently, as if he could no longer suppress his anger. He almost broke up with the girl regardless of his employer's request, but in the end reason prevailed.

Because treating these injuries requires money, the mission cannot be wasted.

"Don't touch her!" Anna finally stopped struggling.

Even though she always quarreled with Marlene and Joseph during her rebellious period, she knew that they had sacrificed a lot to raise her.

These were her parents, but Joseph did not hide her life experience from her since she was a child, so she called Marlene and Joseph by their first names since she was a child.

"That's right."

Anna stopped resisting and their hands were locked behind her with special handcuffs.

Marlene was also tied up. As a scholar, she was still useful. More importantly, she could be used to threaten and control Anna.

The two were picked up and dragged into the sunroof of the black car.

The door of the moving truck was re-closed.

This place will be disguised as a car accident scene, with an explosion caused by the rollover of a large truck.

Nowadays, when there are threats from dinosaurs in the wild, it is very convenient and easy to control public opinion. If the body disappears, it can be said that it was taken away by the dinosaur.

very perfect.

The bikers and black vehicles began to disperse, but instead of slowing down, they accelerated past the truck.

The communication from above told them to be careful of the guys catching up behind them, not to slow down, and to disperse into the wilderness, and then return to the city from other directions to meet up.

This can also be used to confuse others so that others cannot tell which car Anna and Marlene are in.

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