Yun Lin and Zhang Ziwen accompanied Luo Huai to look at the shops for a while, and finally Luo Huai chose a shop at the intersection of the commercial street.

The shop at this location must be very popular, but since no one has come yet, there must be no one grabbing it, and in order to encourage students to try it, the college will definitely not stop it.

Rather, it is quite enthusiastic. In order to manage the business area, the college has set up a business area management department, which is joined by relevant official personnel and cooperates with some teachers of the college to conduct overall management of the college's business area. If students want To open a store here, you also need to apply here.

The office building of the Business District Management Department is located on the edge of the business district, near the edge of the Seminary. There are many other buildings here, but I don't know what their functions are.

Luo Huai walked into the door alone, Yunlin and the others left midway, and they had a lot to prepare for.

After passing the gate and entering the hall, it seemed a bit familiar at first glance, as if it were some official department.

Many registered devices are also official smart devices.

After all, this business district is also a city's business district. It seems better to have official support, which will also make it easier to punish some chaos.

Under the guidance of the teacher in the hall, Luo Huai walked into the corridor on the left. Luo Huai also saw the room of the management department.

Li Ming and the others couldn't be here... Thinking of this, Luo Huai went to knock on the door, but the person who opened the door was indeed a stranger.

"Ah, I'm sorry to bother you." After apologizing, Luo Huai quickly slipped away.

It seems that this is just the security department that manages the business district. Li Ming's one should be one level above.

He is going to the visa department. After registration, he goes to the assessment department. Opening a store also requires assessment. Only when business ability reaches a certain level can he be qualified to open a store. This is required for students from vocational colleges and general majors.

These assessments are specially provided by the official side and are more rigorous and accurate. Therefore, being able to open a store or form a team for activities is also a way for students to prove their strength. It is very useful for the practical evaluation of graduation. Even if you open a store, If it is running smoothly, on the other hand, the credit evaluation can be less.

Based on the Luohuai student Kali's major and job description, the reviewers took him to the teaching building of the corresponding major and conducted the assessment in the practical training classroom. He made food and other things. The food was also brought with him for the assessment, and the equipment in the classroom was very complete. .

Chef cooking is still quite popular among ordinary majors. After all, good cooking skills can be used anywhere.

There are also many types of practical training classrooms, after all, there are many categories of cooking.

"You filled in the form that you want to sell various types of cooking lunch boxes in your store, so there may be a lot of things to be assessed. Are you sure there are no problems?" The assessor looked at the form in his hand and asked road.

"No problem at all." Luo Huai gestured and walked into the classroom door.

But as soon as I entered the door, I saw that there were many students inside, including teachers.

"We're still in class, are you okay?" Luo Huai turned around and asked.

"It's okay, there are still plenty of vacancies." The reviewer said, signaling to the teacher, and then the two of them walked to the back regardless of the students' curious looks.

The cooking classroom is well-equipped with rows of cooking stations. Students work in groups of three to four and take turns doing various things to master their skills.

"Then let's start now." The examiner nodded slightly as he watched Luo Huai skillfully arrange the kitchen utensils and ingredients.

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