I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1380 Dinosaurs Enter the City

These words made Joseph have some doubts and said, "Huh? Why?"

"Because...here." Luo Huai still wanted to say something, but the TV picture in front had already changed, so he simply pointed.

Joseph turned around and saw that the temporarily interrupted court news had been replaced by another temporarily interrupted emergency news.

"Urgent notice, the observatory has observed several dinosaurs approaching the city... All citizens are asked to go to the shelter immediately. Officials will urgently activate the defense system and dispatch armed forces. Please rest assured."

"Dinosaur invasion?" Joseph looked at it and immediately realized what Luo Huai meant.

It looks like the commission has to be extended again.

"How is it? Are you ready for more rewards?" Luo Huai asked with a vague smile.

"With the defense system and armed forces here, it should be solved soon, right?" Joseph tried to struggle.

But Luo Huai shook his head and said, "That may have been the case in the past, but it's not necessarily the case this time."


"Because the news can't be turned back so quickly."

By the way, after the people once again feel the threat of dinosaurs, they will appear as a savior to save everyone.

In this way, we can emphatically reflect its role and win over the people's hearts that have been deflected by public opinion.

At the same time, this can also be a warning to let the people understand who will protect their lives in the face of disaster.

And sure enough, there were too many dinosaurs attacking the city this time. In addition to a few large ones, there were also many smaller ones. The defense system and armed forces intercepted several large dinosaurs, but some small dinosaurs never Fleeing into the city from other directions.

The dinosaurs of the new era are fast and smart. Even if they are small, they are larger than large dogs. They can easily deal with a fitness adult, let alone in groups, even if they are hiding. In the car, they will eat prey as easily as a person opening a can.

The streets suddenly fell into panic. Fortunately, there had been dinosaur attacks before, so people at least knew the location of the shelter.

But once people flee in a place with a large number of people, chaos is inevitable.

For a moment, in addition to people's screams, there were also many people's screams on the street. The dinosaurs hadn't seen it yet, but they were knocked to the ground first.

"This..." Joseph frowned and looked at the live broadcast on the TV. The ground camera was no longer available, but had been replaced by a high-altitude camera. The reporters on the ground had to flee.

And soon, figures were caught running quickly in the streets of the city. The crowd had fled in all directions, but there were still people who were left behind and were about to be overtaken.

Joseph found that this street looked familiar, so he turned around and ran to the window. Sure enough, it was the street downstairs in the hotel.

"There is a child!" His heart skipped a beat, and the knot in his heart stung his heart again.

"Can you save the child?" He suddenly grabbed his head and asked Luo Huai, but the sofa was already empty.

Where are people?

However, suddenly purple particles flashed before his eyes, and Luo Huai's figure instantly appeared in front of him from blur to reality.

"The child has been delivered to the entrance of the shelter, but his parents may not have found him yet." Luo Huai said calmly.

Then without waiting for Joseph to speak, he walked to Alang Yuling's door, knocked on the door and asked them to come out, and mainly said to Yuling: "Let's go, the opportunity to make money is here."

"Okay, master!" Yu Ling also saw the situation on the street from the window of the room, and pumped his fists with fighting spirit on his face.

"Are you going to hunt dinosaurs?" Joseph asked at this time.

"Otherwise?" Luo Huai turned around and asked, throwing a card to Joseph, which he took out of Alang's butt pocket.

"You may not necessarily see us after this time. Remember to put the reward in your card... By the way, saving the child just now is considered your entrustment. Remember to add money."

"Ah...ok." Joseph didn't expect that he would actually talk about adding more money at this time.

Then Luo Huai ignored him and turned around to hug A Lang and Yu Ling. A Lang was okay, but Yu Ling was stunned, but Luo Huai immediately explained.

"Get ready, I'm going to take you with me to teleport."

Before he finished speaking, this time Joseph saw clearly how they disappeared.

With a bang, it exploded into a ball of purple particles and dissipated in the air.

Alang and Yuling felt confused before they reached the alley at the back door of the hotel downstairs.

This is different from traveling through space. It is a teleportation that belongs exclusively to Luo Huai's final power. It puts a considerable load on other people's bodies, but Luo Huai holds them here and bears most of it. Secondly, Alang has a contract, The defense resistance of Yuling is high, so it basically has no effect.

The two girls quickly entered the state and immediately took their weapons. Luo Huai stood aside and said to Yu Ling: "Yu Ling, you take the lead."

"Okay." Yu Ling stepped forward and ran out with the two of them.

There are already dinosaurs on the streets, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Except for some densely populated places that have not been completely evacuated, such as shopping malls and markets.

The scary thing about small dinosaurs is not only their agility and agility, but also because they can do something that larger dinosaurs cannot - enter buildings.

The people who actually return to the shelter are mainly people who are close by. For most people, it is most convenient to stay at home if they are attacked by a dinosaur. After all, dinosaurs are still living creatures. Even if they are large and have rough skin and thick flesh, they are still vulnerable. It is impossible to ignore the strength of modern buildings like a monster. Reinforced concrete cannot be smashed to pieces with just one claw.

But if they are small dinosaurs, they can rush into the room. Although they cannot break through the walls, they can break open some doors that are not very strong.

The beast's sense of smell allows them to find which rooms contain edible food.

But when it comes to food, the first place to suffer is the wet market.

Large dinosaurs cannot enter the building, so they will choose some simple targets, such as the meat stall filled with fresh poultry meat.

And that kind of place is often one of the places where people often gather, not to mention that in the morning, many people need to buy ingredients for lunch.

"Boom!!!" There was a thick roar with a hint of hoarseness. The sound alone made the legs of those who were escaping weaken, and several people even stumbled.

It was a tyrannosaurus that was at least four to five meters tall. Its thick legs made a solid stomping sound when it turned around and stepped on the ground. It felt extremely oppressive when it moved around.

The crowd it chased was full of screams.

The police officers who came to help evacuate the crowd hid behind the police car and fired their pistols at the raging beast.

However, this small pistol cannot cause much damage to this giant beast unless it hits the eyes and other vital parts.

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