I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1412: Broken down, no money to rent a car

There are many products that cannot be produced by students alone, and will be sold in supermarkets set up by the college. There are many types, and there are many different partitions. The space on one floor of the "short and fat" commercial building is quite large.

This is not something that just a few students can manage. It is also a position that tests your ability. Applicants are restricted to students majoring in management and operations. They not only have to manage the daily supermarket operations, but once they take over, they will also be responsible for purchasing goods. All arrangements have to be made by hand, which is basically the same as outside.

In addition, there are many positions for various majors, and the college will also pay for hiring them.

It can be said that it is the official "iron rice bowl" in the business district. Of course, the premise is that you are strong enough. The college will not allow you to occupy the toilet and do nothing. This is a rare "fairness" in the outside world.

However, the supermarket is still managed by the college. After all, daily necessities are what everyone needs now, and the only flow of people in the commercial street currently depends on this.

Along the commercial street, Luo Huai looked up at the sky sandwiched by two buildings. The place would become lively in the future, and it would be nice to see the dim lights.

Along the way, he came to a gate, which was a school gate on the edge of the college campus.

But when you go out from here, you will not walk onto the road, but directly onto the gravel road into the wild area. The fence separates the campus from the wilderness, and the tall energy hub pillars form a protection to ensure safety.

The new campus has seriously reflected on the lessons learned from the old campus, so even if exercise is encouraged, safety issues cannot be relaxed.

The school gate is not a traditional iron gate. It is divided into two sides by a pillar in the middle. Judging from the signs, one enters and one exits, keep to the right.

There are security rooms on both sides of the gate, and people are stationed here at all times.

The college will provide car rental services, and of course the price must have been adjusted and lowered. This gate is the entrance for students to "get rich" in their college career. The trophies shipped from here will be transported directly to the business district through the straight road. , presenting the supply and demand relationship in front of everyone in the simplest way.

Luo Huai found a chair and sat down, blowing the morning breeze, and waited for someone.

Yunlin, Ziwen and the others called him yesterday to make an appointment for the weekend. The three of them were going to hunt and gather in the wilderness together today.

It's still early now. The early cooking class is to catch up with breakfast time, so it's quite early. Even if it ends now, it's still around seven o'clock, which is exactly how the morning has just begun. And for weekends, bed and bed For the students who are sealed under the quilt, now is even more sweet sleep time.

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm, there is a reason for coming so early - although there are many freshmen students who have not yet adjusted their positioning to college, but the sophomores who spent a week finishing their busy schedules for the new semester It's different with juniors.

Another change in the new campus is that various clubs in the old campus have also undergone social simulation transformation. For example, some large clubs that used to go on adventures in the fantasy world can be recognized directly after passing the certification assessment of the college. It is an adventure organization, similar in nature, except that they can now carry out activities directly through the arrangement of the academy.

These adventure teams have much more foundation than those of individual colleges. I believe that this weekend, many clubs will rush to complete the transformation and quickly start to get on the right track.

You must know that in the past, it was just to get practical points, but now not only can you get practical points, but you can also get benefits. The motivation of each adventure team must be high.

And sure enough, not long after Luo Huai sat down, he saw a car driving along a road beside the campus wall.

The car's logo is the college's logo, indicating that this is a car rented from the college.

The car is an ordinary jeep, but the back compartment is larger and can hold more things.

Through the car window, you can see that there are some personal effects inside. You can tell that they are not new students. It looks like a big club has been transformed. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to rent a car like that.

Vehicles are very important. They can play an important role in pursuit, escape, or transporting harvests. Without vehicles, even if you have harvests, you can’t get them back. Ordinary people’s backpacks can’t hold too many things. The equipment is almost packed.

Although Luo Huai doesn't have to worry about this, he still needs to pay attention to this issue based on his current personality.

"Oh, it's finally here."

Just after the car entered the wild area, Luo Huai finally saw Yun Lin and Zhang Ziwen coming this way at the other end of the commercial street.

But it seemed like the two of them weren't as excited as they were on the phone yesterday.

Luo Huai waited for them to come forward and then asked: "What's wrong? Why do you seem to have no energy? Did you get up too early?"

"No." Yun Lin shook his head. He pointed to the entrance to the wild area and said, "A car just entered the wild area. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net You should have seen it when you were sitting here, right? ?”

"Well, I saw it. They should be seniors in their sophomore and junior years. Is it normal for some people to save more money to rent a car?"

"That's the problem...we don't have money to rent a car." Zhang Ziwen's face fell. Even if his family had money to rent a car, they didn't have enough money now.

Without a car, you can't go too deep into the wild area. The edge of the wild area is close to the city, the energy is thin, and there are not many good things. If you want to get good harvest, you must go deep. Although the wild area is a mezzanine between urban agglomerations, the city A cluster does not mean that cities are all next to each other. In terms of area, the wilderness area is larger than the largest city in the urban agglomeration. This is still a relatively narrow place horizontally, that is, the straight-line distance between the cities on both sides of the wilderness area.

Not to mention vertically, in terms of the mobility that students can have, there is actually not much difference between this wild area and the huge wilderness outside the urban agglomeration. Getting lost in it is also dangerous, just like the wilderness.

"But school has just started, so you should still have some extra money, right?" Luo Huai asked.

"Yes, yes, but that is based on living expenses, the price of renting a car... When I just came here, I checked the price on the college's official website. Even if we add it all up, I'm afraid we can only buy a small car with a very large carrying capacity. It is limited, has poor off-road capabilities, is small and can easily be overturned by monsters." No wonder Yun Lin had a bitter look on his face.

In comparison, driving is a trivial matter, because when going to wild areas, the college will send people to supervise. They will basically not interfere with the students' actions, but they can help with driving.

"Moreover, even if we rent a car, if we don't get a good harvest to make up the cost this time, then we may even have to worry about this month's living expenses." Zhang Ziwen said.

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