I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1383 The Bridge of the Future

It seemed to be the cry of a child, and only the voice of a child.

Are there only children at home? Yu Ling couldn't help but quicken his pace and rushed up to the ninth floor in one breath.

The internal structure of these floors is very large. When entering each floor, there is a long corridor, which is quite spacious, but this also gives small dinosaurs space to move, so that several of them can work together to break the door panels.

As soon as he rushed around the corner of the stairs, Yu Ling saw three dinosaurs scratching at the door.

She didn't recognize the names of these dinosaurs, but they were somewhat similar to the velociraptors she met on Dinosaur Island, except that the forelimbs were thicker and the tail was thicker and longer to balance the increased weight of the forelimbs.

The use of their claws actually feels a bit like human hands. When destroying the door, the claw tips are looking for gaps as a point of force.

This dinosaur probably has a high IQ.

The three dinosaurs noticed someone rushing out of the stairs. They had actually noticed the movement a long time ago, but they didn't expect the other person to approach so quickly.

What's more, I didn't expect that the other party was not the same kind, but those "monkeys" who would only panic and run away when they saw them.

Since there is food in front of them, they don't need to work hard to "open cans".

Baring their ferocious fangs, the three dinosaurs rushed over.

They recognize guns. The only way to fight dinosaurs in this world is guns, so the dinosaurs also feel that the only way to deal with them is guns. This makes them regard the empty-handed Yuling as prey that is unable to resist, so they are completely defenseless.

The power brought by mutation makes them very confident.

"Just in time..." Yu Ling saw the monster approaching menacingly, and squatted down, ready to attack.

When the dinosaur rushed forward, she attacked first. The little dinosaur was about 1.3 meters tall. Although its forelimbs were strong, they were not too long. The head was still in front of the forelimbs, which was incomparable to the length of human limbs.

However, they still rely on biting to cause initial damage, and the front claws only allow them to restrain the prey more effectively in the future.

But the huge power gap appeared at the moment of the confrontation.

Yu Ling charged up a straight punch and blasted it directly into the mouth of the dinosaur in front. The energy and punch force rushed in instantly, and a cloud of blood mist burst out from the dinosaur's mouth.

The energy attached to the fist prevented the dinosaur's sharp teeth from scratching the skin of the hand. Yu Ling turned around and punched, using the rotation of his center of gravity, he turned around and kicked out with lightning speed, hitting the other two dinosaurs horizontally.

Her legs can kick an adult of normal weight several meters away, not to mention these small dinosaurs, which are only a few meters tall.

boom! boom! boom!

Three collisions with the wall were mixed with the dinosaurs' screams, and they were stuck to the wall one by one.

"Done~!" Yu Ling wiped her nose proudly.

At this time, Alang and Luo Huai also caught up, followed by Xiaobai. There was a little blood in Xiaobai's mouth. It looked like he had gone to other floors to eat some fast food.

"Good job." Luo Huai praised, stepped forward to collect the dinosaur's body, and then said, "Let's go on..."

In the hotel, Joseph considered his family and did not let them go out. He also stayed in the suite.

But taking this opportunity, he could take Anna to see the reality, so he asked Anna to come to the window. From here, she could see

He didn't say anything at the beginning, he just let the girl watch and figure it out for herself. Dinosaurs are actually just like people, not just a race. Maybe the dinosaurs who saved her had good intentions towards her, but they also had their own intentions. Those with malicious intentions are just like people, they have good and bad qualities, even if they are of the same kind, they cannot all be considered friendly.

Even if Anna has dinosaur genes, some dinosaurs may be less hostile to her, but that's not all.

After all, she has to understand that behaviors like those of dragon hunters are actually part of the natural ecology. However, the natural environment in the past could not bear the large-scale hunting of humans, but it is different now. Human beings have returned to the need to be in the ecological environment. The situation of systematic efforts.

In fact, Joseph understood that Anna was very sensible, and she knew many things in her heart, but her age and experience made her a little rebellious. Only after seeing it with her own eyes like now, she might be able to understand.

It is normal to feel empathy when you see life being killed. It feels cruel to see dinosaurs being hunted, but you also feel cruel when you see humans being hunted by dinosaurs...

This kind of picture was presented to Anna most intuitively, and it was more useful than any verbal education.

"Joseph, I want to save people and stop those dinosaurs..." Anna stared at it for a long time, seeming to have made some decision, and suddenly said.

But Joseph grabbed her and said, "Marlene won't agree, and neither will I."

"But Joseph... who should I be? A dinosaur? Or a human? Or nothing at all? How on earth should I face those people who have been hurt by dinosaurs?" The little girl seemed to be holding back tears, UU reading www.uukanshu. You can tell from her choked voice, and there is a lot of confusion in her sadness.

"No, you are just yourself." Joseph's eyes became very gentle when he heard these words, "You know, Anna, you don't have to feel inferior or blame yourself, because you will be the hope of our future, all of us. Hope for the future.”

"Really?" Although Anna didn't understand, she felt a little comforted.

"But why?" She still didn't understand, so she asked again.

"You will understand later..." Joseph touched her head but didn't say much.

But what he said was not nonsense. Professor Ston told him that if some dinosaurs are really going to form a symbiotic cooperative relationship with humans in the future, then there must be examples to let everyone see the possibility.

Anna's affinity with dinosaurs is very beneficial, which makes her almost the most likely candidate to tame them. When Joseph was chatting with Professor Ston, Ston repeatedly emphasized this point.

They will not promote dinosaurs as partners who will never betray, because for many people who have been harmed by dinosaurs, this kind of rhetoric will only arouse their resentment.

But after seeing the friendly behavior of some individuals, I at least hope that the situation can improve, and then with the replacement of generations, finally move towards a new era.

"Don't worry, someone will come to save her." Seeing that Anna was still a little uneasy, Joseph comforted her.

"Yeah." Anna nodded.

Although she didn't see Luo Huai and the others leaving, she guessed that the three magic brothers and sisters had gone to save people.

Sigh... If only I had the ability.

She was a little proud of protecting Marlene before, but now she felt powerless and helpless.

. :

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