I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1377 Magical Magic

"Oh... this." Marlene saw Luo Huai breaking off the handcuffs so casually, and showed an expression of surprise in disbelief. Then she looked at Joseph and asked, "Who is he?"

"He is a hired help that Kaitlin found, or he found Kaitlin." Joseph didn't know how to explain it. At the same time, there was also the matter of Luo Huai and the others and the magical magic. He could only wait a while. Speak slowly.

"Let's get in the car first." Luo Huai greeted them. His car can accommodate two more people. The back seat is very spacious and has two rows. It won't be a problem for two more people.

There are still some mercenaries in black. They turned back from the other direction and tried to pursue them, so it was better to leave here first.

But as Marlene got in the car, she thought of the moving truck. It contained all the furniture and some things from their home. It would be very troublesome if they were missing.

In order to sit with his wife and Anna, Joseph sat in the back seat of the last row with them. The three of them and their family could just fit in, but Anna seemed to have a little quarrel with Joseph again and sat on the edge by herself. .

Luo Huai heard the problem Ma Lin mentioned and said, "Don't worry about that, I will solve it later."

"Oh, sir... thank you very much for saving us. Your strength surprised me." Marlene then remembered that there are still many things of concern here.

For example, why Joseph was able to rush over, and how the boy... he ran to the roof of the mercenaries' car, and then used that... I don't know how to describe the ability to rescue her and Anna.

Even Anna was the same. She was fussing alone, but she looked at Luo Huai from time to time. Although she couldn't see because of the back of the car, she felt like someone who could easily break the handcuffs that she couldn't break. Still a little curious.

Facing the curiosity of his wife and daughter, Joseph planned to explain, "Marin, Mr. Luo Huai is actually with these two people. He seems to be the captain and master..."

Marlene has seen Alang and Yuling's simple ability display. It would be much easier to understand if she said it this way.

But the magic that Joseph mentioned immediately made Marlene and Anna look at him with somewhat doubtful eyes at the same time.

Even Anna, who had only been exposed to outside knowledge from movies, knew that magic was a human fantasy. This was something that Joseph and Marlene had repeatedly explained to her several times when she was watching a magic movie for the first time.

But now Joseph introduced them like this with such confidence.

Especially since Marlene is a scholar and a staunch materialist scientist, it is almost impossible for her to accept such a thing.

"Joseph, what have you been through these two days?" Marlene even doubted whether the man in front of her was Joseph.

Fortunately, Luo Huai came forward in time to explain: "Don't be nervous, madam, saying it is magic is just a phenomenon we call it for convenience."

"Yeah, so what kind of phenomenon is it?" Marlene seems to become more serious when it comes to this kind of "principle" issue.

Of course, it was also because they had not been able to see how Luo Huai caught up with them in the car before, and how they landed safely after jumping out of the car. It happened so fast that they could not react.

"Like this." Luo Huai raised his right hand directly so that the people behind could see it.

I saw a small flame emerging from his fingertips, and this flame was not just burning, it was also dividing and remerging freely, as if it had a life of its own.

"Oh...are you sure this isn't a magic trick?"

"Of course." In order to let Marin feel the temperature of the flames with her own hands, Luo Huai flicked her fingers, and the flames flew out and flew towards the back seat.

A Lang and Yu Ling both ducked out of the way cleverly, but the three people behind were frightened.

Fortunately, the flames just floated quietly in front of Marin.

Seeing that there seemed to be no danger, Marin's fear was quickly replaced by curiosity. She stepped forward and carefully put her palms close to the flames.

She could feel the obvious warmth from it, so real.

"This is really...unbelievable." For scholars, seeing magical things is far more exciting than ordinary people.

"What's the principle of this?" Marlene stopped questioning the so-called magic and asked about the principle.

The true scientific spirit will not deny objective existence, but will only find ways to explore explanations.

"Well, maybe after we meet up with Kaitlin, Professor Ston will explain to you. His professional knowledge can more accurately explain how this phenomenon should be understood in your world."

"our world?"

"Well, I'm talking about the world that is changing now." Luo Huai wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead, thinking that he almost spilled the beans.

Then he made a pinching motion with his fingers, and the flames in front of Marlene went out.

This made Marlene a little disappointed. Before she had time to observe this new thing, Anna next to her felt the same way. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Such magical things are absolutely attractive to any child, no matter boy or girl, but after hearing that Luo Huai was the captain and master of A Lang Yu Ling and the others, she did not want to take the initiative to approach Luo Huai.

Because that means they are all dragon hunters... and she is the enhancer of dinosaur genes. Fundamentally speaking, the title of dragon hunter is just like "Anna" hunter, which makes her feel uneasy.

But fortunately, after experiencing the danger, Anna at least didn't make as much noise as she did at home.

On the other hand, the two girls, A Lang and Yu Ling, turned around and lay on the backrest, staring at Anna with their two pairs of eyes.


Staring at the little girl made her feel uncomfortable.

Adults Joseph and Marlene could see the playful look in their eyes...but for the little girl, this was not friendly at all.

"Yu Ling, are dinosaurs considered dragons?" A Lang asked Yu Ling curiously. She also knew that Yu Ling was the possessor of the very powerful Yinglong Power.

"Well, if they grow strong enough, then dinosaurs will indeed be of the dragon race." Yu Ling still has a comprehensive understanding of this aspect of knowledge. After all, when Sister Si first started talking in her mind, she But he was very frightened.

Yu Ling, who is also a "dragon person", actually looks at Anna and feels like she is seeing a baby dragon.

That's why they both stared at Anna.

It's a pity that the little girl couldn't bear it and got angry.

A dragon being stared at by a dragon hunter is like a prey being targeted by a hunter, without any sense of security at all.

She angrily buried her face to the side, preventing the two of them from looking at her.

"Hmm~ Why are you so shy?" Alang thought it was quite interesting to tease this little girl. She knew what children were interested in, so she said seductively, "My sister can also do magic. Do you want to see it?"

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