I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1419 There is a basis for increasing strength to reduce sanity.

By the way, the three people from Luohuai were happily picking the fruits of the woods, dreaming about the big harvest after returning today... But suddenly, a huge figure suddenly rushed out from the woods on the edge.

The three people and one deer looked at each other.

Damn it, there is an ambush here!

The four-horned deer probably thought so, and he quickly wanted to change direction, but just as he was about to start running, he slowly stopped again.

The reason is that it found that the injuries on its body seemed to be almost healed. It originally took the risk of being scratched by thorns just to escape, but now the damage caused by thorns to it seems to be healed.

This powerful resilience... even the four-horned deer himself was stunned in place. After turning into a monster, the four-horned deer seemed to have learned to think. Gradually, the thing in the body that was driven by its instinct seemed to be gradually falling into its grasp. Take control.

It’s the control of energy!

Yun Lin and Zhang Ziwen both held their weapons in fear, and Luo Huai also pretended to be cautious.

This is a big guy with a height of three meters, which is still very oppressive for two freshmen.

They saw the four-horned deer slowly turning around, but its eyes were not looking at them, but at the carriage next to them, which was piled with clusters of green fruits they had just picked.

Its footsteps moved.

What does it want to do! ... Yun Lin and Zhang Ziwen were worried. Even if the monster's target was not them, if all the fruits in that cart were ruined, then their work would have been in vain!

That is also a very bad thing.

The problem is that there are only so many of them. Facing such a big monster, unless the guardian teacher takes action, it will have a great impact on the subsequent practical evaluation.

And while they were hesitating, they realized that they had mastered a kind of inner power. The four-horned deer, who was immersed in the confidence brought by throwing tiles, walked slowly to the carriage.

There are piles of fruits on a wooden board, and they are all of good quality. It doesn’t have to work hard to pick them from the trees. It is really... grateful for the gift of nature.

The four-horned deer opened its mouth and lowered its head to feast... It's not that it didn't want to deal with the "threat" on the side first, it was mainly because it felt a very strong hunger in its belly, so much so that when it saw a lot of food , its appetite even makes it willing to ignore possible threats and eat first.

It seems that body recovery also comes at a cost. At least after becoming a Warcraft, the demand for food and energy will increase.

But how could Yun Lin and Zhang Ziwen watch their gains fall into the monster's mouth? Although I also received prostitution for free from the "gifts of nature", it must have been uncomfortable when I was prostituted for free.

Relying on the standard protective armor on his body, Yunlin shouted loudly, the wind was blowing under his feet, he drew his weapon, stepped on the seat of the carriage and struck the four-horned deer in front of its head.

The blade was aimed at the four-horned deer's eyes, but he was still too inexperienced and impulsive.

The four-horned deer is least afraid of frontal attacks. Yunlin's attack is obviously to prevent it from eating the fruit, but it has its head lowered. The antlers on its head are the easiest to protect from frontal attacks.

It lowered its head, took two steps back with its hooves, and then suddenly lunged forward a short distance. It raised its horns, and Yun Lin, who barely managed to block, was thrown away and hung on a tree. Afterwards, it was filled with energy. Antlers easily moved the reins between the carriage and the white horse.

Without the traction support of the white horse, the carriage suddenly tilted. Fortunately, there were baffles on all sides of the floor, so the fruits did not fall all over the floor. However, such violent shaking would definitely squeeze some of the fruits underneath.

The four-horned deer lowered its head, preparing to continue eating, but it unconsciously used up energy, and the hunger in its belly became even stronger.

But at this time, another arrow flew over and hit it, with the arrows piercing it.

It was Zhang Ziwen. He and Yun Lin had the same angry look on their faces. It was obvious that it was the first time for them to feel that their gains were being robbed.

But this is normal in the wild, and their current actions are undoubtedly impulsive.

This arrow was equipped with enhanced shooting, so it penetrated the four-horned deer's fur, but it was only able to pass through it. This kind of skin trauma was not a problem at all for the four-horned deer's current recovery ability.

However, the four-horned deer that has just mastered energy obviously does not know how to use its own energy sparingly. When it is injured, its body will instinctively use energy to activate the body's recovery power, but this does make it even hungrier - you know that it is originally It was hungry and was eating, but was interrupted.

Now, even if it becomes more manic due to the pain, it still has to lower its head and take a few bites.

But it’s not over yet, Luo Huai is still there.

Luo Huai, who was still a little far away from the carriage, suddenly accelerated and sprinted. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net jumped onto the back of the white horse that had escaped from the carriage, and then took out a bundle of ropes (wheat nuggets) from his pocket. , very skillfully threw it at the four-horned deer's head, and then put it on the pair of large outer horns.

Then the white horse neighed and rushed forward. Luo Huai tightened the rope in his hand, and the rope loop holding the antlers tightened instantly.

The white horse rushed out with great force. After all, it was strong enough to pull a carriage. The rope was elastic and was stretched by more than half in one go. Luo Huai did not want to pull the four-horned deer away directly. He could turn around like that. I can't explain my strength.

He wanted to use the elasticity of the rope to stretch it to a thick pole of a big tree and tie it.

Luo Huai moved very quickly. With the help of the elasticity of the rope, he successfully pulled the end of the rope to a tree. With a dazzling flick of his hands, the end of the rope was tied. To others, he just pulled the rope in one breath. , and then tied it firmly, quite skillfully.

The elasticity of the tether is continuous, and the four-horned deer felt that it could pull it at first, but the elasticity that exerts force all the time soon exceeded the endurance of the creature.

The four-horned deer's neck muscles began to feel sore and it wanted to fight for it, but the structure of the horns obviously did not allow a tightened rope loop to come out.

Moreover, the outer pair of corners are less likely to be attached by energy than the inner attack angle. The rope is very tough and cannot be cut open.

The tether is very tough, and even if it is pulled hard, most of the impact force will be absorbed by the elasticity, which is very laborious.

Although it's fine to go along with it, the Four-horned Deer is really in urgent need of replenishing energy. This is a stage when ordinary monsters transform into Warcraft. At this time, they cannot control their consumption well, and sometimes they even lose their minds because of it.

The more I want to eat, the more I consume, and then the more I want to eat... It’s a vicious cycle.

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